
Wang Xifeng said frankly in his heart, Rong Guofu was too poor to open the pot, and although there were methods, he was most afraid of an accident

author:Junjian Yakan Red Mansion

Fun Kan Red House 282: Sunset on the West Mountain, the decline of Rong Guofu is difficult to cover up, worried, Wang Xifeng explained the difficulties in detail

Wang Xifeng sent Ping'er to pass on the news, telling Jia Tanchun that it was okay if he gave more of the pension after the death of Zhao Guoji, zhao Guoji's brother. As a result, Ping'er went for most of the day before returning. Wang Xifeng asked the reason, and Ping'er 1510 informed Tanchun of what he had done, and asked Feng Jie to take the case and praise: A good three girl!

Wang Xifeng said frankly in his heart, Rong Guofu was too poor to open the pot, and although there were methods, he was most afraid of an accident

Wang Xifeng knew the goods, and of course knew the courage and magic of Jia Tanchun to deter slaves and cut at Jia Fu's ills. Some of them were things she had wanted to do long ago, but she had given up because she didn't want to make a fuss. Jia Tanchun made it for her, and he also took a breath.

Then he sighed that Tan Chunshu's identity had become a drag, so that she could not really perform. Ping'er did not think much of this, thinking that Tanchun was deeply appreciated by Madame Wang, and no one dared to underestimate it.

As everyone knows, Wang Xifeng has a profound understanding of Concubine. Daughters are mostly looked down upon by their in-laws and are born shorter than people.

Jia Tanchun's appearance will eventually affect her marriage, and even Li Lin Daiyu, causing the two daughters to marry in a foreign country, lin Daiyu will eventually die in a foreign country, not to mention.

Sister Feng smiled at Ping'er again, "You know, how many frugal ways I have had in the past few years, and the family probably doesn't hate me behind my back." I'm riding a tiger now, too. Although it is more difficult to see through, it is difficult to relax for a while; second, the family goes out more and comes in less. All the big things are still in accordance with the rules of the old ancestors, but the industry that enters in a year is not as good as the first. More frugality, outsiders laugh, old ladies and wives are also wronged, and people in the family complain about meanness; if you don't take care of frugality early, you will lose everything in a few years. ”

Wang Xifeng applauded Jia Tanchun's housekeeper and thought that he was a member of my generation. Readers are also impressed by the mind and pattern of Tanchun. However, it is inevitable to question Sister Feng's ability. The better Jia Tanchun did, the worse Wang Xifeng did.

Therefore, Wang Xifeng's remarks prove that she did not do it but had to do it.

Wang Xifeng said frankly in his heart, Rong Guofu was too poor to open the pot, and although there were methods, he was most afraid of an accident

She had a sentence to the point. The rules and pomp that the Jia family now implements are the specifications and grades of the Ning Rong Ergong era. But the Jia family at this time was no longer comparable to the era of Ning Rong's Second Duke.

First, the knighthood is lowered, and the knighthood is also lowered. The annual inflow is much less, which is not enough to support the "luxury and wealth" of the year.

Second, there is no real power, and income has plummeted. After all, the property is only maintained, and it is really necessary to be rich and noble, and it is also necessary to have real power to be able to make a wide source of wealth.

The third generation of the Jia family was marginalized from power. Even if the family heritage is still there, the influence is still there. Without real power, there is no benefit. Relying on the lord's property can only sit and eat the mountain and the sky. This is the reality.

After Wang Xifeng managed the house, he realized the problem and tried to save money in some unnecessary places. For example, when Madame Wang asked her if the monthly money of the maid in her aunt's room had been reduced from one thousand to five hundred, it was an example.

However, Wang Xifeng was too oppressive of slaves and powerless to resist, and when he encountered something that really needed to be controlled, he was passive and inactive. For example, Jia Huan and Jia Lan's money to go to school, she did not want to offend people, did not pay attention to it.

Sister Feng's selfishness is too heavy, afraid that Jia Mu and Lady Wang will be wronged and resent her, and it will not touch the deep-seated problems of the Jia family. Instead, she just did something that would work for her.

But the problems of the Jia family have long been not solved by frugality. More bold open source throttling is needed. In this regard, Wang Xifeng's strength is not caught, which is related to thinking and pattern.

Wang Xifeng said frankly in his heart, Rong Guofu was too poor to open the pot, and although there were methods, he was most afraid of an accident

Wang Xifeng was seconded to the rongguo mansion housekeeper, not to "work" for himself, and no matter how much he did, he also made wedding clothes for others. If she is not highly motivated, she will have to get by.

Jia Tanchun's housekeeper is also temporary, but she does not have Wang Xifeng's interests and losses, and it is rare to have a platform to dare to challenge the old forces and realize herself.

Jia Tanchun's thoughts, patterns and hearts made her aspire to a career. This is the biggest difference between her and Wang Xifeng.

Wang Xifeng believed that the crisis in Rong Guofu was imminent. If you can't plan as early as possible, you will really lose money in a few years. This echoes the words of Wen Jia Zhen to Wu Jinxiao before, indicating the difficulty of the current situation of the Jia family.

Ping'er also has daily calculations, taking advantage of the situation to mention several visible major events facing the Jia family in the future, including the marriage of several girls and young masters, as well as the future affairs of Jia Mu, which are the most expensive places.

Sister Feng smiled and said, "I am also worried about this, but it is enough: Baoyu and Sister Lin, who marry one by one, can make it impossible for the official to get the money, and the old lady has her own ladder to take it out." The second girl is from the big old man's side, and it doesn't count. There were three or four left, and they were all broken and cost each ten thousand silver. Brother Huan's marriage is limited, spending three thousand taels of silver, regardless of whether it is enough to save a sip there. When the old lady came out, everything should be complete, but there were scattered miscellaneous items, and the fee was also full of three or five thousand taels. Now it is more frugal and thrifty, and it will be enough to continue to be thrifty. I'm just afraid that now the void will give birth to one or two things, but it will be amazing.

Ping'er's vision was small in the end, and the few difficult things she thought were difficult things that Wang Xifeng had already calculated. Note that a few of the things mentioned here are important for understanding the Rongguo Mansion at that time.

Wang Xifeng said frankly in his heart, Rong Guofu was too poor to open the pot, and although there were methods, he was most afraid of an accident

First, Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu 'one marriage and one marriage' did not have to be paid by the officials, but Jia Mu reimbursed.

There are two interpretations of "one marriage and one marriage". One is that Jia Baoyu marries a daughter-in-law, and Lin Daiyu marries someone, and Jia Mu bears the expenses.

One is that Lin Daiyu marries Jia Baoyu, and Jia's mother covers the cost all-inclusive. No need to spend money on officials.

So, what does Wang Xifeng really mean? Personal speculation is the second.

First of all, Wang Xifeng supports Bao Dai's marriage, and Jia Baoyu's marriage to Lin Daiyu is more in line with her personal interests.

Lin Daiyu was not in good health and could not bear the heavy responsibility of a housekeeper, and wang Xifeng was bound to continue to assist.

In terms of personal feelings, Wang Xifeng and Lin Daiyu are also closer.

Secondly, Jia Mu did not look at it and did not speak, first of all, Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu were not young enough. Second, Jia Zheng is not at home, and it is not easy to make decisions.

When Jia Zhengyi returned, Jia Mu really wanted to be the master, whether Madam Wang was willing or not, she had the right to decide what she said. This is the consensus within the Jia family. Wang Xifeng knew better.

And Jia Mu's attitude, the Lantern Festival "breaking the lie" can not be clearer.

Second, note that "guanzhong" refers to the public finances of the Rongguo Government. The income of Rong Guofu every year must be charged to the accounting room, and then distributed to the individual according to the proportion of each house. When Wang Xifeng first settled the account for Li Feng, he had already made it clear.

However, there is actually a problem here, that is, although Jia Yu was separated, he lost the right to manage the property. But their long house includes Jia Lian Wang Xifeng, and it is difficult to say whether it is a separate finance.

It is said that the annual income in the Rongguo Mansion should be a dividend from Jia Yu's long house. Jia Lian's marriage to his wife and yingchun marriage should be the unified financial expenditure of rongguo province.

Wang Xifeng's words, if you say that Jia Xichun is a person from the Ningguo Mansion, it is more reasonable not to need the Rongguo Mansion to manage it. Wang Xifeng had no reason not to mention Xi Chun but said Ying Chun.

Wang Xifeng said frankly in his heart, Rong Guofu was too poor to open the pot, and although there were methods, he was most afraid of an accident

Of course, Jia Yuxuan lost his knighthood property and was inherited by Jia Zheng's second house, and the house they lived in was also transformed by the old garden of Rong Guofu, with a single family, and the daily expenditure did not cost the money of the officials of rongguofu, and the property of Rongguofu had nothing to do with him, and it was also possible to be completely independent of finance.

Regarding the co-governance of the two rooms of rongguo mansion, Cao Xueqin wrote very vaguely. Modern people are inevitably confused, and there are doubts here.

Third, the Jia family girl got married, and the cost was only 10,000 taels of silver, which was obviously the minimum standard.

It is said that in the era of Ning Rong's second duke, this number was unimaginably low. It is also inconsistent with the Jia family's doorway.

Nowadays, the daughter's marriage contains a dowry of 10,000 taels of silver, which is really not rich. It is no wonder that Wang Xifeng said to Jia Lian: "A sweep of the seam of our royal family is enough for you to live a lifetime."

Fourth, Jia Huan's budget for marrying relatives is three thousand two silver, which proves two points.

First, it cost money to marry a daughter in that era, and it was necessary to marry more. Marrying a wife will save you a little.

Second, although the inheritance rights of Jia Huanshu are the same as those of concubines according to the law, in the end there is still a difference in the treatment of concubines.

Wang Xifeng said frankly in his heart, Rong Guofu was too poor to open the pot, and although there were methods, he was most afraid of an accident

Jia Huan married a wife, the woman's family lineage will not be particularly high, it is said that finding a Xue family Baochao, Baoqin sisters such a birth is enough, there is no need to spend too much money.

Fifth, Jia Mu's posthumous affairs are the most economical. According to ancient rules, the old man began to prepare for the aftermath when he was alive. Jia Mu had already prepared everything, but it was the daily cost of the funeral at that time, and it did not cost much.

Wang Xifeng was worried that there would be no more unexpected events like YuanChun Province's relatives. If you really want to save your relatives again, you are really poor.

Wang Xifeng spoke of her housekeeper's difficulties and the current predicament of Rong Guofu. She recognized Jia Tanchun's housekeeper style from her heart, and also wanted to see how far Tanchun could do it, and looked forward to Tanchun clearing some obstacles for her in the future.

So, what is the evaluation of Jia Tanchun and others in Wang Xifeng's eyes after all? To find out what happens next, look at the next breakdown!

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