
For a long time, I always doubted whether my choice was correct. While trying, he doubted. It's like the tide rushing to the beach again and again, and returning to the ocean again and again, and the energy is in this rush

author:The dandelion of the temple

For a long time, I always doubted whether my choice was correct. While trying, he doubted. It's like a wave rushing to the beach again and again, and returning to the ocean again and again, and the energy is exhausted in this swing of the rush. Gradually I lost confidence and doubted whether my choice was correct.

Because I don't know if my choice is correct, I can't calm down, be down-to-earth, and go all out. In such a mentality, effort has also become a reserved attempt, and when difficulties are encountered, there is no persistent persistence. Constantly digging wells, digging one mouth in the east and digging one in the west, there is always no water. And those who succeed are always moving deeper and more deeper to find water. And how do I know this is a well that can pump water?

Until one day, I saw a sentence from Haruki Murakami, which for a while dispelled the doubts that had plagued me for a long time. He said that there is no right choice in this world, we just have to work hard to make the original choice right.

It turns out that the point of our effort is to make the choice right. Don't doubt your choice and do it as the most correct thing to do. Believing that your choice is the right one, and devoting yourself to achieving it is the right path.

Perhaps choosing which well is not crucial, what is important is the depth of the excavation. Maybe choosing what is not the most important thing, not being right or wrong, the most important thing is to believe that your choice is correct, and believing that the efforts that make your choice right are the meaning.

Go ahead without hesitation!

For a long time, I always doubted whether my choice was correct. While trying, he doubted. It's like the tide rushing to the beach again and again, and returning to the ocean again and again, and the energy is in this rush

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