
China Tide! Year universe! "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" is out of the circle again

With 19 programs and 5 chapters, "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" takes the concept of "Nian Universe" and "Home" as the core theme, and presents the special emotions and feelings of "Home" in the whole evening.

China Tide! Year universe! "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" is out of the circle again

Chinese tide, year universe! "Henan Spring Festival Gala" is out of the circle again!

"2022 "Tiger Tiger Wind Chinese Tide" Henan Spring Festival Gala ( hereinafter referred to as "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala") bloomed like a peony in the Spring Festival Gala of each David TV, and the traditional culture and folk customs of the word-of-mouth Spring Festival Gala came out of Henan!

"2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" continues to hold high the banner of traditional cultural inheritance and innovation, the theme of the evening is still committed to highlighting traditional "Chinese culture", in-depth excavation at the level of trend culture and traditional culture integration, with a free lyrical, confident bloom of the program has triggered the emotional resonance of audiences of all ages.

The evening party presented a visual feast for Chinese people around the world to carry forward the Chinese spirit, unite Chinese strength, warm Chinese heart, full of Chinese taste, and the stirring integration of science and technology and traditional festival culture.

The "Year Universe" opened, and the home and country were connected to warm the heart for the New Year

The beautiful appearance of the fusion of ancient and modern, the passionate collision of traditional culture and popular fashion. The "Year Universe" opens, and the heart is warmed in parallel time and space.

"Where love is, the hometown is there; where the heart is, where the home is." In the Spring Festival, the most important traditional festival in Chinese culture, "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" in the name of "home", through AI, real-life interaction and other technologies, opens up the warm "New Year universe" space, accompanies the audience to look back and outlook, and precipitates the deep feelings of home and country unity and unity of home and country.

Around warmth and warmth, with the truth to touch the common emotions. "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" will be based on cultural heritage, emotional integration and positive expression, coupled with the narrative logic of the "Nian Universe", using parallel time and space to show the Spring Festival atmosphere of people of various eras, awakening the audience's good memories of "Nian Culture", while also allowing the audience to regain the long-lost New Year's taste.

China Tide! Year universe! "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" is out of the circle again

Whether it is the lively fighting dance of the "immortals" in "National Color Tianxiang" and then playing music and dancing, or the "Yellow River Mud Baby" recreating the post-70s and post-80s childhood playing leather bands, catching sparrows, flipping ropes, riding horses and fighting games to remember killing; or the 119-year-old and 114-year-old grandparents in the transition VCR, the cartoon images of Tang Xiaomei, Roselle and other explosive cultural IP who came to the scene, or the life perception of "home and dreams are not necessarily separated" in Zheng Yunlong's song "The Direction of Home"...

"2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" uses a very warm and interesting way to pass through you in each "parallel universe" to create a "Nian Universe" full of touching and memories.

China Tide! Year universe! "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" is out of the circle again

From this point of view, the addition of "traffic" is another layer of expansion of the "year universe". Different from before, "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" invited Wang Yibo, Liu Haoran, Zhang Yixing, Zheng Yunlong and many other popular stars to join.

Chen Lei, the general director of the party, said: "These 'traffic' are unified by the program group in a theme and structure, they are incarnating traditional culture communicators in their own way, interpreting the definition of 'Nian Universe'. ”

Beyond the self, "new" and "tide" integrate innovative expression

Innovation is to break the old self, to reshape the new self, and to transcend is to carry out this cycle of breaking and standing over and over again in the way of fighting monsters and upgrading.

Transcendence has always been the hardest thing in the world, and in the arena of high standards, transcendence will become more difficult. Compared with these, the hard part is to surpass oneself.

"2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" can be said to be a transcendence of the self.

In 2021, starting from "Tang Palace Night Banquet", the Lantern Festival, Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival, Qixi Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Chongyang are connected, and the "Chinese Festivals" series that runs through the whole year allows the audience to immerse themselves in the heavy heritage of traditional culture, stunning and intoxicated. Can "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" continue the Chinese chapter? In the audience's expectation, Henan Satellite TV handed in its own answer sheet.

China Tide! Year universe! "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" is out of the circle again

Henan Spring Festival Gala AI mascot

Based on the ecology of young trends, the evening party injects new vitality into traditional culture, combines national tide, folk music, opera and modern trend elements, and conveys the essence of culture with the new trend expression of both traditional culture, local characteristics and modern science and technology, creating a strong sense of festival ceremony.

"2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" still continues the mode of no host, with cartoon images with great historical characteristics of Henan such as "Tang Xiaomei", "Roselle", "King Kong", "Bao Daren" and "Mulan", so that these AI mascots become the main line and cute pets that run through the entire party. This design not only breaks the boundaries of the traditional evening performance, but also further promotes the process of the party, allowing the audience to enter the "Nian Universe" world seen by the 5 protagonists with a natural, smooth and immersive viewing experience, which is full of fun and trendy.

China Tide! Year universe! "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" is out of the circle again

Stills from the Spring Festival Gala in Henan

"Dancing with gold and splendor, remembering the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty." The dance "National Color Tianxiang", which shows the prosperous scene, gathers 11 of China's top dancers, including Hu Yang, Luo Wenbo, Sun Ke, Su Peng, Lü Kedi, su Hailu and so on. Their moving posture combined with CG special effects made legends such as Bai Juyi, Di Renjie, Shangguan Wan'er, Zhang Xu, Yu Wenkai and other legends "live", and finally went to a grand "Peony Covenant" with the "Peony Fairy". This bold cross-border and unbridled imagination caused netizens to exclaim: "I feel that the celebrities of the whole Datang Have come to accompany me for the New Year, it is too tide!" ”

Along with the light show, the song and dance "Shenzhou Menshen" combines the action elements of classical dance and martial arts in traditional Chinese culture with the popular street dance loved by young people at present, and uses the trendy National Style Dance as the carrier to reflect the traditional beauty, sense of strength and trend of the program.

"Who says women are inferior to men?" Combining dance, martial arts and film and television narrative techniques, "The Order of the Towel" shows the feelings of home and country in a rigid and gentle way, pays tribute to the independence and self-improvement of women in different eras and the feelings of home and country, and shows the new image of women standing at the head of the tide.

Cultural background, diversified collision, traditional culture plays the strongest sound of the national tide

"Culture rejuvenates the country and prospers, and culture strengthens the nation." Culture is the soul of a country and a nation, and cultural self-confidence is a more basic, deeper and more lasting force in the development of a country and a nation.

"Reaching out and touching is the Spring and Autumn Culture, and stepping on both feet is the Qin brick Han tile." As an important birthplace of the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization, Henan has bred a broad and profound Yellow River culture.

Committed to the innovative expression of traditional culture, has always been the constant mission and responsibility of Henan Satellite TV. The party was full of the brilliant splendor of traditional Chinese culture——

"The cold resigns from the winter snow, and the warmth brings into the spring wind." For thousands of years, in the concept of Chinese, the Spring Festival is the coordinates and emotional sustenance of the years, and it is also the symbol of vientiane renewal, the hub of retiring the old and welcoming the new. In the program "Spring Festival is Coming", Tang Xiaomei activated the Spring Festival decoration atmosphere group such as Chinese knots, Spring Festival, paper-cutting, lanterns and other Spring Festival decoration groups with the magical ring of time and space, and the memory of the Spring Festival was awakened.

China Tide! Year universe! "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" is out of the circle again

Stills from the dance program "Good Year"

The oracle bones found in the Yin Ruins of Anyang, Henan Province, are the earliest mature writing systems ever found in China. The dance program "Good Year" dismantles the word "Nian" in the oracle bone, and through the interpretation of the dancers, uses the wish of blessing to show the harmonious coexistence of human beings and nature one by one. When the wheat gradually forms a golden wheat wave wheat bran, people greet the harvest, and it also indicates the growth of tenacious vitality.

China Tide! Year universe! "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" is out of the circle again

Stills of the children's dance "Yellow River Mud Baby"

The children's dance "Yellow River Mud Baby" is based on the national intangible clay sculpture technique and tells the inheritance of the roots of the Yellow River culture. Cute children imitate clay dolls, reminding everyone of the innocent childhood "old times". Playing games in the wheat field, catching birds in the courtyard of the tile house, watching movies at the mouth of the hutong, eagles catching chickens, losing square bags, fighting cocks and other childhood life reproductions make the audience "break defenses" every minute.

The Tai Chi creative program "Next Second" brings the audience into a mysterious world through the film and drama editing of the camera, and when you find that tai chi is everywhere in life, the esoteric principles and philosophical ideas of tai chi have been internalized in the heart.

China Tide! Year universe! "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" is out of the circle again

Stills of the song "The World is Healthy"

"Write a line of world well-being, and write in the East!" "Gather the world's hundred herbs, boil into pride" . The evening party, zhang Yixing and Fang Wenshan, co-created "The World under Health" is a song that promotes the culture of traditional Chinese medicine. The innovative integration of science and technology and song and dance, the collision of trends and classic breakthroughs.

Chen Lei, the general director of the evening, said in an interview with the media: "What we have been doing is 'innovative expression of excellent traditional culture'. The content of the program is closely centered on China, spreading traditional Chinese culture, which is what we understand as 'national tide'. ”

With the theme of "traditional culture", Henan Spring Festival Gala constantly unlocks a variety of creative methods, and on the occasion of the Spring Festival, with the attitude of keeping up with the pace of the times, taking root in the hot soil of life, and deeply rooted in traditional culture, henan Spring Festival Gala constantly gives this Chinese Chinese New Year's Eve meal a new taste.

"Imaginative presentation of traditional culture", firm cultural self-confidence, grasp the pulse of the times

From the "Tang Palace Night Banquet" in 2021 to the "Roselle Water Endowment" of the Dragon Boat Festival, the "Dragon Gate King Kong" of Qixi, and then to the "National Color Tianxiang" in 2022, Henan Satellite TV's evening party has frequently exploded. The Chinese diplomatic group collectively "lifted high" to the world Amway's brilliant Chinese culture.

China Tide! Year universe! "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" is out of the circle again

On February 2, 2022, Mainland Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin posted an article to the world on the Meta (formerly known as Facebook Facebook) platform to amway "National Color Tianxiang", in which he said: "When classical poetry meets young souls, traditional culture is presented in an imaginative way at the Spring Festival Gala. ”

We can see that the "national tide" out of the circle again and again is not accidental, but the recognition of traditional culture by the Chinese people. The audience's demand for watching the program is no longer limited to leisure and entertainment, but also attaches great importance to the cultural heritage and spiritual connotation of the program, and people's national pride and increasing cultural self-confidence also make the success of traditional culture break more potential.

As Chen Lei, director of the "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala", said in an interview with the media: "We should understand Chinese our own traditional culture, these programs make more people like traditional culture, and a large number of high-quality cultural programs have sprung up, which is precisely the process from cultural self-confidence to cultural self-awareness." ”

National culture is the root of national literature and art, the realization of the creation and transformation of excellent traditional culture and innovative development is the strongest Chinese voice of cultural rejuvenation in the new era, the creators of "2022 Henan Spring Festival Gala" explored and tried in the unity of knowledge and action, undertook the heavy responsibility and mission of cultural innovation forerunners, prophets, forerunners and pioneers, and reached the ideal realm of Guben Peiyuan and Bacon casting souls in Shouzheng innovation.

The sails of traditional culture are being lifted, and this "road of awakening" of literary and artistic innovation with the "national tide" as the core will surely be smooth and smooth, and the journey will be thousands of miles!