
11 mysterious ancient underground worlds that have not yet been solved

author:The unsolved mystery of mankind

Let's step into the ancient and wonderful underground world together and visit the most incredible underground world.

Ancient myths and legends tell the story of several mysterious underground cities filled with vaults, passage shrines, and mausoleums.

11 mysterious ancient underground worlds that have not yet been solved

Since we have not yet been able to find these underground worlds, many of them remain mysterious. Fascinating very old underground tunnels, caves and cities have also been discovered, but the history behind them remains unresolved, as we do not know who built them and for what purpose.

In this article, put together a list of the 11 most mysterious underground ancient worlds that have not been resolved to date. Some of them are real. Some have not yet been discovered, and perhaps some have never been intended to be discovered...

1. The mysterious giant underground labyrinth of Egypt

11 mysterious ancient underground worlds that have not yet been solved

The labyrinth believed to be lost, with eternal hieroglyphs carved into its endless stone walls, is believed to contain all the knowledge of ancient Egypt.

What are the secrets of this legendary giant underground complex?

Is this probably the most important discovery in human history?

The labyrinth of Egypt has been described by many ancient writers such as Herodotus, Strabo, Theodoros, and Pliny. Known as the "labyrinth" by the ancient Greeks, this legendary complex is believed to be the huge collective tomb of the twelve kings who built it, and the resting place of the sacred crocodile.

2. Shin-Au-Av: A secret ancient dungeon hidden beneath Death Valley

11 mysterious ancient underground worlds that have not yet been solved

The idea that there might be a secret 5,000-year-old dungeon hidden beneath Death Valley, California, is fascinating.

According to those who entered the underground tunnels and visited this marvelous place, the city was once inhabited by an unknown race.

Now, thousands of years later, the place has been abandoned, but visitors see strange mummies and curious old artifacts.

Could such a mysterious underground world exist beneath Death Valley? Where is it? Who is this strange and unknown race that once inhabited the underground?

Can they become snake people?

3. Lost Grand Canyon Dungeon - Archaeological Cover-Up?

11 mysterious ancient underground worlds that have not yet been solved

Did ancient civilizations ever live in a secret underground city under the Grand Canyon?

Will the mysteries of the lost underground city be solved?

Ever since a fascinating article was published in the Arizona Gazette in 1909 about the discovery of the Grand Canyon's huge underground castle, scientists have debated whether the story was true or a hoax. Several alternative history writers and researchers, including David Hatcher Childress, believe the discovery did happen, another archaeological cover-up.

4. The highly developed dungeon Oflin Kuyu - Who are the main builders?

11 mysterious ancient underground worlds that have not yet been solved

In 1963, about 50 miles (30 km) south of Nevsehir in Cappado, Turkey, Omer Demir stumbled upon a deep hole (Turkish: derinkuyu) that led to a steep path leading to deeper passages, walls and shafts dug into bedrock.

After extensive excavation, it became clear that Derinkuyu was an entire urban complex, all built in caves below the surface.

The community has the most complex infrastructure, and the accommodation built there obviously means a long time.

What tools did the builders use?

5. Lost ancient city found beneath Missouri: Another archaeological cover-up?

11 mysterious ancient underground worlds that have not yet been solved

This is an amazing discovery! This ancient lost city may be millions of years old!

Did the giants inhabit the nameless and forgotten cities found beneath Missouri?

What happened to the very large human bones unearthed? Do we have to face another archaeological cover-up?

In April 1885, the New York Times published a very interesting article. Readers learn that Mr. David Coates, a recorder for the city of Moberly, and Mr. George Keating, the city marshal, have discovered an ancient and wonderful lost city beneath Missouri. The city sits at the bottom of a 360-foot-deep coal well and sinks near Moberley in Randolph County, Missouri.

6. Hidden in Japan's huge underground buildings something ancient and unknown: the mystery of Mt. Fuji

11 mysterious ancient underground worlds that have not yet been solved

While digging up the mountain, scientists discovered something ancient and unusual hidden deep in the underground structure. Soon, all excavations stopped.

It is an ancient unknown civilization buried under the mountain or a priceless prehistoric treasure. Tsuruga?

metric ton. Tsurugi, also known as the local "Ken-zan", is considered a sacred place.

In 1936, Takane and a group of archaeologists began excavations at the top of the hill. The project lasted three years. Over the course of three years, they dug up and found evidence of several stone tools, paving stones, brick arches and tunnels. These findings led Tokane's theory to prove that ancient people modified Mt. Tsurugi in order to hide important things.

7. The secret ancient world hidden in the vast Taklamakan Desert

11 mysterious ancient underground worlds that have not yet been solved

The ancients believed that once you entered this place there was no way out.

A long time ago, there were houses and temples. Today, everything is buried under the sand.

Precious ancient artifacts are hidden in the "Sea of The Dead" or the depths of the Taklamakan Desert.

Archaeologists are beginning to uncover some of the secrets hidden in this mysterious area. Still, it seems that we are just groping, and only time will prove that there are many more miracles waiting to be discovered.

The Taklamakan Desert is the largest desert in China and is also considered the second largest shifting sand desert in the world, with an area of more than 33,700 square kilometers (more than 13,000 square miles). In Uyghur, Takla Makan means "you can enter it, but you can never leave it," which is why the desert is also known as the "Sea of Death."

8. Hyperbolic or Atlantis Ruins: The Underground Secrets of the Sacred Lake of the Arctic Circle

11 mysterious ancient underground worlds that have not yet been solved

Some researchers believe that the site of an ancient observatory and mysterious rock inscriptions in northwestern Russia are remnants of the ancient Hyperborea civilization, a sacred land similar to Shambhala or Atlantis.

Lake Seydozero, the "sacred lake" of the indigenous Sami people, is one of the most mysterious places in northwestern Russia and the Kola Peninsula.

It is protected by the giant Kuiva, "Old Man, Giant, Wizard" – a huge figure carved into the rock.

The figure is visible in the cliffs of Mount Kuivchorr with a 100-meter-high silhouette.

9. The story of the Sioux Indians about the underground kingdom and the white horse encountering unknown underground creatures

11 mysterious ancient underground worlds that have not yet been solved

There is a strange story among the Sioux Indians that an old man of their tribe was called Hakuba. One day, while participating in a bison hunt in present-day California, Hakuba spotted an unusual opening in a rock. He followed the opening and suddenly found himself caught in a long tunnel-like passage.

He continued slowly through the tunnel until he found the light in the depths of the passage faint and slightly green. The white horse was still crossing the tunnel and met two strangers. A white-skinned man and a blond-haired woman both sat in the middle of a large hall.

10. The Mystery of The Strange Underground Pyramids of Italy

11 mysterious ancient underground worlds that have not yet been solved

Beneath the Italian city of Orvieto, there is a series of underground buildings connected by tunnels. According to sources, in the 6th to 4th centuries BC, the town of Olvieto was an Etruscan and economically developed city.

Under the historic medieval town of Orvieto in Italy, a visit by David A. Thompson of St Anthem College International archaeologists led by Professor B. George and co-director Claudio Bizzarri discovered a strange pyramid structure whose function remains a mystery to this day. PAAO and colleagues.

Excavations in Corigria, near the town of Castelveskardo on the southwestern edge of Umbria, about eight miles northwest of Orvieto, in southwestern Umbria, Italy, focused on a series of pyramid-like magma beneath the city of Olvieto and a survey of the tombs of Karsel Georges in Iviscan.

11. In a secret underground world, the Three-Eyed Lama counts with giants and ancient alien creatures

11 mysterious ancient underground worlds that have not yet been solved

Is Tibet hiding a secret ancient underground world? What did the Three-Eyed Lama encounter as he traveled through countless underground corridors, halls, and stairs?

Who talks to the lama, who is the mysterious underground creature? What extraordinary knowledge did they reveal to him?

Lobsang Samba (T. Lobsang Rampa Lama, in his autobiographical novel The Third Eye, talks about visiting extraordinary underground structures, such as caves, which were built by nature as well as man-made tunnels and caves, which are located beneath the palaces where the Dalai Lama lives. Potala Palace, in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet.

Through countless underground corridors, halls and staircases, he went to a huge niche market. "The center of the niche market is the black house. Its walls are covered with strange symbols and charts. Inside the house there are three open sarcophagi made of black stone, decorated with paintings and mysterious inscriptions.

One of the abbots, the councillor, pointed to those lying in sarcophagus and said, "My son, look at this." In the days before the mountains came, they were the gods of our land. When the sea washed across our shores, they traveled all over our country. There are different stars in the sky. Look, no one else has seen this except for fellow practitioners. ”

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