
Why can Tesla run 250kmh at a high speed, while BYD can't even run 190kmh?

This is a question seen on the Internet, a netizen found through comparative data that the speed of Tesla electric vehicles can actually break through 250km/h, and the speed of many domestic electric vehicles is already very difficult on 190km/h.

Indeed, looking at the data can see this differentiation, Tesla's electric vehicles are at a higher speed and have been able to drive at a faster speed like many steel cannons.

Why can Tesla run 250kmh at a high speed, while BYD can't even run 190kmh?

Some people have analyzed that Tesla runs faster because Tesla's technology platform is better and guarantees excellent performance, which is one of them, and one thing I think is more important, that is, the basic design standards are different.

Why can Tesla run 250kmh at a high speed, while BYD can't even run 190kmh?

Technical aspects.

The quality of the three-electric system can determine the speed, the higher the quality, the faster the speed, which is an undeniable industry fact, Tesla uses more than 7,000 small batteries, and has previously been complained by many netizens about "no technical content", but in fact, such a layout is very challenging BMS management system, and each battery needs to be independently tested.

Each small battery can be discharged, so Tesla's working current is relatively large, and the energy transmitted to the motor is more, coupled with the characteristics of Tesla's motor speed and performance version of the dual motor, so the working advantage is very strong.

Why can Tesla run 250kmh at a high speed, while BYD can't even run 190kmh?

Standard aspect.

Tesla is an electric vehicle developed for the global market, it implements overseas standards, or performance standards, how to design the performance of the whole car to squeeze out, then how to come.

But BYD is implementing the national standard, the highest economic speed standard in the national standard is 185km/h, for electric vehicles with a speed of 100km/h, the speed of 185km/h has no meaning, so BYD has not designed a higher speed.

After all, no one will run after the design, on the one hand, the road environment is not allowed, on the other hand, the power drop is scary.

Why can Tesla run 250kmh at a high speed, while BYD can't even run 190kmh?

In terms of design costs.

Everyone knows that the cost of designing an electric vehicle with a speed of 185km/h and an extreme speed of 250km/h is very different, and it is necessary to take into account wind resistance, suspension, brakes and so on.

BYD designed 185km/h speed is not because it can not design 230km/h speed electric vehicles, but because the design of 185km/h extreme speed electric vehicles, cost control is very good, and Tesla does not need to be because its three-electric platform is indeed better, the foundation is higher design higher speed electric vehicles, the cost is very low.

Why can Tesla run 250kmh at a high speed, while BYD can't even run 190kmh?

To put it simply, the 185km/h speed designed by BYD is based on cost considerations, and according to the engineering safety factor, many bydir electric vehicles of BYD can also run to 200km/h speed, and the main reason for not designing higher speeds is that there is no point.

Of course, we also need to understand that in the BMS core management system, Tesla still has more achievements, which is why it can dare to achieve a speed of more than 250km/h on the basis of electric vehicles that are not high in price.

With the same design cost, Tesla did do better.

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