
Zhang Yimou said that the "Bird's Nest" has begun preparations for the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics

Beijing, February 5 (Reporter Zhang Su, Chen Hang, Xu Pengpeng) Zhang Yimou, general director of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, said at the press conference on the 5th that after the opening ceremony was held on the evening of the 4th, the team immediately changed and began to prepare for the closing ceremony from all aspects such as the venue.

Zhang Yimou said that the "Bird's Nest" has begun preparations for the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics

The scene of the press conference. Photo by China News Service reporter Li Jun

"This time the 'Bird's Nest' didn't take on the race, just the ceremony, which was 'good' for me because I could complete the ceremony with concentration and concentration." Zhang Yimou said.

He said he wanted to be "happy" at the closing ceremony. Because compared with the opening ceremony, the closing ceremony is more about serving the athletes, and I hope that the athletes can have a happy, complete, and cherished other mood.

Zhang Yimou also revealed that the focus of the closing ceremony is to present the "double Olympic" moment, that is, to recreate a moment, like the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. He said that because the "Bird's Nest" is the only venue to hold the opening and closing ceremonies of the "Double Olympics", he hopes to present a feeling of crossing history and hopes that this "moment" will become a highlight.

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