
The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

author:Beyond insight
The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

It is said that those who follow me will not have too bad luck! If you want to have good fortune, start by paying attention! I wish you abundant wealth and good luck!

Low-key luxury explores the secret of wealth that "national teacher" Zhang Yimou does not know

Zhang Yimou, a shining name in the history of Chinese film, people affectionately call him "National Teacher", this title carries the public's recognition of his outstanding achievements in the field of art, but also reflects his sincere appreciation of his personal charm, this highly respected director, but has never deliberately shown his wealth and luxury life in front of the public, today, let's walk into Zhang Yimou's world, explore his unknown wealth story

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

His early film works, such as "Red Sorghum", "Ju Dou", "Hang the Red Lantern", etc., have not only achieved great success in China, but also won many awards in the international film industry, which are not only an affirmation of Zhang Yimou's artistic talent, but also bring him rich material rewards

From a photographer to a "national teacher", artistic achievements have laid the cornerstone of wealth

Before becoming an internationally renowned director, Zhang Yimou was an excellent photographer, and his images are full of unique artistic tension and visual impact, these early photographic works have now become treasures in the eyes of many collectors, and his persistent pursuit of film art has also laid a solid foundation for his future wealth accumulation

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

The luxury car love of the "national teacher": the luxury taste in the low-key

Although Zhang Yimou is low-key, he also has his own unique pursuit of quality of life, he loves luxury cars, especially Porsche brand sports cars, such as 911 and Paramela and other models, are his favorites, these luxury cars not only represent speed and passion, but also reflect his pursuit and enjoyment of exquisite life

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

A Movie Is Born: The Wealth Code from Investment to Return

For Zhang Yimou, film is not only a commercial project, but also a stage for him to realize his artistic ideals, his creative attitude of excellence, and keen insight into the film market, so that his works can often achieve a double harvest of box office and word-of-mouth, bringing him rich returns

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

Layout of business territory: a gorgeous turn from a director to a master of capital operation

In addition to being a film director, Zhang Yimou is also a shrewd investor, he saw the development potential of the Chinese film market early, and actively participated in the capital operation, in 2013, he joined LeTV Pictures, not only received a high salary, but also served as an art director, participated in the company's decision-making, this experience, so that he accumulated rich business experience and capital operation ability, laid the foundation for future wealth growth

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

The trendsetter of the times: grasp the opportunity to diversify the road of development

With the rapid development of China's economy, Zhang Yimou keenly captured the pulse of the development of the times, he is no longer limited to the role of film director, but actively explores diversified development paths, he has participated in investment in many fields, including film and television production, cultural tourism, scientific and technological innovation, etc., and has achieved good results, this spirit of continuous self-breakthrough, but also makes his wealth continue to expand

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

The wealth philosophy of "National Teacher": low-key and pragmatic to give back to the society

Despite having a huge wealth, Zhang Yimou has always maintained a low-key and pragmatic style, he rarely talks about his wealth publicly, let alone deliberately show off, on the contrary, he is enthusiastic about public welfare, and actively gives back to the society

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

Conclusion: Down-to-earth achievements in extraordinary life

Zhang Yimou's wealth story is not accidental luck, but the result of his years of hard work and continuous breakthroughs, he used his talent and efforts to create his own legend, his story tells us that only down-to-earth, in order to achieve extraordinary life

The more low-key it is, the more unexpected it is, and only by taking a closer look at the assets of 73-year-old Zhang Yimou can you know what it means to be a winner in life

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