
Night Listening: This Military Baby "Loves to Talk"

Night Listening: This Military Baby "Loves to Talk"

This military doll "loves to talk"

Wen |Middle Daddy

A few days ago, the kindergarten was closed, my baby Midou danced happily, the long-awaited winter vacation finally came, and at the same time, Midou also received the teacher's final comments.

The little guy has a lot of advantages, but there is one drawback that is particularly "eye-catching" - he loves to talk in class. However, this is not surprising, originally Midou was very naughty, and the teacher was very "headache" for this.

When the family asked Midou why he had to talk in class, he didn't listen carefully. His eyes widened, he looked innocent, and pretended to be stupid: "What? Nothing! Nothing! Then, he began to shake his head like a dead dog, trying to divert his attention, and then took the opportunity to slip away and go to build blocks. Although I asked several times, there was no result.

Later, it was the children downstairs who took the initiative to "inform" and learned about Midou's "deeds". It turns out that the little guy likes to mutter, often saying "eyebrow flying dance", the teacher reminded many times, but the effect is not obvious.

On several occasions, the teacher deliberately let the little guy stand in front of the stage and let him tell everyone. This is good, Midou stood there awkwardly, without saying a word. But back to the seat, after a while, "the original form is revealed", talking non-stop. According to incomplete statistics, Midou is one of the children with the most penalty stations.

Midou has loved to talk since childhood, and I know it. In the past, not only because he loved to talk in class, but also took the children to deliberately make trouble, when he was in the kindergarten class, he was punished by the teacher. In this way, Midou is much stronger than when I was a child.

Listening to the teacher, Midou stood alone at the door of the classroom, lying on the window for a while, humming a small song for a while, and was very happy. It is estimated that he feels that the penalty station is a "glorious" thing, and he has a great sense of accomplishment, of course, he must be caught, how can he stop.

May indeed love to talk, at the strong request of the little one, specially signed up for the off-campus elocution interest class, and is not interested in English class, dance class, etc. Although Midou often doesn't say it clearly, but it is not finished when I say it, I sometimes think that Midou is not because of chickens, maybe the children of chickens like to nag.

In the eloquent class, Midou is the most active and always the first to arrive, rain or shine. In the classroom, it is also the most active, the movement is to dance with hands, the demeanor is vivid, quite a host, but also take into account the responsibilities of the "atmosphere group".

Once, the interest class held an activity and asked each child to play the role of a press spokesman. Facing more than a dozen microphones, Mi Du was not nervous at all, very stable, and the sentence "Diaoyu Islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times" is particularly smooth. However, the milky appearance of milk is really cute.

The little one has a very smart ear and can basically remember it as long as he hears it once. For example, on New Year's Day, Midou repeatedly chanted "Xi'an come on!" "Say to your uncles and aunts who are fighting on the front line, you have worked hard!" It turned out that Midou overheard the teacher talking about the epidemic and learned it without paying attention.

At the beginning of last year, the family of one of my comrades-in-arms called and asked me to help shoot a small video of condolences and say a few words of blessing to send to the comrades-in-arms stationed in Tibet for training. At that time, I happened to be on vacation, so I held Midou to record a video. This time, his strengths can be played.

Sure enough, Midou entered the state faster than I did, only taught it once, and directly started shooting. The two of us cooperated tacitly, not to mention, the little guy's sentence "Uncle XX come on, you are the best", let people listen to it very warmly.

Due to the separation of the two places, I am not around Midou for many years, and I usually rely on mobile phone videos to contact my children, but I have to see the mood of the little guy every time. Sometimes when they see me, they quickly hide, don't want to say a word, sometimes they can memorize five or six Tang poems in one breath, and then they have to talk to me for a while the "secret code" that belongs to our father and son.

In fact, the little guy not only loves to talk, but also can talk. Don't look at the short time I've been with Midou, but I know that he loves Dad, as exemplified.

Because, every time I asked Midou, "Is Daddy good or Mommy good", he never chose, and directly blurted out: "Mommy and Daddy are good!" Sometimes he teased the little guy and asked him, "Mom and Dad who is the ugliest, you must choose one", he couldn't help it, and finally said extremely reluctantly, "Midou is the ugliest!" "Let people listen, can't help but be funny."

This is the military baby Midou, a cute little elf, but also a talkative little baby. I believe that as he grows up, he will become more and more sensible and better.

Although they are thousands of miles apart and do not have much time to accompany each other, whenever I think of the bits and pieces related to the rice pocket, my heart is always warm. I hope he grows up healthy and is always happy!

Night Listening: This Military Baby "Loves to Talk"

About the anchor of this issue

Zhang Liao

A soldier of the Xinjiang Military Region came to Xinjiang from the interior, climbed onto the plateau from the plains, and walked in the footsteps of a hero all the way from south to north, becoming a border warrior. She is willing to tell you the kunlun story of the voice and warmth of the officers and soldiers with the most sincere heart.

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