
0.75 kills! Gu Ailing defeated the world's first gold medal, and a move after the game showed the Chinese style

So just now we came to the Beijing Winter Olympics with the latest good news, in the freestyle ski women's big jump final, the Chinese team's Gu Ailing is to help the Chinese delegation of the Winter Olympics win a gold medal with full content, reaching the top of this event. Then this medal is also the third medal of our Chinese team in the Winter Olympic Games, it can be said that all our sports fans feel excited for Gu Ailing, but also for our Chinese team to feel happy, to be able to get three gold medals in less than 4 days after the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, really let our Chinese team raise their eyebrows, in the game at the doorstep, we showed our strength.

0.75 kills! Gu Ailing defeated the world's first gold medal, and a move after the game showed the Chinese style

Then for Gu Ailing, the process of winning the first medal in this Winter Olympics is indeed very difficult. From our competition, we can see that in fact, Gu Ailing's three-jump performance in the final is not very stable. Then in the first round of the game, Gu Ailing jumped out of 93.75 points to rank second in the group, and in the second round of the game, Gu Ailing's play was some of the quasi-second round of the game only got 88.5 points, single jump ranked third in the group. So after the first two rounds of competition, this requires that the management must perform better in the competition and get higher scores in order to get the gold medal in this competition. So in such a desperate situation, Gu Ailing in the final round of the game is to choose the 1620 super difficulty grab action, and finally successfully completed, and this jump is also a full-time single head-to-head with 94.5 points, ranking first super high score, it can be said that it completely conquered the on-site referee, but also conquered all our sports fans. Through the final jump in this desperate situation, Gu Ailing finally successfully escaped from danger, with a score of 188.25, and the second gap between the group and 0.75 points, suppressed the strong opponent in the group and won the championship.

0.75 kills! Gu Ailing defeated the world's first gold medal, and a move after the game showed the Chinese style

Therefore, from the perspective of the whole game, Gu Ailing really tried his best to win the gold medal this time, challenging his limits in the final jump, like all the netizens who supported him in front of the TV, he really showed his determination. So compared to the process of the game, Gu Ailing's spirit is really more worthy of our praise, and obviously the result of the game also gave her the best reward. Then we are really happy for Gu Ailing, and we are also full of confidence that he can win more championships for the Chinese team in the future. This time it was facing the group. Each strong opponent, facing the world's number one competitor Mathilde, Gu Ailing really proved himself fully.

0.75 kills! Gu Ailing defeated the world's first gold medal, and a move after the game showed the Chinese style

After winning the championship, we saw that Gu Ailing also shed tears of excitement on the spot, and he was also very excited and unbelievable to complete such a goal. Then as an 18-year-old Olympic champion, being able to achieve such an achievement at such an age is indeed worth everyone cheering for Gu Ailing. And what is more worthy of our netizens to praise is Gu Ailing's action after the game. We saw that after the competition, in the process of the on-site award ceremony, the silver medal and bronze medal winners on the scene were just standing on both sides of Gu Ailing, and the distance between the two sides was relatively far, which can be said to be a clear distinction between the levels of victory and defeat of the game, but after Gu Ailing put on the mask, he took the initiative to wave to the two athletes and asked them to stand next to him, and everyone went to take a group photo together. It can be said that this is Gu Ailing, as a young athlete, her personal pattern. Even if we win the game, we still have great respect for our opponents off the field, which is a good tradition of our Chinese sport.

It can be said that this game Gu Ailing really highlights the charm of our Chinese sports, and we also look forward to her more wonderful performances in the future.

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