
Winner in life! Gu Ailing's first gold medal price soared, and the annual income of 18-year-old talented girls or more than 200 million

On February 8, Beijing time, Gu Ailing successfully won the gold medal in the winter Olympics freestyle ski women's big jump final, and it was also his first gold medal, which was successfully brushed in the hot search screen, which caused many sports enthusiasts to discuss. According to statistical analysis, on the social media of the day, there were as many as 26 hot searches about Gu Ailing, including "Gu Ailing sleeps 10 hours a day", "Gu Ailing Five Ring Nail Art", "Gu Ailing does not fold the quilt" and other life topics that are not related to the competition have attracted a lot of attention, which is enough to see the influence of this talented girl.

Winner in life! Gu Ailing's first gold medal price soared, and the annual income of 18-year-old talented girls or more than 200 million

Since joining the Chinese nationality in 2019, the news about this mixed-race genius girl has been in front of everyone's eyes, and Gu Ailing, whose body and appearance exceed the average, has also attracted countless fans, becoming one of the hottest athletes in the current ice and snow sports. The popularity of popularity will naturally bring greater influence and more attention, and also help Gu Ailing attract the attention of more advertisers. According to media statistics, the number of endorsements of Gu Ailing has exceeded 20, including many sports brands and luxury brands.

Winner in life! Gu Ailing's first gold medal price soared, and the annual income of 18-year-old talented girls or more than 200 million

Before the start of the Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing, as the athlete with the most exports, filmed a lot of Winter Olympic promotional films, which also made her figure appear in the streets and alleys, and quickly accumulated a large wave of popularity. According to the analysis of the data website, Gu Ailing's current value is already the highest part of the ice and snow sports athletes, with an average endorsement fee of more than 2.5 million US dollars, and the total revenue has reached about 200 million yuan, which is one of the athletes with the strongest gold absorption ability. After winning the Winter Olympic gold medal, her value will continue to increase.

Winner in life! Gu Ailing's first gold medal price soared, and the annual income of 18-year-old talented girls or more than 200 million

Gu Ailing on the field is domineering and confident, dares to challenge himself, no matter in any situation, there is rarely a situation of mental imbalance. And the strong psychological state coupled with the talented strength, so that she can win countless championships on the ice and snow field, and Gu Ailing under the field is funny, cute, like the girl next door, coupled with her own academic history, she will naturally become the darling of sports fans and the most favored athlete of advertisers. Behind the super gold absorption ability is hard training and super high requirements for himself, Gu Ailing is worth it.

Winner in life! Gu Ailing's first gold medal price soared, and the annual income of 18-year-old talented girls or more than 200 million

As an athlete, appearance and stature are actually secondary, and strength is the most important. With strength, there is a champion, you can get more, whether it is on the field or off the field, Gu Ailing began to ski from the age of 3, and then got her first Winter Olympic gold medal at the age of 18, day after day of hard work made her a superstar on the field, and behind it was the hard work and sweat. I hope that Gu Ailing can continue to work hard, maintain his form, and win the championship. The 18-year-old talented girl has only just started her career and will have a better future in the future.

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