
51-year-old Yan Ni divorced for nearly 20 years, divorced from her ex-husband but still a family, why is she no longer married?

One day in 2004, Yan Ni went home from filming and she rarely cooked once, and when her husband came home from work, the dumplings were also laid, but at this time, her husband said: Let's get a divorce. Yan Ni obviously heard it, but pretended not to hear that we were going to eat dumplings tonight.

Yan Ni knew that there would be such a day, but she did not expect that this day would come so quickly, and her husband said calmly and calmly that I would go out of the house.

In this way, their nearly ten-year marriage came to an end, and then Yan Ni received a call from the photogenic director, Yan Ni did not know what scene she was going to shoot, she agreed. She needs a chance to adjust her mood, and there is no one who can forget herself more than playing someone else. This drama is the martial arts story that later swept the country, and it is difficult to imagine that Yan Ni just divorced and went to act in comedy, and she acted so well.

51-year-old Yan Ni divorced for nearly 20 years, divorced from her ex-husband but still a family, why is she no longer married?

It can be seen that Yan Ni's plasticity is very strong, and because it is not comedy, she became famous overnight.

This year Yan Ni was 33 years old, and now Yan Ni is 51 years old. She was divorced for nearly twenty years, her ex-husband already had a happy family, and she still lives alone. She didn't feel that there was anything missing, but her ex-in-laws were in a hurry and hoped that Yan Ni would settle down and start a family soon.

The former mother-in-law said to Yan Ni, you can't always live alone, how can this work?

Yan Ni smiled and said: How can it be a person? I still have you and your daughter.

Yan Ni was born in 1971 in an ordinary Xi'an worker family, no one in the family engaged in art work, and her appearance when she was a child was not good-looking, she did not learn to dance and sing, no one thought she would become an actress, but she just liked it.

In the second year of high school, Yan Ni did not pass the Beiying Examination, when the Lanzhou Military Region Repertory Theatre came to Xi'an to enroll, Yan Ni immediately went to register. So the 19-year-old Yan Ni became a literary and art soldier and entered the performance department of the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts.

There are many beautiful women here like Yin Tao and Niu Li, and Yan Ni at that time was not favored by people, and she was always said to look rustic and could only run the dragon set. So at that time, Yan Ni was embarrassed to say that she was an actor, and her career could not see the direction and her feelings were blank.

51-year-old Yan Ni divorced for nearly 20 years, divorced from her ex-husband but still a family, why is she no longer married?

She is 26 years old and has no object, nor has she ever been in love, she is not in a hurry, but her family is anxious, and she goes around to introduce objects to her relatives. In this way, she met a young man named Zou Wei, who had also been a soldier. After changing jobs, I worked in the public security, and the first time I met, everyone had a good impression, but I didn't have much time to understand.

The next day Yan Ni went to Lanzhou to shoot a drama, and when she returned to Beijing, the two got married.

At that time, Yan Ni wanted to live together without marriage, and the family always felt that it was not a good thing, so they simply got married. In fact, two people have not been in love, have not understood each other well, and have directly entered the marriage.

Two years later, in 1998, her daughter Zou Yuanqing was born, and after the birth of the child, Yan Ni was still running the dragon set, and the protagonist could not play a supporting role, so she was very busy. Playing a small role in this crew, and then rushing to the next crew to play a small role, Zou Wei often does not see his wife once in two or three months.

Zou Wei is also very busy working every day, the couple had to throw their daughter to their parents, the daughter is in the grandparents, Yan Ni is assured, the family she has no worries, the career can go all out, every time she goes home from filming in the field, she has to bring local specialties to the second elder.

The second elder never complained or complained to her, but just made her pay more attention to her body, and the child did not have to worry. The in-laws did not complain about her husband Zou Wei but could not hold on.

51-year-old Yan Ni divorced for nearly 20 years, divorced from her ex-husband but still a family, why is she no longer married?

Zou Wei's work is very busy and often travels, he hopes that Yan Ni can spend more time at home, otherwise this home is like an inn, and it is still a rotational type, and it is not easy for the couple to even meet each other. But Yan Ni couldn't do it, she liked acting and she felt closer and closer to the corners on the stage, and she didn't want to give up. She has just played a role in the story of the military comedy cooking class directed by Shang Jing, Yan Ni is always busy, and her husband gradually loses confidence in this marriage.

One winter night in 2004, Yan Ni cooked dumplings and waited for her husband to come home, but what she waited for was divorce, in fact, for so many years, she also knew that she owed too much to her family and owed too much to her husband.

Yan Ni later mentioned in the Venus show that her husband is a particularly good person, but two good people do not mean that they can live a good life. On the third day of her husband's divorce with her, the in-laws also knew that they came to the door and scolded their son, scolding him for losing a piece of treasure, saying that he would regret it later. At this time, Yan Ni ran in to speak for her husband, saying that a slap could not be made.

They have come to the step of divorce and it is certainly not the responsibility of the husband alone. Yan Ni felt that her husband deserved a more gentle and virtuous wife than she was, and she thought that her husband and she had found the wrong person.

Yan Ni talked with her in-laws for a long time, doing the ideological work of the old couple.

On that day, the divorce procedures were completed, and the two old men had a meal with them, like losing a daughter. They took Yan Ni to the train station because Yan Ni was in a hurry to shoot the next scene. The in-laws said: You can rest assured, we will take care of the children, you take care of yourself.

51-year-old Yan Ni divorced for nearly 20 years, divorced from her ex-husband but still a family, why is she no longer married?

The 6-year-old daughter Yuanyuan is the most reassuring to Yan Ni, and she is still taken care of by her grandparents, and she can't be more assured. And the drama that Yan Ni is going to shoot is exactly the legend of Wulin. God closed a door for her emotional path, but opened the window for her career. When the fashion director took the initiative to find Yan Ni, hoping that she could play the female number one, Yan Ni just divorced the mood is very poor, a listen can enter the group can divert attention, and then listen to or play the female number one to go, did not expect to receive a comedy.

In the case of a recent divorce, Yan Ni still contributed textbook acting skills in this sitcom.

Yan Ni hid all her lost emotions under the light, few people knew that she had just divorced, during the day she was a boss lady who laughed and cursed with a variety of styles, and at night she was a lost and confused woman who had just lost her marriage Yan Ni.

She laughs in the play, and she cries outside the play, this is the two-sided life of an actor, this is the self-cultivation of an actor.

Yan Ni conquered the emotions with her excellent acting skills, and no one could think that it was Yan Ni's real situation. The person she knew best in the Wulin Waichuan crew was Sha Yi, who they had known each other when they were filming the story of the cooking class. At that time, Sha Yi did not know that this sister who was 7 years older than himself was divorced, he just saw this sister who was grinning greatly when filming every day and then locked up in the house all night and did not come out.

After the spread of wulin outside the country, yan ni also became a household name, and the god of fate finally took care of her. After becoming famous, her personal emotional life naturally became the object of attention of the audience.

Yan Ni did not want to mention the family, did not want to talk about divorce, and was asked tightly before she replied: I shoot my husband to take care of the children, but this answer certainly cannot satisfy the appetite of public gossip.

51-year-old Yan Ni divorced for nearly 20 years, divorced from her ex-husband but still a family, why is she no longer married?

In 2011, it was revealed that Yan Ni had divorced, and then she was put on the hat of abandoning her husband as soon as she became popular by the bad media, at which time Yan Ni simply explained the beginning and end of the matter. As early as 2004, Yan Ni divorced her ex-husband, and although she had divorced, netizens still did not stop being curious, speculating about the identity of her ex-husband. It is rumored that her ex-husband's identity level is very high, which is why she is so secretive.

Yan Ni is not just talking politely, and after so many years of divorce from her ex-husband, they still get along like family. Once Yan Ni encountered a phone fraud, the first thing that came to mind was her ex-husband, Yan Ni was very panicked and called her ex-husband to ask what to do. The ex-husband said don't panic, you have been deceived and this matter is handed over to me to deal with, I will come right away.

The ex-husband only let go of Yan Ni's hanging heart after that, she knew that with her ex-husband, she didn't need to be afraid of anything. Although they are divorced, the feelings of the husband and wife are gone, but the friendship of the relatives is still there. So Yan Ni will say that when Lu Yu has an appointment, we are not friends after the divorce, he is my lifelong relative.

Divorce makes many couples turn against each other, heartache passers-by, and how many divorced couples can become friends, let alone be relatives. Yan Ni's mode of getting along as a divorced couple may be better than many couples who get along during their marriage.

They have been divorced for 18 years, and not only have they not become strangers, nor as friends, but as family. And Yan Ni's relationship with her former in-laws is even more of a good story, and the former in-laws have also regarded Yan Ni as her daughter.

51-year-old Yan Ni divorced for nearly 20 years, divorced from her ex-husband but still a family, why is she no longer married?

Yan Ni's later fame became more and more famous, and her former in-laws were also very proud, and everyone said that it was a play played by my daughter-in-law. Yan Ni is also very good to the old two, after the divorce also called her parents, think that the old two have spent a lot of thought on their daughter Zou Yuanqing over the years, and now that they are making money as stars, they should be good to them.

The former in-laws said that Yuan Yuan is our granddaughter, it is right to spend money on her, we all have pensions, you don't need to give us money. Yan Ni often said that if her in-laws had not taken such good care of her daughter and had no worries, her career could not have been as smooth as it is today.

If it weren't for their support, I might have given up.

Every time the parent-teacher meeting in the daughter's class is the grandparents go, so Yan Ni often says that she not only owes her daughter too much, but also owes more to the second elder. The second elder is the strongest backing for her to work hard outside in those years, and it is precisely because of such a family member Yan Ni that she may be strong without hurry, and it is possible to become a public goddess together.

After her daughter Yuanyuan finished junior high school in China, she was sent to the United States by Yan Ni to attend high school, and her former in-laws were more relaxed. However, Yan Ni did not reduce the number of visits to the old couple, and one of them was confessed by her daughter Yuanyuan.

Zou Yuanqing wanted to return to China to take the Central Examination Department in his third year of high school, and Yan Ni had no hesitation in supporting it. Now her daughter Yuan Yuan has graduated from Chinese opera and embarked on the road of acting. In order for her daughter's acting road to be smoother, Yan Ni did not pave the way for her daughter.

Other actresses are facing a mid-life crisis at the age of forty or fifty, Yan Ni is still playing continuously, she has acted in "The Legend of Wulin", "The North Wind That Blows", "Three Guns Shooting Surprise", "One Servant and Two Lords", "Life Apocalypse", "Young Pi" and many other film and television dramas, no matter what role seems to be taken by Yan Ni, this role will be perfectly presented.

Yan Ni is a professional in the play, and she has talked about several sister-brother relationships in real life, but that is all in the past tense. Now that Yan Ni is 51 years old and single, her ex-in-laws are most looking forward to Yan Ni's embrace of a reliable man.

51-year-old Yan Ni divorced for nearly 20 years, divorced from her ex-husband but still a family, why is she no longer married?

Every time Yan Ni came to see her former in-laws, they asked when they could marry Yan Ni in a beautiful way, but Yan Ni smiled and said every time, I think it is already very good to have a daughter with you.

Many people will not think too clearly before getting married, and if they think clearly, they will simply not get married. Yan Ni is such a person, Yan Ni is in such a good state now, she has a very comfortable lazy style, more and more mature woman's charm.

She is known as a little confused in life, but she is never confused in the big world, her daughter Zou Yuanqing has grown up, she is also acting at the age of 24, and the mother and daughter seem to have a good relationship with sisters.

Yan Ni and her ex-husband still move around, and the relationship with her ex-in-laws is more like a family.

Everything is not as real as affection, as for love is the cherry on the cake, it is beautiful but only an embellishment, then leave it to fate.

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