
Say goodbye to bad breath, regain your fresh breath, just look at these...

Recently, a young man is very distressed, he likes a girl, frequent dating, the relationship between the two is heating up, but the young man has never dared to kiss the girl, because he knows that he has bad breath.

The last time he was in love was because he had bad breath and was yellow.

The young man himself usually does not smell his own bad breath, but family and friends can smell his bad breath, which is still serious.

Bad breath is very common in middle-aged people, many people have become accustomed to it, and few people will come to the hospital to see. Because they don't know, this bad breath is actually a manifestation of many diseases.

Today, let's talk about why people have bad breath? What should I do with bad breath?

There are many causes of bad breath, both physiological and pathological.

Bad breath has causes of oral diseases as well as causes of diseases other than the oral cavity.

Physiological bad breath is often related to the food eaten.

Some foods such as onions, garlic and the like, after eating, if we do not rinse our mouth and brush our teeth in time, it will produce bad breath.

Because these foods contain high sulfur substances, food residues remain in the mouth, under the action of oral bacteria, sulfur-containing gases will be produced, and these gases are very smelly.

However, these bad breath is often short-term, and after not eating these foods that cause bad breath, the bad breath will be reduced.

If the problem of bad breath persists for more than a week, it is often a sign that the body has a disease. This disease can be systemic or local organ disease, and it is necessary to be vigilant.

We explain it in four ways: the whole body, the upper oral body, the oral cavity, and the lower oral cavity.

More than ten years ago, when I was rescuing a patient, because there was no artificial respirator at hand, that is, the balloon for breathing, in the gap between the nurses to get the instruments, in order to buy time, before the respiratory balloon was obtained, I put a sterile gauze on the patient's mouth and performed mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration on the spot.

As soon as my mouth came close to the patient's mouth, I felt the stench of the patient's mouth.

I still remember the smell vividly.

Later, in the ward, I paid special attention to this oral odor, and once a critically ill patient has this oral odor, basically the patient is already in a dying state, and few people can be rescued.

Later, once, in the summer, I met a rotten pig carcass in the field, and I smelled the smell again, and I realized that it was a corpse smell.

People are not dead, the soft tissues in the mouth have been partially corrupted, and only then will they emit that smell. Therefore, once this kind of bad breath appears, the patient is also in a terminal state, which means that the patient has not lived long.

There are also many bad breath, which are manifestations of long-term chronic diseases. For example, patients with chronic liver disease will have liver odor, and patients with long-term chronic kidney disease and renal insufficiency will also have a kidney odor.

This kind of bad breath, as soon as the patient opens his mouth, an experienced doctor, smells this smell, you can judge that he has liver disease or kidney disease.

To address bad breath in such people, the primary disease must be treated.

Certain medications may have side effects, inhibiting saliva secretion and flow.

If there is no fluid flowing in the mouth, it is impossible to wash away a large number of bacteria in the mouth, resulting in dry mouth and bad breath. Of course, in this case, if you do not have the permission of your doctor, please do not change the medication you are taking, the best way is to drink more water to keep your mouth moist, and chew sugar-free gum to maintain fresh breath.

People who drink alcohol are also prone to bad breath. Alcoholic beverages can cause dry mouth and tongue, strengthen the growth of bacteria in the mouth, and lead to bad breath. Whether it's alcohol, caffeinated beverages, spicy foods, or cigarettes, it can be a cause of bad breath.

Many long-term smokers have bad breath as soon as they open their mouths, which is also the reason.

Most of the bad breath of oral origin above the mouth comes from the nasal cavity, of which sinusitis is the most common.

When sinusitis, there will be pus flowing out, there will be a foul smell in the mouth, this smell is a fishy smell, of course, when sinusitis, there will be purulent nasal discharge, fever, headache and other accompanying symptoms.

More than 80% of bad breath comes from the oral cavity.

Among them, periodontal disease, caries and thick tongue are the most common causes.

Say goodbye to bad breath, regain your fresh breath, just look at these...

Dental calculus

The picture above is the tooth stone, which is provided by the Guangzhou Lotus Flower Oral Cavity.

Patients with periodontal disease, due to the large number of bacteria on the calculus, can break down food debris and emit an unpleasant odor. Periodontal disease, like caries, requires prompt treatment.

Broken teeth and improper installation of dentures can make food particles get stuck on the teeth, making the mouth an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply, causing bad breath, and also causing tooth decay and gum disease.

Therefore, people with bad breath need to pay attention to it and seek medical treatment with a dentist in time.

Some people have bad breath because they have thick tongue moss with residual bacteria, food debris, fungi and dead cells, which produce bad breath under the action of bacteria. These people often don't brush their tongues when brushing their teeth. Change this habit, when brushing your teeth, brush your tongue, including the back and front, and bad breath is fine.

Some people have bad breath coming from the underside of the mouth. These include tonsil stones, gastric ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease and other diseases. These, all, need treatment.

Tonsill contain hardened bacterial plaque, food debris, dead cells, and mucus stuck to the sides of the tonsils and behind the tongue, which only cause bad breath and do not cause serious damage to the teeth. To solve this problem, you can wait for the tonsil stones to disappear on their own, or wash the mouth with salt water to accelerate the process of the stones disappearing on their own.

Ulcers are not a problem per se, but a bacterium that causes ulcers is called Helicobacter pylori and may be related to the odor emitted from the mouth. Antibiotics that treat ulcers kill bacteria and remove bad breath.

Two common symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux are acid reflux and burning sensation in the chest. In people with gastroesophageal reflux, undigested food or stomach acid can flow back into the esophagus, filling the mouth with a terrible foul smell.

In short, bad breath is not a simple symptom, and bad breath often indicates that something is wrong with some aspect of the body.

If you have bad breath, first look for a dentist, then look for an entolaryngologist, and if you can't find a problem, you have to look for a surgeon or gastroenterologist to see the gastrointestinal problem.

Of course, people with systemic diseases such as liver disease and kidney disease will also have bad breath, at this time, in addition to bad breath, there will be other more serious symptoms, which is easy to diagnose.

Treat bad breath, the most important thing is to treat the primary disease, people with bad breath, go to the hospital to see a doctor!

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