
Kyoto White Collar Diary: The porter trumpet rings in the subway station

author:Brother Tianya Cao

Thursday, February 10, 2022 Sunny

Beijing's subway is very developed, which brings great convenience to the commuting of commuters.

At 7:20, the alarm woke me up on time. Dress, wash, comb your hair, shave, apply moisturizer, and finally go out and drink a bowl of warm boiled water.

Everything was ready, lock the door and head to the subway station. The days of each day are like flowing water, and the time is just right.

At this point in time, it is rush hour, and there are already long queues in the subway station.

In winter, the city of Beijing is still very cold, and everyone wears thick clothes, most of which are black, and wraps their bodies tightly.

Older people like to put on the hat of clothes, and young people, especially young girls, generally do not like to wear hats, perhaps for fear of messing up their hair.

If I hadn't slept well the night before, I wouldn't have been in much of a good spirit at this time. Sometimes good luck, just before and after are young and beautiful girls, smelling a faint smell of perfume, and then glancing at the girls in the next team who have made up light makeup, the spirit is lifted.

Sometimes I get into reverie, and as for what I'm thinking, you want to go. Most of the time, I think of something illogical, thinking that girls who like to make up makeup and dress themselves will be very focused and serious in their work, and pursue perfection.

The car came into the station.

The carriage was already crowded with people, the door slowly opened, and there were fewer people getting off the train and more people getting on the car. It looks like it's going to be the next one.

Suddenly, a mischievous person at the end of the line sang the tracker trumpet, "Hey, hey, hey," and quickly pushed you in, bringing a wind.

Something magical happened, and everyone got into the car, but they were squeezed so much that there was no place to put it. If there were girls next to each other, I would raise my hands with interest, like a surrendered man.

People in Beijing generally have good demeanor, but at this time, they will also do things that are not graceful. But in the face of the big thing of going to work on time, grace can be temporarily put down.

Kyoto White Collar Diary: The porter trumpet rings in the subway station

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