
The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

author:Delicate Jerry

Respecting the elderly and loving the young is a virtue, but when it becomes a matter of course to give up our seats, should we re-examine it? Recently, an incident that happened on the subway has aroused widespread attention and discussion.

The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

The incident took place on the Beijing subway on June 25, and the protagonists were a fifty or sixty-year-old man and a young woman. Soon after the woman sat down, the uncle stepped forward and asked her to give up her seat. The woman refused due to work fatigue, but was strongly dissatisfied by the uncle.

The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

According to eyewitnesses, when the uncle saw that the woman would not give up his seat, he actually picked up a cane and began to harass her, using crutches to pull the woman's legs. This behavior not only made the woman feel extremely uneasy, but also caused anger and condemnation from the surrounding passengers. Subsequently, subway staff and police arrived at the scene and took the two away for investigation. After investigation, the police determined that the uncle's behavior disturbed public order and placed him under administrative detention in accordance with the law.

The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

Regarding this incident, netizens' comments are also varied.

The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

Netizen 'Angry Birds' said: 'The old man's action makes people angry when he looks at it, how can he treat a young woman like this? '

The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

Netizen 'Justice Messenger' thinks: 'He should be asked to apologize publicly, give the woman an explanation, and also give a warning to the society. '

The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

Netizen 'Concern' asked: 'Why not play mosaic protection for girls?' Why hit the old man? It's a bit unjust. '

The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

The netizen 'disgusted me' said angrily: 'It's so disgusting, how can such a person get on the subway?' Should be blacklisted! '

The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

Netizen 'pusher' joked: 'Don't push it to me, push it to his family, friends and colleagues, and let them see how this old man bullies people outside.' '

The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

Netizen 'Memoir' recalled his experience: 'When I used to work in Beijing, on the way to get off work, especially in the courtyard of the community, those old men and old ladies were talking behind their backs, looking down on outsiders, which was really chilling. '

The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

Netizens 'empathy' questioned: 'Do you bully people because you are old? How would you feel if 'your own daughter' was treated like this outside? '

The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

Netizen 'Where is the big man' joked: 'Why doesn't he find the big man to bully?' Let's see if he dares to be arrogant! '

The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

This incident has once again aroused the attention and discussion of the society on the issue of 'giving up seats'. Giving up your seat is supposed to be a voluntary act, but in real life, it is often coerced and morally kidnapped. We call on everyone to understand the difficulties of young people while respecting the elderly. At the same time, it is also hoped that the elderly can choose the right time to travel and avoid inconvenience to young people during the morning and evening rush hours. Only mutual understanding and respect can make our society more harmonious and beautiful.

The subway uncle forced his seat to harass a woman? The police intervention sparked heated discussions

Source of inspiration: Luzhong New Vision

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