
Today there is good news to tell you, if any netizen's family or friends have gynecological inflammation, polycystic ovary syndrome, HPV infection, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, pelvic cavity

author:Dr. Wang Yuwen of TCM Gynecology

Today there is good news to tell you, if any netizen's family or friends have gynecological inflammation, polycystic ovary syndrome, HPV infection, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility and other gynecological difficult diseases. If you don't get good treatment in the local area, everyone who listens to me doesn't necessarily have to go to Beijing to see a doctor.

I worked in Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital for more than 40 years, and was the chief physician of the Gynecology department of traditional Chinese medicine. As long as you have a network at home, you can enjoy the medical services of Beijing Top 3 Hospital without leaving home, if you support me, please pay attention to me, although there are questions, just tell me, I will use private time to give you a professional answer. #Health Science Contest##Chinese Medicine is coming ##女性健康 #

Today there is good news to tell you, if any netizen's family or friends have gynecological inflammation, polycystic ovary syndrome, HPV infection, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, pelvic cavity

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