
What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

author:A collection of foolish music
What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

Text|Foolish music collection

Editor|Foolish Collection

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

Have you ever been in contact with local tyrants in your life? What are these local tyrants like in life?

How big can Howe be? How much soil is there if there is soil?

This is purely to make the old mother happy, as for the colleague who was promoted, it is strange that he will not be promoted with this eyesight

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

The pillar of the Panjin Dragon is full of entrenchment at a glance!

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

This local tyrant probably usually watches anti-Japanese dramas, after all, the devils in anti-Japanese dramas are called Chinese girls like this

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

With such a boss, the staff of the nightclub don't all have to welcome him!

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

Can't even write your wife's name?

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

When you have money, work is not so important, at best it is just a tool to pass the time

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

One is a career to live on, and the other is a lifelong hobby, and there is a big difference between the two

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

One for one person...... Thinking of the previous Chinese and three foreigners who had dinner together, the three foreigners each ordered a plate of kung pao chicken and started eating, and this Chinese saw that they all ordered food and only ordered rice...... In the end, he only ate rice

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

I don't understand, why did the residents of the community sue him? Is it because he only installed an elevator in his parents' building, but did not install elevators in other buildings?

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

This is not supposed to be money laundering, but eating too much like this may require a trip to the hospital for gastric lavage......

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

Landlord: Isn't it 30,000 yuan? It's like I'm doing charity

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

Saffron is used in the bath, this thing is too expensive, and I am usually reluctant to put too much when I soak in water and drink

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

Is the coal boss all like this? If you just saw it on the road, you really wouldn't recognize it

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

Should I say it or not, the local tyrant is domineering!

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

With such a heavy thing, Xiao Fadou's neck may not be able to bear it, how can it be pure gold that others buy for dogs?

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

It turns out that you can still get money for collecting rags! Isn't it normal to take rags and give money to others?

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

Indeed, a person quietly lifted the car and didn't even have a person to show off, so boring!

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

Did your boss also play mahjong with them all night?

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

The little white cart of the trident...... The Maserati logo does look like this......

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

It's weird, more than 400,000 are out, is it still a fraction of that? In fact, he is showing off to you in disguise!

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

If you really have money, you can do whatever you want, and even the rules can be changed for this

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

This must not be pondered casually, but once pondered, the value is so much that it scares the individual!

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

This can explain why there are always some good-looking characters in TV dramas who are good-looking but have little acting skills

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

Let's understand, after all, this kind of thing doesn't need to be done by Lao Dong himself

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

Tuhao: Only golden and shiny things are worthy of my identity, and they can reflect that my line from top to bottom is very expensive!

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

There is no one who pursues this means, but it is difficult for any normal person to refuse!

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

It depends on the proficiency of the bodyguards, and I'm afraid that this thing is usually done

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

The other party is also very kind, and he didn't directly say how much his watch was, otherwise it would be embarrassing

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

The content of the above pictures comes from the enthusiastic sharing of netizens, and its authenticity is not guaranteed.

Ladies and gentlemen, do you have anything you would like to talk about in this issue? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, and finally wish everyone good health and financial prosperity.

What do you see a local tyrant look like? Netizen: The front desk lady followed him directly

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