
Finally no more pretending! Don't have medical ethics and rules, this kind of education is the biggest enemy of society


An incident that happened the other day made me very angry, and I have not commented on it because of the time. The story is probably like this: because of the rescue of critically ill children, the class for international students was delayed, but Yu Li, a teacher from Southern Medical University, was criticized and punished by the school afterwards! I don't think any Chinese person understands this kind of thing, in the eyes of these education leaders, is life important, or rules are important? With children whose lives are threatened on one side and foreign students waiting for classes on the other, I guess no matter who is more important. In such a life-threatening matter, our teacher Yu made the right choice, but was punished by the school because of this, imagine what is the purpose of education?

Finally no more pretending! Don't have medical ethics and rules, this kind of education is the biggest enemy of society

We have always known that for a doctor, it is his duty to save lives and treat diseases. With the development of modern society, the concept of mercenary has prevailed, and we can clearly understand it from Mr. Yu's experience. In modern society, in the eyes of some relevant leaders in the field of education, what morality and righteousness, what medical style and medical ethics have become an inconsequential thing, and abiding by the rules and serving good international students is their important purpose. We all know that in the process of growing up, a person often hangs on the mouth of educators and says: if you want to become a talent, you must first become an adult. If a doctor dies and lacks the most basic medical ethics and ethics, can such a person make any contribution to the society after he goes to society? Can such a doctor still be called a healer?

Finally no more pretending! Don't have medical ethics and rules, this kind of education is the biggest enemy of society

So, fundamentally, the reason why there are problems in our society is that there are problems in our education. I remember that in September last year, Nobel laureate and senior professor at Kyoto University in Japan, Yu Honjo, publicly stated that if war breaks out between China and Japan again, Japan is fully capable of defeating China, because we have fully penetrated into all fields of China, know all of China's moves well, and we are fully capable of dismembering China from within. I used to feel very ridiculous when I saw this sentence, but when I look back at the current social phenomena, I can't help but worry. To tell the truth, whether it is the poisoned textbook incident, the Japanese style street incident, or the Japanese school incident, as well as the performance of some Japanese elements in China, to a certain extent, Japan's infiltration into the mainland has reached a very serious level. In recent years, many of us have been very aware of the impact of the Jewish Foundation on the international situation, but have we looked back at ourselves and whether we have been completely infiltrated by some Japanese forces in various fields?

Finally no more pretending! Don't have medical ethics and rules, this kind of education is the biggest enemy of society

I remember Professor Jin Canrong mentioned in an episode of the program: Judging from the current situation, there are a large number of spies active in China, who have carried out comprehensive infiltration of the mainland through their respective posts, and have caused tremendous harm to the mainland's economic and social construction in the economic, cultural, financial, educational, scientific research, and medical fields. For example, journalists, hosts, lawyers, judges, university professors and teachers, experts and scholars in various fields, scientific researchers, and even staff hidden in key government positions, these people continue to erode the healthy body of the country through their respective fields, they destroy traditional culture, and make Chinese lose their souls; They infiltrate education and distort the history of China; They penetrate into the judicial system, create a lot of social contradictions, and so on. It is precisely because of this that in recent years, we can clearly feel that there are some incomprehensible phenomena in society.

Finally no more pretending! Don't have medical ethics and rules, this kind of education is the biggest enemy of society

So let's go back to the incident at the beginning of this article, I believe that many people know that this Teacher Yu's behavior is a kind act, not only can not be punished, but should also be vigorously praised to promote this excellent traditional virtue. But what is very surprising is that such behavior is not only not recognized, but will also be punished, which is very strange, what is the purpose of punishment? What kind of result do you want to achieve? From a small point of view, it seems to be a sense of rules, that is, teaching all teachers and students in the school to follow the rules and understand the importance of following the rules. But on the other hand, is it not to teach teachers and students to annihilate the goodness of the center, to ignore the traditional moral concepts, to remove the original intention of treating the sick and saving people, to save the life and help the wounded, and to ask everyone not to abide by the traditional medical style and medical ethics, and to become an obedient machine? I think there is a sense of that.

Finally no more pretending! Don't have medical ethics and rules, this kind of education is the biggest enemy of society

Some people may say that the school is also helpless because it has received complaints from international students. In my opinion, we can't just turn right and wrong upside down, regardless of the truth, and punish a teacher who has done nothing wrong against our will, let alone punish a doctor who delays class time in order to treat a disease and save people. As a teacher, she has the responsibility to tell students the minimum truth of being a human being; As a doctor, she also has the responsibility to demonstrate the minimum professional ethics of a doctor. Therefore, if Mr. Yu is dealt with simply because of the complaints of international students, it is not only unreasonable, but also unfair, and even more unacceptable. If a student does not have a positive and correct outlook on life, values, and worldview, such a student will be meaningless to this society in the future.

Finally no more pretending! Don't have medical ethics and rules, this kind of education is the biggest enemy of society

Not only that, after being strongly questioned by the majority of netizens, and even after many media, including central media, reported the incident one after another, the school still refused to admit its own problems, but used the "minimum punishment" as an excuse to calm public opinion. Such behavior caused even more anger among netizens, and on this basis, the central media wanted to interview, but it was also refused. This makes it even more incomprehensible, if you think you are doing the right thing, why don't you take this opportunity to clarify the facts and give the majority of netizens a truth? If you think you're doing something wrong, why don't you correct your mistakes? Therefore, in such a matter, we not only see the unreasonableness and arrogance of the educational institution concerned, but also have a bad premonition, as if the educational institution concerned deliberately deliberately guides a bad social value, that is: in the face of the rules, there is no benevolence, righteousness and morality, let alone any medical style and medical ethics, and everything is based on its own interests.

Finally no more pretending! Don't have medical ethics and rules, this kind of education is the biggest enemy of society

Let's imagine if educational institutions across the country have this kind of concept, then what kind of values will the students we cultivate have in the future? Once these people enter society, will they continue to distort the values of society? I am deeply concerned about this. It can be said that it is this educational concept that has led to the corruption of values in today's society; It is precisely this educational concept that has led to a very serious brain drain on the mainland. It is hoped that the relevant state departments will thoroughly investigate this matter, resolutely crack down on some bad educational concepts, and promote a positive, healthy and progressive social atmosphere.

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