
Teach your child to resist bullying and not let him spend his life to heal his childhood

Now that the media is developed, we will often hear about school bullying incidents, as parents, we can't help but worry, in case our children are beaten by others, what should we do?

Now the concept of parents is basically divided into two kinds, the first is to hit the past, he hits you, you hit him; the second, is to hide a little, you can't afford to hide.

Teach your child to resist bullying and not let him spend his life to heal his childhood

But I would say that neither approach will work.

First of all, we don't know if the child will suffer a greater loss in further physical contact. Second, countering violence with violence is not a good way to solve problems and resolve conflicts. The second, let the child hide, more undesirable, so that the child will only make the child more and more timid, only promises, more likely to suffer losses, become a soft persimmon, after growing up will not deal with conflict at all.

So what to do? Here are three things to help your child.

First, the momentum shocks the other party

When others hit you, quickly grab the other person's wrist and shout loudly, "You don't hit anyone, stay away from me."

In this way, you can protect yourself, do not let the fist not fall on your body, but also let the other party feel their own strong aura, your momentum is that I am not good, so as to deter the other party, rather than passively blocking your head with your hands, which will appear very cowardly.

Second, exercise and strengthen your body

Be sure to let the child exercise more, let him be physically strong, the physical fitness is better, then other children do not dare to provoke him, because a look at this child's physique is so strong, it is a bad object of bullying.

Teach your child to resist bullying and not let him spend his life to heal his childhood

Third, improve the child's personality and learn to express

Pay attention to cultivating the child's personality, and try to make the child good at expressing. Children who appear lively and cheerful are generally not easy to become the child who is attacked and bullied.

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