
Guangzhou TTG. Ice Dust: As long as you advance enough in the final, you always have a chance to win the championship

Guangzhou TTG. Ice Dust: As long as you advance enough in the final, you always have a chance to win the championship

Produced | People's Esports

The author | Lu Wenzheng

Edited | Kevin

After the 2021 King of Glory Challenger Cup, Bruce Lee (ID: Guangzhou TTG. Ice Dust) returned to the base to train, and before the holiday, he and his teammates as professional players still could not stop training.

In the past year, Guangzhou TTG has achieved a slightly embarrassing result - three times runner-up. E-sports is no different from other competitive sports, paying attention to a "martial arts second". So even the winner of "one person" looks like the biggest loser if he is three times in a row.

"Sanya" has become a meme for people to joke about Guangzhou TTG, but the KPL official commentator Li Jiu's evaluation of Guangzhou TTG is very objective: "There are several champions in a year, and there are only a few runners-up." One year in Sanya, it proves that this year has always maintained competitive status and competitiveness, and it is really a very good thing to be able to repeatedly fall back and again after the last step. ”

For Li Jiu's evaluation, Bruce Lee expressed a certain recognition: "We have indeed maintained a good competitive state, but the strength should still not be fully exerted." ”

And his own attitude towards "Sanya" is to accept the reality at the same time with the reluctance of the competitors and the expectations for the future: "As long as the final is enough, there is always a chance to win the championship." ”

"Shandong Han" Bruce Lee

Twenty-three years after Tang Xuanzong's founding of the new century, a 24-year-old young man went to Luoyang to become a soldier, fell behind, and began to play in the mountains. When passing through Tai'an, Shandong, he wrote down such an ancient famous sentence as "will be the top of the mountain, overlooking the mountains and small".

A thousand years later, Bruce Lee was born at the foot of Mount Tai.

The esports player, who shared an encyclopedia entry with a Chinese kung fu master, has experienced the past year long enough for him to remember.

Bruce Lee, who entered the stage of the top professional e-sports league finals at the age of 20, is like Du Fu, who is 24 years old enough to take the exam - they are young and promising, and they have also fallen on the "doorstep".

Guangzhou TTG. Ice Dust: As long as you advance enough in the final, you always have a chance to win the championship

In an education province like Shandong, Bruce Lee's childhood and adolescence were almost incompatible with "glory", and he had long considered his own way out with average academic performance.

But unlike the average "plaything" child, Bruce Lee always seems to have a serious energy, which comes from his accumulation of years of "responsibility for teammates, responsibility for games, and training self-discipline".

So when he recalls the past and says the phrase "my reading grades are not good, I think learning may not be so suitable for me", the listener will unconsciously add a precondition to this sentence - "he really tried".

Bruce Lee first discovered that his e-sports talent was in a terminal game shooting product, but later because his parents were not accustomed to him "playing games", they did not let him touch the computer again, so he switched to mobile games.

The first mobile esports project he came into contact with was Glory of Kings, and he still had a serious energy when playing the game. "I can't talk about how talented I am, I played average when I started, and I didn't start playing well until a year later."

Unlike other young people, Bruce Lee doesn't seem to want to become a "big anchor" in the limelight with game technology, he just wants to be a professional player. "When you're young, play professionally."

In 2018, Bruce Lee, who "played well", found a few small partners to go to Jinan to play the King of Glory National Competition City Competition. After the competition, some investors came to them and asked them if they wanted to play professionally.

"At that time, I didn't know what professional players were doing, only that playing games well could play professionally." Later, I found out that the state of our previous game was too 'loose' and the management was not so strict. After marking the profession, I knew that the original professional players had strict training and standardized management, and their abilities and insights in all aspects could be continuously improved, in short..." He stopped for a few seconds and continued: "I can't say it's difficult, it's a very interesting road." ”

He became a professional player and achieved some results, and Bruce Lee was recognized by his family. "In 2019, I officially became a professional player in the KPL, and my family began to recognize me for this profession. And I am already an adult, I used to have to give money from my family when I was studying, and now I can send some money to my family, and I can also support myself. ”

The recognition of the family is also reflected in a microblog that is not highly concerned - "Ice Dust Dad".

This Weibo, which is indeed run by Bruce Lee's father himself, is usually quite active in "ice dust super talk" and other related topics of ice dust, and the game is not lost. This Lunar New Year, "Ice Dust Dad" also received hundreds of New Year's greetings on Weibo - the son's popularity as a professional player may also be the reason for Bruce Lee's father's attitude towards his career change.

After experiencing the choice to play professional games, the adaptation of the early career and the change of family attitudes, the "Shandong Boy" Bruce Lee is becoming more and more like a mature "Shandong Han". As a senior among professional players, Lucifer also said bluntly in the commentary seat: "Ice Dust, this player, I feel that it is reliable, there are not many harsh words, and it is full of manhood." ”

"Sanya" will be the next departure

On December 25, 2021, Suzhou, the story of Bruce Lee and the "Golden Rain" at the last KPL autumn final has become a classic moment on the KPL field.

Looking back, Bruce Lee was still a little lost. "At that time, the eye circles were indeed red, and it felt a pity that I did not win the championship." But I want to say to those who support me that I will continue to attack the championship, thank you for your support. ”

After the autumn finals, Bruce Lee expressed his ambition in a low-key manner in an interview with the media: "The upcoming Challenger Cup, I hope we can raise the rankings." ”

This kind of ambition is also quite similar to Du Fu, who wrote "will be the top of the world" in those years.

After 20 days, Guangzhou TTG lost to Wuhan eStarPro again, and won three runners-up in one year, and Guangzhou TTG and "Sanya" became well-known terriers in the KPL arena.

Bruce Lee said bluntly that last year was the most regrettable year of his career in the past few years - the Spring Showdown was only one step away from the championship, it was his most regrettable game; the World Championship fell in the final four, which was the most uncomfortable event for him.

"After the World Championship game, I went to the first coach of my profession, 'LoveCD', to pour bitter water, and he advised me to stay in shape and have a chance to attack the championship. I thought it was a comforting word, but looking back now, it seems like we did have a chance. ”

Now, Bruce Lee continues to walk on the road to the championship with the regret of "Sanya" and the confidence and experience of the finals. "In the holidays before the start of the spring games, I am also playing in the ranking to maintain my form, I should be quite disciplined, take care of my teammates and at the same time be more strict with my teammates. I am an assistant and a team commander, and they are willing to listen to me. ”

In the offseason, the roster inevitably produced some changes, and Bruce Lee had certain psychological expectations for these changes. "Let's play more training matches and qualifying to improve tacit understanding."

Guangzhou TTG. Ice Dust: As long as you advance enough in the final, you always have a chance to win the championship

After the team's holiday, Bruce Lee briefly posted six words on Weibo, "Happy New Year everyone", which attracted crowds of onlookers.

The reason is that he has been working professionally for so many years, and there are less than 40 microblogs that are "open". "The team will not ask us to 'open', and people like me who are not active in tweeting will not say anything, and the management still wants us to play results."

Bruce Lee's own off-site life is really simple - fitness, listening to songs, almost all his hobbies. "Usually do not go out of the base, go out once or twice a week, get up in the morning to get fit, and take a walk after the training game in the evening."

Although he focused on the current game and training, just like when he was studying, he thought about what to do later, Bruce Lee was thinking about the future for himself.

'I'd rather stay at the club and be a coach or be a staff member because I do love the industry.

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