
TTG multi-person departure, Qingqing is expected to join the Wolves, Zhang Kai was hit by AG, and Nine Tails became the only core

Introduction: Li Jiu live broadcast the news of TTG coaching team, starting lineup changes, Zhang Kai coach intends to leave, Qingqing, otherwise may leave the team, Nine Tails will become the only core.

With the end of the Challenger Cup finals, the transfer period has also come to a very critical stage, and many teams want to talk about cooperation with the players at the beginning of the window opening, so as not to dream too much in the night, so most of the breaking news content is also concentrated at this time. Guangzhou TTG has lost to eStar twice in a row in the autumn and challenger cups, which is a very serious blow for them, even if they get runners-up, but there is an insurmountable gap from the championship, in order to break through the shackles they must make changes in the new season.

TTG multi-person departure, Qingqing is expected to join the Wolves, Zhang Kai was hit by AG, and Nine Tails became the only core

Li Jiu broke out a lot of big melons during the live broadcast, including some melon materials from TTG, not only involving head coach Zhang Kai, but also involving Qingqing, Otherwise, Ice Dust and other people, and revealed the teams they intended to go to and the teams that were willing to go to them. In the past year, although TTG's results have been quite good, they have never been able to break through the last step, and in order to achieve the goal of impacting the championship, TTG is determined to make changes.

TTG multi-person departure, Qingqing is expected to join the Wolves, Zhang Kai was hit by AG, and Nine Tails became the only core

First of all, in terms of the coaching staff, Li Jiu revealed that zhang Kai was not very satisfied with himself when he got the runner-up this time, so it is very likely that he will leave TTG and start again in another environment to see if there can be a breakthrough. Zhang Kai is undoubtedly the top coach of the current KPL, his bp is very stable, and the training and development of players are also very in place, if he joins the transfer market, there must be many teams interested.

TTG multi-person departure, Qingqing is expected to join the Wolves, Zhang Kai was hit by AG, and Nine Tails became the only core

At present, the news transmitted is that Chengdu AG Super Play will have ideas for Zhang Kai, since Moonlight left AG has been looking for a new coach, there have been many twists and turns in the middle, Zhang Kai's coaching ability and team leadership level are obvious to all, if he can join AG, it is bound to help the team get out of the quagmire. However, Li Jiu also said that it is only "possible", the two sides may not be able to talk closely, if AG can not find a new coach, it will eventually be coached by Zhang Jiao.

TTG multi-person departure, Qingqing is expected to join the Wolves, Zhang Kai was hit by AG, and Nine Tails became the only core

In terms of players, the shooter Who just got the best development road of the year at the award ceremony has officially announced the listing, to be honest, I really did not expect that the first batch of participants in the listing will be Brazing City, but I think it is the same reason. Including The City of Brazing, Qingqing, Ice Dust, and otherwise they all face the same dilemma, that is, although their strength is strong, their ability can also be recognized by everyone, but in the TTG can never break through the last step, there is an insurmountable gap between eStar, the whole team has fallen into a bottleneck, if you want to break free of the bottleneck, the only way to transfer.

TTG multi-person departure, Qingqing is expected to join the Wolves, Zhang Kai was hit by AG, and Nine Tails became the only core

Qingqing has not officially announced the listing for the time being, but according to the past situation, it can be said that Qingqing will not be listed in the end, after all, the transfer period will last for a period of time, many teams are still constantly trying and contacting, Qingqing himself also wants to go, the reason is the reason mentioned above. If Qingqing leaves the team, wolves may be a good choice, the current transfer market is a strong confrontation road players are scarce, ES has calm, GK has hundreds of beasts, TES has Su Mo, Wolves Fly will soon be transferred to the Asian Games events, when the Wolves need a strong confrontation road, Qingqing if you can go to Wolves is also a good choice, at least there is a new upward target.

TTG multi-person departure, Qingqing is expected to join the Wolves, Zhang Kai was hit by AG, and Nine Tails became the only core

Otherwise, ice dust and ice dust have not participated in the listing at this stage, which is very different from Li Jiu's revelations, but it is still that sentence, the transfer period will last for a period of time, and everything is possible. If the two of them also participate in the listing, Nine Tails will become the last row of TTG, but also the only core of the team, Nine Tails is a player who grew up with TTG, is the elder of the team, the strength has been relatively stable, has always had a pivotal position in the team.

TTG multi-person departure, Qingqing is expected to join the Wolves, Zhang Kai was hit by AG, and Nine Tails became the only core

Every transfer period is risky for the team, especially for the TTG team in the runner-up status, on the one hand, they want to seek a breakthrough, through the restructuring to find opportunities to launch an impact on the champion, but on the other hand, the strength of the reorganized lineup may also be "not rising but falling", for them, this transfer period is undoubtedly a big gamble, gambling to be able to break through the upper limit, complete the new life, once the bet loses the full market, there is no hope of turning over in the short term. Hopefully, TTG will finally get its wish!

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