
Give wings to teenagers' pursuit of ideals

author:Zhumadian network

Reporters Wang Wei and Zhang Yaotuo

On October 20, the first issue of "Tianzhong Evening News And Little Reporter", which was newly built and comprehensively redesigned and upgraded by Zhumadian Daily Newspaper Group, was officially unveiled. The relaxed and lively layout arrangement, brilliant and flexible text language and affectionate earnest messages are like a fresh and bright color in the campus culture, which has quickly attracted the attention of students, parents and schools.

Everyone gave high praise, and said that the newly revised and upgraded "Tianzhong Evening News , Little Reporter" innovated and guided means, improved the way of propaganda and reporting, and comprehensively demonstrated the positive and enterprising and uplifting spiritual outlook of the vast number of young people in our city with new perspectives, new forms and new ideas, and built a new platform for the whole society to actively participate in the ideological and moral construction of minors.

"Strengthening the ideological and moral construction of minors is a powerful guarantee for escorting the healthy growth of adolescents, and it is also an important responsibility goal for the creation of civilized cities across the country." It is hoped that in the coming days, tianzhong evening newspaper and small reporter can build a bridge of communication between society, schools and families, become a window for the city's teenagers to display their talents, stimulate words, and a platform for teachers and students to communicate with each other, leading more people to pay attention to the ideological and moral construction of minors, and forming a good situation of win-win results for all parties. Chang Dongliang, principal of Zhumadian Experimental Primary School, said.

Zhang Yijun, principal of Zhumadian No. 23 Primary School, said: "I hope that Tianzhong Evening News And Little Reporters will give full play to the advantages of the mainstream media position and extensively organize and carry out research and study activities such as rich and diverse social practices and patriotic theme education." While guiding the majority of primary and secondary school students to broaden their horizons and enhance their creative ability, we will help primary and secondary school students to 'buckle the first button of life', guide students to listen to the party from an early age, feel the gratitude of the party, follow the party, cultivate the feelings of loving the party, patriotism, and socialism, take the cultivation of virtue and the casting of the soul of bacon as the foundation, strive to build a brand of ideological and moral education for minors in our city, and contribute to the creation of a civilized city in Zhumadian. ”

The sound of books is loud, birds chirp, and harmonious notes echo in the campus of Zhumadian No. 2 Experimental Primary School. Between classes, the school's young reporters were sharing their excellent work. "The newly revised version of "Tianzhong Evening News , Little Reporter" uses elements that children love to design the layout, and each layout is full of relaxed and lively atmosphere, with pictures and texts, beautiful atmosphere, simple and comfortable. In the selection of manuscripts, we pay attention to health and positive themes, showing the society in the eyes of young journalists. Li Hong, counselor of the Young Pioneer Brigade of Zhumadian Second Experimental Primary School, said.

Li Hong introduced that strengthening the ideological and moral construction of minors has attracted more and more widespread attention from society. With a strong sense of social responsibility, "Tianzhong Evening News And Little Reporters" has created a strong atmosphere among the vast number of young people striving to set an example and to be an example, and has created an important position for minors' ideological and moral education, quality education, and language education.

It is not only the young journalists who grow, but also every instructor. "Before the works are selected and sent, the school will arrange for the students' guidance teachers to write comments on the works of the young reporters in advance as required. At the same time, the instructor will also hold regular sharing meetings to exchange experiences in revising the manuscript and stimulate the motivation of the teaching team to learn and improve. Chen Li, a counselor of the Young Pioneer Brigade of the Third Primary School in Zhumadian City, said.

Chen Li said: "In this square garden, students are both readers and authors, through the simultaneous publication of the 'Zhumadian Today' client, tianzhong evening news, 'Zhumadian network' three-party platform, the formation of a wider coverage, more timeliness, greater influence of the social effect, small journalists are eager to be more people appreciate and recognize, greatly stimulating their initiative to improve their enthusiasm for writing skills." It is hoped that the Tianzhong Evening News Young Reporter will continue to increase its efforts, innovate forms, and publish campus life, daily life, hiking trips, reading and watching movies, calligraphy and painting photography works, and excellent role models on campus from more angles. ”

Education is the biggest livelihood and affects thousands of households. "Children's essays are published in the Tianzhong Evening News, Little Reporter, which is very good for the cultivation of children's interest in writing." "The construction of the platform is closer to education, close to society, close to students, which is what our parents are happy to see." "In every social practice, they can learn knowledge, truly appreciate the joy of writing, children learn to observe society with a keen eye, record life with real words, learn knowledge in activities, enjoy their bodies and minds in learning, and meet better selves in the vast world." Many parents left messages in the background of the official WeChat public accounts of "Tianzhong Evening News" and "Tianzhong Evening News Little Reporter" to express their high recognition of the debut of "Tianzhong Evening News • Little Reporter" after the revision.

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