
A city in Jiangsu Province, a city of liberal arts yuan full score essay "gentle night", the amount of reading is amazing, the talent is outstanding

author:Language forest
A city in Jiangsu Province, a city of liberal arts yuan full score essay "gentle night", the amount of reading is amazing, the talent is outstanding

The night is gentle

Lianyungang Liberal Arts Champion

Watching the music late at night, the stage stood still, the mercury lamp leaked, and the green clothes opened up desolately: "Watching him rise up, seeing his tall building collapse..."

Nan Ke dreams, life is shortened and followed, and the dream is fleeting. Fortunately, the wise see the wise. If we can calm our contemplative mind, always be awake in luck, and always have hope in bad luck, then the luck that may slide into doom will be preserved, and the luck of doom will also be lucky. Isn't that wisdom?

I admire Mr. Mu Xin's gu left and right and say to him: "The so-called abyss, going down, is also a long way ahead." He then concealed the half sentence: "The so-called clouds, jumping down, will also be deep in the abyss." Although the fortunate encounter is enviable, it is always inevitable to worry about the fear of its loss, the so-called "longevity is more humiliating, the wisdom is early death, the affection is deep but not prosperous", the Chinese people believe in "moderation", there are always some reasons. And bad luck, in Kidd's words, is the "narrow door" of life, and behind the narrow entrance hides hope without hope, and after passing through, "there are endless crowns for us to keep." "The small hope in doom is only precious if it is weak.

A city in Jiangsu Province, a city of liberal arts yuan full score essay "gentle night", the amount of reading is amazing, the talent is outstanding

Nietzsche's words on the sun and dionysus are extremely exquisite: "If life is a comedy, then we must act this comedy freely, do not bury the brilliance and splendor of comedy; and if life is a tragedy, we must also participate in this tragedy with sound and color, and we must not lose the magnificence and happiness of tragedy, such as the romantic wantonness of Dionysus." "Luck is an extra gift of fate, so that soberly to enjoy and watch, not to be embarrassed by Wilde's "suffering of gain", to encounter bad luck, it should only be a sincere participation in the drama of fate, always maintain hope, out of trivial grievances to "embrace the stars outside the desert." "Where misfortunes and blessings depend, where blessings and misfortunes lie, remembering the advice of the ancients, if the mind is uncertain, the mind becomes a pool of stagnant water!"

Because people are sincere and sensitive enough, luck and misfortune are like the law to poetry, just an addition. He will then be able to clearly contemplate the eternal path of luck, and the hope of misfortune will live on forever. I don't agree with Fitzgerald's crazy arrogance with Zelda at the height of his life, in my opinion, it is Gerald's overwhelm of sudden happiness, but I love his calmness after the "winter dream is shattered", and he firmly believes in the collapse that "when I write this novel, everything will be hopeful." "The beauty of the night is gentle", a masterpiece that has not been ridiculed by Hemingway, "only crying nose", at a time when Hemingway's many works have become famous, there are still reasons to write firm and Winton. Compared with the lucky "Gatsby", this heart that can still feel its tenderness when looking at the night may be even more remarkable.

A city in Jiangsu Province, a city of liberal arts yuan full score essay "gentle night", the amount of reading is amazing, the talent is outstanding

Calvino said: "Darkness is only the slow fall of the summer twilight; the morning sun is only a warm rain pouring into the abyss." "A heart that is calm and watchful is self-satisfied, never flustered, fortunate, not afraid of its loss; Hamlet asked Horavo, "Am I lucky or unlucky?" Holavo is alert: "Everything is fighting itself in the cage of the heart, and if there is peace, there will be light in the road ahead." ”

Luck and misfortune, not afraid, always sober, always hopeful, that, as Holavo said: "There is light in the road ahead." ”

Is it true wisdom, think it is okay?


The article begins with "watching the drama", so that the theory of the article presents a unique scene and the cultural atmosphere is immediately revealed. The article has more than a dozen quotations of celebrity statements, many of which are foreign classics, but they do not show a sense of piling, which shows that candidates also have a unique style in selecting and using famous quotes: in addition to just the right arguments, they also naturally stitch together these ten quotations through the comparison of celebrity views, dialogue, etc.

A city in Jiangsu Province, a city of liberal arts yuan full score essay "gentle night", the amount of reading is amazing, the talent is outstanding

Jiangsu 2015 college entrance examination essay questions

Read the material below and compose as required. (70 minutes)

Wisdom is an experience, an ability, a realm... Like nature, wisdom has its own form.

Synthesize the above materials, combine your feelings and thoughts, and write an essay of no less than 800 words.

Requirements: Self-selected angle, self-proposed topic; style is not limited, except poetry.

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