
Let enterprises be more worry-free and consumers more assured! The Songjiang market supervision department did this →

author:Shanghai Songjiang
Let enterprises be more worry-free and consumers more assured! The Songjiang market supervision department did this →

Not long ago, Shanghai Wangjiasha Food Processing Co., Ltd. introduced an intelligent traceability system for the food production process and realized the "paperless" ledger. The relevant person in charge of "Wangjiasha", a time-honored food production enterprise in China, sincerely sighed, which not only greatly improved the efficiency of food safety information traceability, but also improved consumer stickiness, which can be described as "killing two birds with one stone".

Let enterprises be more worry-free and consumers more assured! The Songjiang market supervision department did this →

There are a large number of food production enterprises in Songjiang District and a wide range of categories. The reporter learned that in the early stage of construction work, the completion rate of large and medium-sized enterprises is relatively high, while small and micro enterprises are slow. In order to deeply understand and solve the specific problems faced by small and micro food production enterprises, the District Market Supervision Bureau is "targeted" and focuses on following up these small and micro enterprises in daily supervision. For example, after active communication between the Market Supervision Institute of the Economic and Technological Development Zone and the Management Committee of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, the development of food production enterprises at this stage and the difficulties in the implementation of the intelligent traceability system are classified and summarized one by one. The implementation plan formed accordingly has been highly valued by the local government, and special funds have been allocated to support small and micro enterprises to establish a food traceability system, which has stimulated the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate in the construction.

Let enterprises be more worry-free and consumers more assured! The Songjiang market supervision department did this →

"In the next step of the process, we will continue to summarize experience, find problems, and continue to improve, so as to help small and micro food production enterprises integrate into the wave of intelligent food production. Through the gradual establishment of a complete intelligent traceability system, the food production process can be traced and food safety information is more transparent, so that enterprises can be more worry-free and consumers can rest assured. The relevant person in charge of the District Market Supervision Bureau said.

Text: Liang Feng

Image: District Market Supervision Bureau Workstation

Editor: Zhang Xiaoxiao