
After "Ultraman Galaxy Fighting", the strength ranking should be refreshed, and the top four have two monsters!

The strength ranking in the ultraman world has always been very controversial to be honest, and some people once even thought that the most powerful was Noah. However, after "Ultraman Galaxy Fighting", the strength ranking really has to be refreshed, and the light monster accounts for two of the top four.

After "Ultraman Galaxy Fighting", the strength ranking should be refreshed, and the top four have two monsters!

If you pay more attention to the "Ultraman Galaxy Fighting" series, you will find that there are many masters who appear here, and the strength of several will be greatly improved. Cyro Ultraman, in particular, will become stronger with the help of Jonias. Of course, there is another character whose combat power may have to be caught up with the mysterious four O'o, because he wants to obtain stronger power, and this power comes from the king of Otter, I heard that Round Valley wants him to use this power to go back to the past, of course, after the task arranged by Round Valley for him is completed, I am afraid that the father of Otter will return to the original state.

After "Ultraman Galaxy Fighting", the strength ranking should be refreshed, and the top four have two monsters!

But now when it comes to the strength ranking of Ultraman in the world, there are only two Ultramans in the top four, and these two Ultramans are Noah and Rejedo. Of course, the data given by Round Valley can also show that the strength of these two heroes is the strongest among all the Ultraman who have appeared. However, if you want to put it in the whole universe, their ranking is at most third and fourth, and the top two are not Ultraman, and one of them is even a monster. Don't believe it, this kind of thing is no joke.

After "Ultraman Galaxy Fighting", the strength ranking should be refreshed, and the top four have two monsters!

In third place is actually a monster, and this monster has only appeared once in the play, as to why he did not appear again, the reason is still very simple, because his identity is too magical, if he really wants to fight, even Noah Ultraman can not make a profit. This monster was none other than ye fu that everyone knew. According to the meaning of round valley, the existence of this monster is similar to a bug, he can not only become stronger and stronger, but even no one can destroy him. We can recall max ultraman's experience, if round valley did not arrange for Leaf Rot to leave by himself, I am afraid that from now on, there will be no ultraman like Max in the land of light.

After "Ultraman Galaxy Fighting", the strength ranking should be refreshed, and the top four have two monsters!

If the strength of the monster Leaf Rot can be ranked second, then there is another character in the first place, there is absolutely no problem, just listening to his name everyone will be very convinced. However, this character has only appeared once in the play, but his image is not known. Round Valley once said that this mysterious person created the universe, and when the matter came here, I believe everyone can think of it, right? He is Delasion. Anyway, under normal circumstances, he just assigned Jestis Ultraman to shoot, after all, his identity was there.

After "Ultraman Galaxy Fighting", the strength ranking should be refreshed, and the top four have two monsters!

Anyway, with the launch of Ultraman's new drama, there will be stronger characters appearing, and everyone may wish to wait and see. In addition, some netizens said that there is a character named Kalafar the Great, do you think he really exists?

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