
Ultraman: Can monsters really evolve into Ultraman? There is one in the Land of Light, and the image is similar to Noah!'

After watching so many Ultraman works, have you ever thought about a question, that is, can monsters evolve into Ultraman? Don't you say that there is really one in the Land of Light, he is not only very powerful, but also his image is very similar to Noah.

Ultraman: Can monsters really evolve into Ultraman? There is one in the Land of Light, and the image is similar to Noah!'

In fact, in the history of Ultraman, there are indeed many monsters that appear, but let's recall carefully, who can become the real Ultraman? Of course, there are some cosmic people who have turned into ultraman's image and come out to bounce around, and they are all defeated by Ultraman. But this is just an imitation, they are not really Ultraman, but in the setting of Round Valley, there was once a monster, and later really evolved into an Otter warrior, not only that, but also got the affirmation of Ultraman of the Land of Light, directly becoming one of the members of the Cosmic Guard. As an iron fan of Ultraman, can you guess who it is?

Ultraman: Can monsters really evolve into Ultraman? There is one in the Land of Light, and the image is similar to Noah!'

If you know more about ultraman's history, you should have heard of such a hero. Once there was a great disaster in the solar system, there was a planet that was about to perish, and noah Ultraman passed by and rescued a small monster. But Noah couldn't have raised him himself, could he? So on a planet, a couple was found to raise. Later, this monster gradually grew up, and also had a righteous heart, bent on protecting the peace of the universe. However, this planet also had a disaster, and this monster also paid for its own life in order to protect the planet. Unexpectedly, this planet actually gave him all its energy. So the monster evolved into Ultraman.

Ultraman: Can monsters really evolve into Ultraman? There is one in the Land of Light, and the image is similar to Noah!'

Since the name of this planet is Akstar, this righteous little monster that evolved into Ultraman is also called Ultraman. In addition, there is also a picture of him on the Internet, which can be said to be very similar to Noah Ultraman. In particular, several pairs of wings are said to help him travel through various time and space. Later, the righteous Ace star is accepted by the father of Otter, and then becomes a member of the Kingdom of Light, and his relationship with Ultraman of Monbius is very good in the setting. Unfortunately, Round Valley did not let him appear in Ultraman's works, and to be honest, if he really fought, Cyro was not his opponent at all.

Ultraman: Can monsters really evolve into Ultraman? There is one in the Land of Light, and the image is similar to Noah!'

In fact, let's not say that in ultraman's world, any kind of thing can happen, monsters can evolve into ultraman, and ultraman can even evolve into monsters. For example, Beria and Torreia, these two are both Ultramans of the Land of Light, right? Later, after blackening, they also used the power of darkness to become monsters, and the result can be imagined, as villains, they will definitely be destroyed. Of course, Beria and Torregia have been wiped out, but things are far from over, especially Beria. When will his genes and the demon fragments that fell on his body be completely solved?

Ultraman: Can monsters really evolve into Ultraman? There is one in the Land of Light, and the image is similar to Noah!'

Speaking of which, we have to mention two female warriors, who also evolved into monsters. Camilla and Carmila are all impressed, right? If you're Ultraman, would you be willing to turn into a monster in order to gain great power?

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