
2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list

The so-called hardcore off-road vehicles, all refer to the non-load-bearing body with girder to create an SUV that can complete many difficult off-road conditions, once upon a time, before 2021, China's hardcore off-road vehicle market has been dominated by the Japanese FAW Toyota Prado, imported Prado, imported Toyota Land Cruiser, Nissan Tour, Mitsubishi Pajero, Lexus LX570, the United States German hardcore off-road vehicles have no high sales.

2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list

Two years ago, the ranking of any hardcore off-road vehicle in the mainland is not good, and now in the top 8 of China's best-selling hard-school off-road vehicles in 2021, there are 4 models that are monopolized by independent luxury, especially the sales champions and runners-up are mainland national car brands, and the Japanese hard-core off-road vehicle scenery is no longer beautiful.

2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list

First place: The 300 Tank, which sells 84,500 units a year, won the best-selling hardcore SUV in China.

Deservedly, with the follow-up of production capacity and the improvement of chip supply, Tank 300 was listed at the end of 2020, killing a new market, and the last three months of 2021 Tank 300 sold more than 10,000 vehicles per month. This car completely saved the entire high-end car of Great Wall Motors, the flagship VV7 of the Great Wall sub-brand WEY itself plummeted, the sales of the traditional old car Haval H in September were only less than 1200 units, which has not been able to turn over any market waves, and the sales of many WEY models are getting lower and lower, catching up with half of Lynk & Co's annual sales. The explosion of the tank 300, the cyber tank 300 was increased by more than 100,000 hype, all of which made this standard tank with three locks + low-speed four-wheel drive + tank U-turn 300 popular.

2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list

The second model: Beijing BJ40, annual sales of 22,400 units

As a beiqi sub-brand with a military background for 7 years than the tank 300, the market of the independent brand of 200,000 yuan is still completely opened by the tank 300.

2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list

The car achieved total sales of 22,400 units in 2021, also benefiting from the withdrawal of FAW Toyota Prado from the Chinese market in June 2020. According to the average monthly sales volume of beijing BJ40 of more than 1800 units, it also eats the domestic hardcore SUV market dividend that is red by the tank 300.

2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list

The third model, Nissan Tuda, will have a total sales volume of 15,100 units in 2021

As a very rare joint venture brand with girder of the hardcore off-road vehicle, Although Tuda can play hardcore off-road non-load-bearing SUV, but the starting price of less than 170,000, the most expensive only 240,000, bringing this car outstanding cost performance, Tuda still has a certain degree of home comfort, 2.5L naturally aspirated engine with 7AT automatic transmission, bringing Tuda super reliability and off-road strength.

2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list

Nissan Tuda, last year's total sales exceeded 15,100 has become the third best-selling hardcore off-road vehicle in the Chinese market, than its earlier Jiangling Ford road shakers, more powerful, more domineering appearance can only reach nissan Tuda sales.

2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list

Fourth model: Haval H9 annual sales in China 14,700 units

As the only domestic hard-core off-road vehicle that China once had to fight with prado, this is the Haval H9, but the car is slightly insufficient, the design of the cottage Japanese Prado is too obvious, many rumors of suspension of production, still can get a total sales of 14,700 units last year, it is not easy.

2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list

Section 5: Land Rover Defender, 9427 units

As a rare new model of the Land Rover brand, the price increase is about 80,000 yuan.

2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list
2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list

The sixth paragraph: Jeep Wrangler, imported from all departments, has a total annual sales volume of 8735 vehicles in China, and each Wrangler also needs to increase the price by about 100,000.

2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list

The seventh model: Mercedes-Benz Big G, with a total annual sales volume of 3796 vehicles in China

The engine of this car ranges from 2.0T to 4.0T, but the price is extremely expensive, the average price of the landing is more than 3 million yuan, and no one is willing to buy it when it is sold cheaply, and the average price increase of one Mercedes-Benz is still snapped up.

2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list

Section 8: Beijing BJ80, with a total annual sales volume of 3556 units

One of BAIC's mass-produced flagships, the Beijing BJ80, has a highly imitated Mercedes-Benz big G, and it is not easy to achieve such annual sales.

2021 China Hardcore SUV Sales Ranking: Japanese Prado Tour Pajero is not on the list

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