
A child in Jiangxi went to a school 15 kilometers away in the early morning to register, the mother remotely monitored, netizens directly called out heartache

A few days ago, in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, a mother posted a surveillance video of her son, which can be seen in the surveillance video. The son got up alone at 5 a.m. to register for a school 15 kilometers away. After the video was uploaded to the network, it quickly caused heated discussion and discussion among the majority of netizens. Let's take a look.

A child in Jiangxi went to a school 15 kilometers away in the early morning to register, the mother remotely monitored, netizens directly called out heartache

In the video, the child can be seen alone at five o'clock in the morning, going out to sign up for school. The school is 15 kilometers away, because it is relatively dark, but also to play the flashlight to feel the black to go out alone, the lonely back is really painful. Fortunately, the dog in the family is more sensible, accompanied by the child to school, the mother outside the monitoring saw this scene is also worried, but also feel very comforted, remote monitoring to see the child go out to class.

A child in Jiangxi went to a school 15 kilometers away in the early morning to register, the mother remotely monitored, netizens directly called out heartache
A child in Jiangxi went to a school 15 kilometers away in the early morning to register, the mother remotely monitored, netizens directly called out heartache

Seeing this, many netizens have expressed their opinions, some netizens said, then I used to be in junior high school when I was also like this, after school home is basically dark, now walking is fast. Some netizens said that 15 kilometers is also too far, if you walk alone, it will take at least three hours to walk. There are also netizens who say that the children of the poor have long been homemakers, and such children look forward to the future, and they are really a brave child.

A child in Jiangxi went to a school 15 kilometers away in the early morning to register, the mother remotely monitored, netizens directly called out heartache

As the saying goes, if parents are not hard, children are hard, and our efforts today are so that children can have a better tomorrow. Therefore, our efforts have indeed not seen the effect for the time being, and we will definitely bring a better life to our children in the future, do not give up because of today's hard work, and when you see your children's hard work tomorrow, you will feel very distressed. What are your thoughts on this? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comments section below the article.

A child in Jiangxi went to a school 15 kilometers away in the early morning to register, the mother remotely monitored, netizens directly called out heartache

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