
KPL Spring Games: Losing and winning, from DYG to XYG to WE, what is the way to change coaches?

The 2022 KPL Spring Tournament has been carried out until now, and it has also reached a very critical period, and the major teams are constantly working hard for their own rankings. At this juncture, KPL has set off a wave of coaching changes, which is also somewhat incomprehensible. Beginning with DYG's fingertip departure, several KPL teams announced that they had changed their coaches. Some of them lose and change coaches, while some of them win and change coaches, and they win and win, what is it?

KPL Spring Games: Losing and winning, from DYG to XYG to WE, what is the way to change coaches?


DYG changed coaches, two consecutive defeats is the reason!

KPL Spring Games: Losing and winning, from DYG to XYG to WE, what is the way to change coaches?


DYG's head coach this season is a fingertip, and in coaching, he is also conscientious, without merit and hard work. However, this season's DYG results are really bad, so after two games, DYG announced the change of coach. Fingertip announced his resignation and Sixteen announced his takeover, which has a lot to do with DYG's two consecutive defeats. DYG wants to rise again this season, so the goal is very high, want to impact group S, but now, not to mention the impact of group S, stay in group A are some problems, therefore, DYG is also choosing to change coaches to find new opportunities. The appointment of the new coach, what kind of changes can be brought to DYG, what kind of surprises can be brought to us, let us look forward to it together!

XYG wins a coaching change, which is a bit confusing!

KPL Spring Games: Losing and winning, from DYG to XYG to WE, what is the way to change coaches?

Wind Lord

DYG this change coach, everyone can understand, but XYG also followed the hilarity, it is a little difficult to understand. Although XYG lost the first game, it won the back, won the first victory, and came to the third position in the S group. In fact, everyone can also see a growth and change in XYG, I thought they would continue to work hard and get better and better, but I did not expect that at this juncture, XYG announced the replacement of the head coach. The original head coach, Glucose, also known as the glucose coach, officially announced his resignation, and the new coach was Feng Jun, the training director of XYG. Fengjun originally joined XYG, it should be for the head coach, and now XYG chose to change people at this point in time, which was also fully considered!

WE four consecutive wins for coaches, broken or just spare tires!

KPL Spring Games: Losing and winning, from DYG to XYG to WE, what is the way to change coaches?


The most incomprehensible thing is that WE's change coach, after the broken coaching WE, this season has won all the way, not only four consecutive wins to get the first place in Group A, but also has not lost a game so far, this result is really beyond the reach of ordinary people. However, just after winning the AG Super Play, WE announced that the broken team left the team, note that leaving the team here is not stepping down, which means that the broken is a complete departure from WE. To be honest, this operation is the most surprising. WE is now in very good shape and momentum, and the broken coaching results are also obvious to all. In such a situation, we have to change coaches, what is the purpose?

KPL Spring Games: Losing and winning, from DYG to XYG to WE, what is the way to change coaches?


In fact, for the departure of the broken coach, everyone has long expected. Because at the beginning, Broken announced that he had joined WE, that is, he joined the coaching staff, not the head coach. The announcement of the broken head coach is also at the last moment before the start of the game. This shows that all along, brokenness has not been the first choice for WE's head coaches. It's just that for some reason, WE can't get Broken coaching. Now that Broken has announced its departure from the team, WE has a high probability of finding a more suitable coach!

KPL Spring Games: Losing and winning, from DYG to XYG to WE, what is the way to change coaches?

KPL eighteen teams

In the KPL field, the coach is a vital presence, and the change of coach has a great impact on the team. Now these teams have begun to change coaches, which is somewhat incomprehensible. Losing the change coach, everyone can understand, but winning the change coach, this operation is somewhat surprising. In particular, WE, after four consecutive wins, after winning the AG Super Play, announced the departure of the head coach, which will have a great impact on WE. After changing coaches, can DYG get its own first win? Can XYG hit a winning streak? Can WE dominate Group A? Everything is full of unknowns, and it is very exciting!

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