
Zhang Xiaofei has the potential to be a fashion blogger, 4 major trend colors to wear fashionable eye-catching, learn too practical

Share the most classic fashion wear, so that you can be beautiful in all seasons, women never lack attraction, only lack of skills to stimulate charm, will wear, let you become a tasteful elegant woman!

Wearing can not be separated from the modification of color, color can affect the visual sense of the image, conspicuous colors can show the personality of the wearing style, so that the wear becomes more distinctive, so when wearing must pay attention to the color, choose the color that suits their own and trend characteristics to add image advantages, so that the wear is more advanced.

There are different trend colors every year, these colors can become trend colors is not accidental, there is a personality and can highlight the modern fashion temperament of the color can attract attention, become the annual trend color. Most of the women with potential as fashion bloggers are women who grasp the essence of fashion trends.

Zhang Xiaofei is like this, her perception of color and driving ability are very strong, learn her four colors to wear, this year must be very beautiful and special. Zhang Xiaofei led the 2022 popular color, orange emerald green are quite advanced, learned to be beautiful for a year. Zhang Xiaofei has the potential to be a fashion blogger, 4 major trend colors to wear fashionable eye-catching, learn too practical.

Zhang Xiaofei's trendy orange outfit

Zhang Xiaofei has the potential to be a fashion blogger, 4 major trend colors to wear fashionable eye-catching, learn too practical

Orange personality charm

Orange is enthusiastic, lively, but also with a bright temperament, for age reduction will get very good results, orange with yellow and red temperament characteristics, both have the advantages of two colors, the image is particularly low pickiness, can make the age atmosphere be weakened.

Orange color suitability is strong, that is, it can be combined with most colors, and white and other light colors, orange looks more clear, can highlight the girlish feeling; and dark color collocation, it can reduce the sense of depth and dullness of wearing, so that the temperament is more generous.

Zhang Xiaofei has the potential to be a fashion blogger, 4 major trend colors to wear fashionable eye-catching, learn too practical

The orange outfit is recommended with a color matching

Orange wear will be particularly lively, you can choose sweatshirts, T-shirts or sweaters of casual clothing, with orange to enhance the sense of clothing style, and clothing design will not lead to dazzling wear.

You can choose an orange costume with a white print, or you can match the white underlay in the orange clothing to increase the brightness of the orange color. Other pieces can choose a dark color to balance the sense of image.

Zhang Xiaofei's trend emerald green wear

Zhang Xiaofei has the potential to be a fashion blogger, 4 major trend colors to wear fashionable eye-catching, learn too practical

Emerald green personality charm

Emerald green is a relatively dark green, the color concentration is between bright green and dark green, the color appears elegant and advanced. Emerald green is close to the color of jewelry, so it has the characteristics of noble elegance, and the dress is particularly high quality.

Emerald green color is vivid, but not dazzling, the charm of wearing is all expressed, and the skin tone can be adjusted to make the skin tone white and bright, and the dress is fresh and gentle.

Zhang Xiaofei has the potential to be a fashion blogger, 4 major trend colors to wear fashionable eye-catching, learn too practical

Emerald green is recommended with color matching

The color charm of emerald green is more special, its own high saturation, not suitable for matching too light colors, and dark combination is easy to increase the depth of emerald green, so the surface of the clothing generally does not increase the print, pure color is the most attractive.

Other clothing can choose dark colors, low saturation styles, such as dark gray, dark blue, etc., these colors can stimulate the high-level quality of emerald green wear, to achieve color contrast and complementarity.

Zhang Xiaofei's trendy gray outfit

Zhang Xiaofei has the potential to be a fashion blogger, 4 major trend colors to wear fashionable eye-catching, learn too practical

Grey personality charm

Gray is one of the classic colors, its application is particularly wide, but its charm is always covered by black or white, gray is gentler than black and white, wearing temperament is generous, different shades of gray can show the advantages of image temperament.

Gray is often associated with elegant, advanced and other words, its color modification effect is self-evident, casual wear, activity wear, etc. can be modified with gray, wearing temperament is rich and diverse.

Zhang Xiaofei has the potential to be a fashion blogger, 4 major trend colors to wear fashionable eye-catching, learn too practical

Gray wear is recommended with color matching

Dark gray looks elegant and noble, light gray is elegant and fresh, gray colors can be combined together, with contrast colors to highlight the gray temperament, wearing high-end is also special.

Gray clothing can be decorated with white and black, light gray with white, dark gray with black effect is the best. In addition, other items can also be selected in black and white, so that the basic color combination presents a different charm.

Zhang Xiaofei's trend purple outfit

Zhang Xiaofei has the potential to be a fashion blogger, 4 major trend colors to wear fashionable eye-catching, learn too practical

Purple personality charm

Purple romance, mysterious, is a unique color of temperament charm, a little darker purple looks low-key, in fact, there are full of trend characteristics, personality can also show vitality, so sports fashion or hip-hop wear like to use purple to modify.

Purple whitening effect is also obvious, when the skin color becomes better, the color will not be bad, the overall image vitality will inevitably be improved a lot, with purple to show the vitality of girls is particularly practical.

Zhang Xiaofei has the potential to be a fashion blogger, 4 major trend colors to wear fashionable eye-catching, learn too practical

Purple is recommended with a color matching

Purple is suitable for matching bright colors, the more bright the color, the more can stimulate the mystery and high level of purple, purple with orange or yellow are good-looking, bright color collocation can highlight the personality, you can match the personality of the fashion and purple clothing.

Purple clothing is suitable for choosing loose models, rather than choosing tight models, sports or tooling purple clothing are good-looking, loose wear looks handsome and stylish, and full of characteristics.

Orange, emerald green, gray and purple are all popular colors this year, the colors are dark and light, there are high-profile, there are also low-key, you can mix and match at will, choose the right color, it is not difficult to become a fashion trendy person.

Master the seasonal fashion elements and become a fashionista with exquisite dressing! Don't play tall, just talk about the most grounded dry goods skills, so that you get closer and closer to fashion. Welcome to share fashion insights and insights together!

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