
Zhang Daxian explained the reason why glucose left the team, the concept was not in line with the good gathering, Xi He actually said that he leaked his mouth

The KPL Spring Season regular season is in full swing, and there was a lot of turmoil in the second week. The main thing is the change of head coach, many teams have replaced the head coach, including the fingertips of Shenzhen DYG, and XYG's glucose. Fingertips were forced to leave class because of poor grades, but Glucose stepped down as a surprise, after all, XYG's current results are not bad, and he is still a meritorious coach who has accompanied the growth of the team since the national competition. After the boss Zhang Daxian started broadcasting, he also explained the reason and did not say too much, but everyone also guessed it.

Zhang Daxian explained the reason why glucose left the team, the concept was not in line with the good gathering, Xi He actually said that he leaked his mouth

Daxian said during the live broadcast that glucose left the team because of the concept of disagreement, but some things are inconvenient to say, and glucose belongs to a good gathering and dispersion, and everyone will still be brothers in the future. In fact, the audience can see that the probability is because of the rotation of players, the first game at the beginning of the XYG season is a newly joined one, and then it is changed back to the original auxiliary Xihe. From the perspective of the Great Immortal, he definitely preferred Xi He, after all, he had been following the team's assistance before, and the time of contact with them was not long.

Zhang Daxian explained the reason why glucose left the team, the concept was not in line with the good gathering, Xi He actually said that he leaked his mouth

Glucose should be more likely to change the auxiliary for the sake of the strength of the team, because XiHe's command problem has existed since before, and he hopes that one can improve the situation. It is reasonable to say that Daxian as the boss should not interfere in the training, and professional things should be handed over to professional people to do. But after the last XYG victory over GK, Xi He's interview said that he missed his mouth, and he said that he could return to the starting line because Daisen helped him speak, and Daisen must have given advice to the coaching staff, and there was a conflict with glucose's idea.

Zhang Daxian explained the reason why glucose left the team, the concept was not in line with the good gathering, Xi He actually said that he leaked his mouth

Some people may say that XYG lost when he went to the last door, Shangxi he won, and Daisen's decision was no problem. However, XYG's opponent was Chongqing Wolves when it started, and Xi he's opponent was GK when he started, the situation was not the same, and the victory and defeat could not be generalized. A goal play is still good, the operation ability is very strong, the rhythm is also colorful, but the players lack a little tacit understanding, Xihe and the old teammates to cooperate more tacitly, but the upper limit may not be too high.

Zhang Daxian explained the reason why glucose left the team, the concept was not in line with the good gathering, Xi He actually said that he leaked his mouth

Daisen's idea can't be said to be wrong, after all, these players have followed him step by step, and he hopes that the original players can start. But what the coaching staff wants is better results, and the boss should not interfere in the training, which will make them not authoritative. XYG itself has always been a relatively high-profile team, and glucose may not be able to accept this model, so it chose to leave.

Zhang Daxian explained the reason why glucose left the team, the concept was not in line with the good gathering, Xi He actually said that he leaked his mouth

The new coach Fengjun was the head coach of Xi'an WE last season, in fact, this season Fengjun came over, and may have been ready to leave the team before the start of the game. Glucose coach left the team has become a fact, may not return to XYG in the future, Fengjun joined the team from before the start of the game, and now the situation of XYG should also be more understood, and the team's performance should not be too affected. As for the starting point of a door and Xihe, it should be a greater probability of Xihe starting.

Zhang Daxian explained the reason why glucose left the team, the concept was not in line with the good gathering, Xi He actually said that he leaked his mouth

What do you think about Zhang Daxian's explanation of the departure of coach Glucose? Feel free to discuss it in the comments section.

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