
Douban has added a group content anti-handling function, and the group leader can choose to turn it on or off

Douban has added a group content anti-handling function, and the group leader can choose to turn it on or off

Blue Whale TMT channel on February 21, recently, many netizens found that the Douban application embedded in the page watermark, logged in users may display their account ID when taking screenshots, including UID, TID and full time with time zone.

In this regard, Douban responded that this is a new "group content anti-removal function", the group leader can be turned on or off in the "group management group content anti-removal settings", after opening, when the group content is screenshotted, the screenshot will automatically generate an encrypted [screenshot user ID, screenshot post ID, screenshot time] information. Groups that have this feature turned on can see a message below the group post that reads "Content from xxx group, the group has turned on anti-portability".

Douban has added a group content anti-handling function, and the group leader can choose to turn it on or off

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