
Weibo will be fully open to display IP territorial functions from now on, and users cannot actively open or close them

Weibo will be fully open to display IP territorial functions from now on, and users cannot actively open or close them

Image source: Oriental IC

Blue Whale TMT Channel April 28, today, Weibo issued an announcement, will show users "IP territory" function further upgrades. This function was launched in March this year, and Weibo's interpretation of this function is to reduce bad behaviors such as impersonating parties to hot events, malicious rumors, and rubbing traffic, and to ensure the authenticity and transparency of the content disseminated.

According to Weibo, in order to further protect the rights and interests of users and improve the user experience, the platform will carry out product upgrades and new features online today on the basis of the previous user's "IP territory" display, as follows: first, full open comments display the small tail function of the IP territory of the appraiser; second, the "personal homepage level page shows the IP territory" function.

Weibo said that the IP territorial function of the comment area is designed to present the real situation to the majority of users more transparently, and cannot be actively turned on or off by users. The IP territory of the personal homepage is determined according to the IP territory of the recent user blog, comment, and voting.

Weibo will be fully open to display IP territorial functions from now on, and users cannot actively open or close them

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