
The State Press and Publication Administration announced the approval information of the first batch of domestic online games in 2022, a total of 45 games

The State Press and Publication Administration announced the approval information of the first batch of domestic online games in 2022, a total of 45 games

Blue Whale TMT Channel april 11 news, the official website of the State Press and Publication Administration shows that in April 2022, the approval information of domestic online games was announced, and a total of 45 games were approved.

According to the list, games such as "Dream Voyage", "Box Fission" and "Tower Hunter" of Thunder Interactive, "Party Star" of Heartbeat Network, "Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms of The Youth: Pocket Battle" of Youzu, "Casting Timemaker" of Zhongqingbao, and "Careful Fire Candle" of Dream Creation World have been approved.

Among the games reviewed this time, there are 39 mobile games (2 are "mobile-casual puzzles"), 5 client games, and 1 game console-Switch game.

The State Press and Publication Administration announced the approval information of the first batch of domestic online games in 2022, a total of 45 games

The release of the version number has been more than 8 months since the last approval of the game list, before, the game version number in 2018 also had a nearly 8-month shutdown, and many small and medium-sized game manufacturers disappeared, accelerating the reshuffle of the game industry.

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