
There is cancer in the intestine, the stool is informed? If these 3 phenomena occur in bowel movements, be wary of the arrival of bowel cancer!

For colon cancer, I think everyone is not unfamiliar.

Especially in recent years, due to the long-term influence of various bad living habits, the incidence of bowel cancer has been rising, and the age of the affected population has been constantly younger.

There is cancer in the intestine, the stool is informed? If these 3 phenomena occur in bowel movements, be wary of the arrival of bowel cancer!

Lancet: The incidence of this early-onset cancer doubled in the past 10 years, and once found to be mostly advanced

The authoritative medical journal "Lancet" has published a data showing that:

The incidence of colorectal cancer among people aged 20-29 increased from 0.8 per 100,000 in 1990 to 2.3 per 100,000 in 2016;

The incidence in people aged 30 to 39 years increased from 2.8 per 100,000 in 2006 to 6.4 per 100,000 in 2016.

The incidence rose from 15.5 per 100,000 people aged 40 to 49 years in 2005 to 19.2 per 100,000 in 2016.

This also means that early-onset colorectal cancer not only occurs prematurely, but its clinical symptoms are also different from late-onset colorectal cancer, and the symptoms of early-onset colorectal cancer are more concentrated in blood in the stool and abdominal pain, and there will be a longer symptom time.

In addition, early-onset colorectal cancer is more likely to be diagnosed as an advanced tumor when it is detected.

Compared with elderly patients, the relative risk of local metastasis in younger patients was 1.37 times, and the relative risk of distant metastasis was 1.58 times.

There is cancer in the intestine, the stool is informed? If these 3 phenomena occur in bowel movements, be wary of the arrival of bowel cancer!

These symptoms require timely medical observation

For the important knowledge related to bowel cancer, we must pay full attention to it, especially the abnormal changes in the body caused by bowel cancer.

Once it appears, it is important to be vigilant and seek medical attention in time:

First, the number of bowel movements has suddenly increased

In a healthy state of intestinal function, the frequency of bowel movements in the human body usually has obvious regularity.

However, when there is a problem with bowel cancer, because intestinal tumors can seriously affect intestinal function, it is easy to have a significant increase in the number of bowel movements, such as the original daily bowel movements 1 to 3 times suddenly changed to 6 to 8 times a day.

Especially if the number of bowel movements suddenly increases, and the defecation status has been alternating frequently between diarrhea and constipation, it is necessary to undergo a detailed intestinal examination in time to determine whether there is already bowel cancer.

Second, the stool is bloody

When an intestinal tumor causes injury and bleeding inside the intestine, it can cause very obvious symptoms of blood in the stool.

Due to bleeding inside the intestine, the bleeding time is often longer, so the color state of the blood stains in the stool at this time is often relatively dull, and sometimes even appear purple or black red.

For such fecal abnormalities, we must also raise our attention, at this time must not be simply attributed to constipation or hemorrhoids, this wrong practice is easy to delay the treatment of the disease.

Third, the stool becomes thinner

For bowel cancer patients, because the intestinal space occupied by intestinal tumors will be larger and larger, the shape of the feces is easily too fine due to excessive squeezing, such as thin strips, flat strips or flat blocks.

When the stool status is abnormal, it is also necessary to pay attention to the health of the intestine in time.

There is cancer in the intestine, the stool is informed? If these 3 phenomena occur in bowel movements, be wary of the arrival of bowel cancer!

If you want to stay as far away from bowel cancer as possible, what should you do?

1. Drink water in time

In general, it is recommended that you should control your daily water intake between 1500 and 1800ml, and you should actively drink water regardless of whether you are thirsty or not.

As long as the water is sufficient to avoid the intestine due to excessive dryness and difficulty in defecation, which has always been very critical to enhance the intestinal motility and prevent bowel cancer.

2. Exercise in moderation

In modern society, due to busy work, many people will ignore the necessity of exercise and fitness, and this poor state of life is very unfavorable for intestinal maintenance and the prevention of bowel cancer.

In the case of prolonged lack of physical exercise, it is likely to lead to a significant decrease in gastrointestinal motility. Over time, the incidence of intestinal diseases is prone to a significant increase.

In addition, for common physical abnormalities that are easily induced by bowel cancer, that is, a sudden increase in the number of bowel movements, thinning of stools and thinning of stools, we must pay full attention to them, and once such a variety of adverse symptoms occur, it is necessary to seek medical diagnosis in time.

There is cancer in the intestine, the stool is informed? If these 3 phenomena occur in bowel movements, be wary of the arrival of bowel cancer!

The most effective way to prevent and detect colon cancer ---- colonoscopy

Although a healthy lifestyle is very helpful for the prevention of colon cancer, in order to prevent and treat colon cancer, you also need to do a key trick---- early detection!

Among them, colonoscopy is the most effective bowel cancer screening.

If there are intestinal symptoms such as blood in the stool, abdominal pain, changes in stool habits mentioned above, or if the age is 50-75 years old, parents, siblings and other first-degree relatives have colorectal cancer, it is necessary to perform a colonoscopy as soon as possible.

There is cancer in the intestine, the stool is informed? If these 3 phenomena occur in bowel movements, be wary of the arrival of bowel cancer!

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