
Bowel cancer is getting younger, or related to these 5 bad habits, if you have, correct it as soon as possible

In general, bowel cancer tends to occur in middle-aged and elderly people over the age of 40. However, in recent years, the incidence of bowel cancer has become younger and younger, and the probability of intestinal cancer in people around the age of 30 is getting higher and higher.

The reason for this situation is most likely related to some bad living habits.

Therefore, if you want to prevent bowel cancer, you must change a series of incorrect living habits. So, what are the bad habits that can induce bowel cancer?

Bowel cancer is getting younger, or related to these 5 bad habits, if you have, correct it as soon as possible

First, low-fiber, high-fat, high-protein eating habits

A low-fiber, high-fat diet is a very leading factor in bowel cancer.

If you eat too much high-fat, high-protein food in daily life, and reduce a variety of vegetables, fruits, coarse grains, beans and other foods rich in vitamins, fiber zinc, carotene, it will lead to an increase in metabolites in the intestine, intestinal peristalsis function will decline.

Some bile acids in the intestine will form a large number of carcinogens with cholesterol under the action of anaerobic bacteria. These substances can cause a series of attacks on the intestinal mucosa, and the probability of developing bowel cancer will naturally increase.

Bowel cancer is getting younger, or related to these 5 bad habits, if you have, correct it as soon as possible

Second, long-term intake of chemical substances in food

Especially for some modern young people, they especially like to eat some fried or barbecue foods.

In the process of making these foods, more chemical carcinogens will be produced, such as nitrosamines and methyl aromatic amines.

These carcinogens are inextricably linked to the occurrence of bowel cancer.

Bowel cancer is getting younger, or related to these 5 bad habits, if you have, correct it as soon as possible

Third, long-term sedentary do not love sports

Long-term sedentary inactivity is also a major cause of intestinal cancer becoming younger. Whether they are student or office workers, they sit for a very long time every day.

In some free time, most people still sit or lie down and do not actively exercise.

This leads to a decrease in the normal function of the intestine, prone to constipation and obesity. Constipation and obesity are also major risk factors for bowel cancer.

Bowel cancer is getting younger, or related to these 5 bad habits, if you have, correct it as soon as possible

Fourth, long-term chronic diseases are not treated

Many young people will have some intestinal diseases of different degrees, such as acute and chronic enteritis, ulcerative enteritis or intestinal polyps.

If these intestinal diseases are not treated scientifically and normatively, or if they are indiscriminately medicated at the time of the disease, it will lead to damage to the intestinal mucosa and aggravate, and the probability of inducing bowel cancer will naturally increase.

Especially for people with long-term ulcerative enteritis, colorectal adenoma, Crohn's disease, and rectal polyps, the probability of developing bowel cancer in the later stage will be particularly high.

Bowel cancer is getting younger, or related to these 5 bad habits, if you have, correct it as soon as possible

5. Drink alcohol and smoke

The risk of bowel cancer in long-term drinkers is many times higher than that of people who do not drink alcohol. Ethanol will not only stimulate the mouth, esophagus, stomach, as well as blood vessels, heart, nerves and other parts, but also with the blood circulation into the intestine, so that the intestinal mucosa is damaged accordingly.

If you smoke for a long time, a series of carcinogens in tobacco will also cause corresponding irritation to the intestinal mucosa, which can easily induce the appearance of colorectal adenoma, which is precisely the precancerous lesion of bowel cancer.

Bowel cancer is getting younger, or related to these 5 bad habits, if you have, correct it as soon as possible

All in all, the reasons for the younger and younger bowel cancer and the increasing incidence of bowel cancer are related to the emergence of the above five bad living habits.

Therefore, whether it is a young group or a middle-aged and elderly population, if you want to prevent bowel cancer, you must have a healthy lifestyle.

If there is a repeated increase in the number of bowel movements, blood in the stool, thinning of the stool and other phenomena in the daily life, it is necessary to be admitted to the hospital for examination and treatment in time to maximize the maintenance of intestinal health.

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