
Can losing weight at age 20 reduce the risk of bowel cancer? Stay away from bowel cancer In addition to losing weight, you should also do 2 points

Now many people lose weight not only for good looks, more often for physical health, it can be said that obesity is the root cause of many diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood lipids and so on.

However, weight loss not only needs to find the right way, but also the age of weight loss is also crucial, the study found that starting to lose weight at the age of 20 is the best age, not only can reduce the risk of weight loss, but also effectively prevent bowel cancer diseases.

Can losing weight at age 20 reduce the risk of bowel cancer? Stay away from bowel cancer In addition to losing weight, you should also do 2 points

Why does starting to lose weight at age 20 reduce the risk of bowel cancer?

Bowel cancer is one of the more high incidence of tumor diseases, studies have found that bowel cancer and many factors are closely related, unhealthy diet, long-term indigestion, or suffering from gastrointestinal diseases may induce bowel cancer. However, the latest discovery is that the way to lose weight is not correct, or the weight loss age is not appropriate, it is easy to get bowel cancer, which makes many people particularly incomprehensible.

Although obesity is said to be a barometer of physical health, and people who are too obese have the risk of bowel cancer, weight loss can resist the risk of bowel cancer.

There are reports confirming that starting from the age of 20 or 30 to lose weight is very helpful for the prevention and reduction of bowel cancer, because there have been individuals who have done relevant surveys, and the data shows that weight will continue to rise with age, and will gradually increase the chance of various diseases.

For people who are obese, it is important to choose a weight loss time node, if you start to lose weight from the age of 20, then you can play a role in preventing bowel cancer. For people who start to lose weight from the age of 30, the risk of bowel cancer is significantly higher than that of people who start to lose weight at the age of 20.

Can losing weight at age 20 reduce the risk of bowel cancer? Stay away from bowel cancer In addition to losing weight, you should also do 2 points

How to prevent bowel cancer?

1. Dietary conditioning

Bowel cancer has become one of the killers that endanger human life and health, and the incidence of bowel cancer has been increasing in recent years, the main reason is unhealthy diet.

Therefore, if you want to prevent the emergence of bowel cancer, then you should actively adjust the diet structure, such as eating more foods rich in dietary fiber, and you should also do less salt, less sugar, less oil in the diet, and three meals a day should be based on "omnivorous".

In addition, you should stay away from foods that are prone to cancer, such as meat foods that have been deeply processed, pickled, smoked, and fried meat, and should appear on the table as little as possible. You should eat more vegetables and fruits, the staple food is best to be based on coarse grains, so as to reduce the risk of bowel cancer, but also to avoid excessive obesity, which is of great significance for the prevention of bowel cancer.

Can losing weight at age 20 reduce the risk of bowel cancer? Stay away from bowel cancer In addition to losing weight, you should also do 2 points

2. Quit smoking and alcohol

The risk of cancer in people who smoke and drink alcohol for a long time is particularly high, tobacco contains a large amount of nicotine and carcinogens, and alcohol will also produce adverse irritation to the intestine, which may increase the risk of rectal cancer and colon cancer over time. Therefore, if you want to prevent bowel cancer, you should quit smoking and alcohol in time, only in this way can you stay away from the threat of bowel cancer.

Can losing weight at age 20 reduce the risk of bowel cancer? Stay away from bowel cancer In addition to losing weight, you should also do 2 points

3. Strengthen exercise

Exercise is of great significance for enhancing physical fitness, improving resistance and immunity, long-term exercise of people metabolism and blood circulation speed will be particularly smooth, so that the body's toxins and waste products, through the way of excretion, but also can effectively reduce the probability of constipation. This reduces intestinal irritation and further reduces the risk of bowel cancer.

Can losing weight at age 20 reduce the risk of bowel cancer? Stay away from bowel cancer In addition to losing weight, you should also do 2 points

The above introduces the relationship between weight loss age and bowel cancer, and it is not difficult to find from many research results that weight loss from the age of 20 is not only more obvious, but also can play a role in preventing bowel cancer.

Therefore, for people who are obese, if they want to lose weight, they should act at the age of 20, so as to avoid the emergence of bowel cancer diseases.

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