
Influencer brands, what's next?

Influencer brands, what's next?

Wen | Jiangzhong Road

Probably since the second half of last year, the news of layoffs, store closures and salary cuts by Internet celebrity catering brands has been frequently reported, and the days of Internet celebrity catering have not been good.

It should be said that the rise of Internet celebrity catering brands in recent years has benefited from a trend of consumption upgrading that has been strongly blown up in China. In the past few years, the sustained and rapid development of China's economy has led to the growth of disposable income of residents, and the money bag has been inflated, and people naturally tend to pursue a lifestyle of quality trend.

At the same time, some new consumer brands have upgraded traditional catering by re-formulating flavors and creating new product recipes, successfully attracting young people's taste buds. In addition, these new consumer brands are good at using some grass planting platforms to carry out Internet marketing, and finally under the joint efforts of various forces, they have created a new Internet celebrity catering brand.

A large number of net red catering brands have broken through the wall and become a lifestyle guide for young people. In front of some brand stores, there was a lively landscape of hundreds of meters in line. Although some stores have also been exposed to the fraudulent plot of "spending money to buy popularity", it is a fact that the Internet celebrity catering brand has created a great deal of noise in the consumer market in recent years. With the help of the hot investment and financing market in the past two years, some Internet celebrity brands have even successfully listed, creating a phenomenon-level myth of wealth creation.

Influencer brands, what's next?

However, this is only the first half story of the influencer brand. Internet celebrity brands have risen due to consumption upgrades, but with the arrival of the epidemic, this wave of consumption upgrades has been blocked. The lack of terminal consumption power has an obvious impact on the entire consumer market, and it is inevitable that net red brands will be affected.

People focus on the survival of influencer brands, to some extent, only based on their influencer effect. The closure of the influencer brand also proves that this effect is not so stable. However, as a representative role in the new wave of consumption, we still hope that these Internet celebrity brands can get out of the predicament as soon as possible and return to the lively scene of the past.

Putting aside the general environment, the survival dilemma faced by some Internet celebrity brands is also caused by their own development characteristics. First, these Internet celebrity brands initially gained a foothold in the market with a "new" word, but with the continuous expansion of scale, the innovation ability in the industry is generally insufficient, whether from taste or marketing methods, they are seriously involved. No internet celebrity brand can build a strong competitive barrier, and the formation of mutual consumption within the industry has hindered its own development.

Influencer brands, what's next?

Second, the Internet marketing methods that once made them popular are no longer so bright. One fact is that as the Internet dividend peaks and traffic becomes more and more expensive, Internet celebrity brands may have to pay more than ever if they want to achieve the previous delivery effect. In the context of limited marketing budgets and a weakening influencer grass effect, some influencer brands should also think twice when marketing.

The survival status of internet celebrity brands should be reflected within the industry, and the way to survive should be found as soon as possible to get rid of the current survival dilemma.

"Striking iron also needs to be hard", Internet celebrity brands need to continue to respect the basic business rules, finely polish the products, and make fine products. For example, can the taste continue to improve? How is the exclusivity of the formula guaranteed? Is it possible for product categories to continue to increase? More importantly, can we adhere to the bottom line of product safety and hygiene? Consolidating the "internal strength" will always be the cornerstone of a brand's invincibility.

In addition, based on the current high operating costs, these Internet celebrity brands should continue to optimize the supply chain system, build a standardized management and marketing platform, control costs and increase efficiency in every production and operation link, and leave sufficient living space for the future.

Influencer brands are the banner of China's new consumption, and people hope that these brands will become popular. But we hope that these influencer brands can stand up and make money. Only by seriously reflecting on the gains and losses, adjusting the strategy in a timely manner, and making the product bigger and stronger can the Internet celebrity brand avoid a flash in the pan.

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Text: Jiangzhong Road

Recitation: Wang Qian

Editor-in-charge: Wang Yuanfang

Editor: Zhang Yongqun

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