
Steady progress as planned? Review the schedule of silver label Wuling

There is no doubt that the Wuling brand can be regarded as a rapid rise in recent years, "what people need, Wuling will create" brand slogan has also made many consumers remember, Wuling Hongguang MINI EV sales are also a ride. But today's Xiaobian wants to talk about not these, but wants to review the plan of the silver label Wuling, after all, if according to the plan, this year's silver label Wuling can have a "big move".

Steady progress as planned? Review the schedule of silver label Wuling

Looking back to 2020, when the Wuling Global Silver Label brand released a new model plan, launching an MPV in 2020 and a new SUV model in 2021, they have actually done it. At present, the MPV model Wuling Capgemini launched in 2020 has become a well-known model on the road, and yesterday Capgemini also added a high-power version of the model to enrich the product line. In September 2021, silver label Wuling also launched the SUV Wuling Xingchen according to the plan, the design also continued capgemini's design language, bringing models closer to people's life circles, and Wuling Xingchen sold 70,000 units per month in the 5 months of listing, and The cumulative sales of Wuling Capgemin exceeded 100,000 units, these two cars actually announced the success of the Wuling brand upwards.

Steady progress as planned? Review the schedule of silver label Wuling

But the question is, at present, 2022, and the original plan has passed two years, will the road of Wuling Silver Label continue to go in the original direction? We may wish to take a look at the action of Wuling Silver Label this year, at the press conference of the Wuling Capgemini 280T new model released yesterday, Wuling Silver Label released the official map of the second MPV model, Wuling Jiachen, the style has some new changes, but in general, Jiachen's positioning is slightly lower than Capgemini, it seems that there is not much gap, just 6 seats changed to 7 seats, this model does not bring too much surprise to consumers, and even people are a little puzzled.

Steady progress as planned? Review the schedule of silver label Wuling

Of course, the "big move" mentioned in the opening paragraph is definitely not just Jiachen. But after the brand upwards, those many people have been looking forward to the personalized model, one of which is the hardcore off-road vehicle "Hongguangxia", which has been unveiled in the form of a concept car as early as July 2020, and the other is the sports car Wuling Sirius, which is not yet a first-line brand in the domestic market, according to the original plan, one of the two cars will appear in the form of a mass production car this year, and the other will not exceed 2023 at the latest.

Steady progress as planned? Review the schedule of silver label Wuling

There is no doubt that if these two cars are really going to be launched, Hongguangxia obviously has a higher priority, after all, the rhythm of the hardcore SUV in the current market has been driven by the new Models of Land Rover New Defender, Big G and even Tank 300, and even Jietu has plans to launch hardcore SUVs. When Hongguangxia debuted as a concept car, it can be seen from all aspects of the design that it has basically taken shape, with a unique design charm of the front face and headlights, bold contrast color matching, and thick body lines, which can still be given a very high evaluation after two years. Combined with the price positioning of Wuling in the past, if it can really achieve mass production in the short term, it can really be regarded as a combination of time and place, and even greatly promote the upward trend of the Wuling brand.

Steady progress as planned? Review the schedule of silver label Wuling
Steady progress as planned? Review the schedule of silver label Wuling

However, if Hongguangxia can still see some mass production hopes, Wuling's sports car Sirius Xiaobian believes that it is infinitely close to the edge of the end, although 2022 has just begun, but after 2 years, this car is still only in the stage of PPT pictures, and there is no follow-up mention, or even the meaning of the concept car, which means that everyone should be quite clear. Although the Wuling Silver Label strategy is successful at present, has it not reached the extent that it has launched a sports car or a performance car? Obviously, even a giant like BYD, a sports car that has appeared many times, does not dare to rush to launch, let alone a brand like Wuling that has just made consumers change? Wuling sports car or let other "supercar" players themselves label the form of playing terriers exist.


Steady progress as planned? Review the schedule of silver label Wuling

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