
Cook was embarrassed! Apple employees collectively replace Android phones, afraid that the iPhone will be monitored?

Apple mobile phone has always been known for security, privacy protection, Cook has publicly shown off iOS protection capabilities of more than Android forty or fifty times, but did not expect that the "face" has now come. Apple retail store employees in the United States said that they are planning to replace Android phones with each other, because they are afraid that the use of iPhones will be monitored.

Cook was embarrassed! Apple employees collectively replace Android phones, afraid that the iPhone will be monitored?

According to US media reports, employees at Apple Stores in the United States decided to set up a union in the near future, and in order to prevent being monitored by Apple's top management, most employees are replacing Android phones. Although Apple has stated that it will not monitor user privacy activities, these employees know their company better than anyone and are very aware that the consequences are very serious if they are discovered, so they are more willing to trust Android phones.

Cook was embarrassed! Apple employees collectively replace Android phones, afraid that the iPhone will be monitored?

The cause of the incident began at the beginning of last week, when a number of Apple retail store employees planned to set up labor unions, and at least six Apple Store stores in at least six places planned to enter the early stages, because most employees were not satisfied with the current salary package. Apple pays retail employees $17 to $30 an hour (about 107.5 to 190 yuan), and most employees earn around 1,000 yuan a day on an 8-hour workday.

Cook was embarrassed! Apple employees collectively replace Android phones, afraid that the iPhone will be monitored?

Although the salary is not low, Apple's employees believe that it is not worth mentioning compared with inflation, and are very disgusted with the threat of managers and other Apple executives: "Asking for a salary increase will harm its own interests, and Apple may cut more benefits and promotion opportunities." In order to avoid the contact between employees being monitored by Apple's top management, they can only give up using Apple mobile phones, and most employees choose to replace Android phones to protect privacy.

Cook was embarrassed! Apple employees collectively replace Android phones, afraid that the iPhone will be monitored?

In fact, this is not the first time apple has had a conflict with employees, out of distrust of employees, Apple has forced employees to undergo backpack inspections at the end of the work, and everyone needs to occupy 10 to 15 minutes of time. As a result, Apple Atore employees launched a class action lawsuit against Apple, arguing that Apple took up off-hours time without giving corresponding overtime pay, and last year received a total of $29.9 million (about 180 million yuan), and a total of 14,683 employees could share the compensation.

Cook was embarrassed! Apple employees collectively replace Android phones, afraid that the iPhone will be monitored?

It was precisely after this incident that Apple had no legitimate reason to go through the backpacks of its employees and thought of other better ways. In January this year, a "product display system" patent was filed with the USPTO, which can protect iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and other products displayed over the counter, and automatically alarm once someone tries to sneak away, which contains many mechanical structures to strengthen protection.

Cook was embarrassed! Apple employees collectively replace Android phones, afraid that the iPhone will be monitored?

At first, some people thought that this patent was to prevent thieves, but the mechanical structure was not much stronger than the previous way, and it was difficult to prevent it from being cracked by brute force, and the main reason was to prevent "house thieves". It is such a series of operations, we can also see the mutual distrust between Apple and employees, Apple executives pre-set employees as "thieves", afraid of products being robbed; Apple employees pre-set iPhone will be monitored, so they will fully replace Android phone communication.

Topic: What do you think of Apple employees who don't trust iPhones and prefer Android to protect their privacy? Follow first, then leave a message, welcome to leave your views and opinions in the comment area!

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