
Pudong announced that it will promote the scale of the integrated circuit industry to 210 billion yuan within two years, and comprehensively drive digital transformation

Pudong announced that it will promote the scale of the integrated circuit industry to 210 billion yuan within two years, and comprehensively drive digital transformation

The digital transformation of the global economy has become the trend of the times, and under the goal of "building a leading area for socialist modernization construction", Pudong New Area needs to strengthen the key role of digital transformation in the construction of a modern economic system.

This afternoon's "Pudong New Area Artificial Intelligence Empowers Economic Digital Transformation Three-Year Action Plan (2021-2023)" press briefing reporters learned that by 2023, Pudong will focus on breaking through 50 key technologies, forming 10 landmark scientific and technological achievements, building 10 open innovation platforms, creating 300 typical digital transformation application scenarios, and promoting the scale of the software and information service industry to reach 375 billion yuan and the scale of the integrated circuit industry to 210 billion yuan.

Digital transformation is taking shape

In recent years, Pudong has made transformation progress in both "digital industrialization" and "industrial digitalization".

Up to now, the number of 5G base stations and demonstration applications in Pudong ranks first in the city, and the broadband download rate and the number of broadband users above 500M are leading the city. The open test road of intelligent networked vehicles was transformed, and the cumulative number of open test roads reached 147.5 kilometers.

Based on such a new infrastructure foundation, Pudong New Area took the lead in creating the first national artificial intelligence innovation and application pilot zone in China, gathering more than 600 key artificial intelligence enterprises, and the scale of related industries accounted for half of Shanghai. In addition, around the construction of world-class industrial clusters, Pudong has achieved mass production of 14-nanometer chips with Zhangjiang and Lingang dual-core drives as the carrier, integrated circuit technology, advanced design into the 6 nanometer level, and manufacturing process 14 nanometer chips.

With the blessing of a number of digital enterprises, the digital transformation of many traditional industries has also been carried out smoothly. Up to now, Pudong has built 8 municipal intelligent manufacturing factories, a number of enterprises such as Qingmei have been rated as national service-oriented manufacturing benchmarking enterprises, and Hema has been rated as a national information consumption experience center.

Last year, Pudong further broadened the path of digital economy development, and built a financial data port with the "Opinions on Supporting the High-level Reform and Opening Up of Pudong New Area and Building a Leading Area for Socialist Modernization Construction" as the starting point.

According to Xu Hongyan, deputy director of the Institutional Division of the Financial Bureau of Pudong New Area, the Financial DataPort relies on the advantages of Pudong's massive financial data and rich application scenarios, focusing on the development of six major functions such as payment, clearing, credit reporting, supervision, security and standards. Since the opening of the port, a total of nearly 600 million yuan of investment projects have been introduced, and joint innovation laboratories have been set up in conjunction with the Digital Exchange to promote the establishment of large enterprise innovation centers, and the construction has achieved remarkable results.

Pudong announced that it will promote the scale of the integrated circuit industry to 210 billion yuan within two years, and comprehensively drive digital transformation

The release of the "Three-Year Action Plan" comes at an opportune time

In such a development situation, the formulation of the "Pudong New Area Artificial Intelligence Empowerment Economic Digital Transformation Three-Year Action Plan (2021-2023)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan") is in the view of Xia Yuzhong, deputy director of the Pudong New Area Science and Technology Economic Commission, which is timely. He said that the Action Plan will give full play to the strategic advantages of the Pudong New Area Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Application Pilot Zone and the International Data Port, empower hundreds of industries with artificial intelligence technology innovation and application expansion, and comprehensively drive the digital transformation of the economy.

The reporter learned that the "Action Plan" put forward "5 major projects and 23 tasks", especially emphasizing the promotion of the application of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence in the whole industry. First of all, focus on the manufacturing industry, accelerate the construction of smart factories and the innovative development of the industrial Internet, and achieve a digital leap in the manufacturing industry; secondly, focus on the biomedical industry and the intelligent networked automobile industry, promote the in-depth application and reshaping and upgrading of digital technology and traditional industries; third, in the fields of finance, shipping, commerce, agriculture, cultural tourism and other fields, we will also vigorously develop new economies, new formats, new models, and tap the potential of new economic growth.

Taking shipping as an example, the Shipping Department of the Pudong New Area Commission of Commerce has made it clear that the next step will be to focus on building five large shipping enterprises, namely the Large Aircraft Innovation Valley, the Large Cruise Innovation Center, the Smart Shipping Innovation Center, the Ship Power Engineering R&D Center, and the AI+ Marine Science and Technology Innovation Center, relying on artificial intelligence as technology, to drive the innovation resources of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry, build a ship supply service information platform, and build a digital ship supply service innovation base.

In order to complete various tasks, the Action Plan also puts forward safeguard measures from six aspects, such as data element market cultivation, talent protection, intellectual property protection, network security guarantee, spatial layout optimization, and enterprise service innovation, and makes it clear that through three years of efforts, it will focus on breaking through 50 key technologies, forming 10 landmark scientific and technological achievements, building 10 open innovation platforms, creating 300 typical digital transformation application scenarios, and striving to make Pudong an internationally leading artificial intelligence technology innovation leader. Demonstration zone for the development of economic digital transformation.

Solicit digital needs from all districts

The "Action Plan" also clarifies that through the unveiling mechanism, the demand for application projects will be widely solicited for the whole region, and a docking platform will be built for both supply and demand sides.

Xia Yuzhong said that Pudong New Area is currently focusing on intelligent manufacturing, smart medical care, intelligent transportation, smart business, smart shipping, financial technology, smart agriculture and other fields, and is widely soliciting application project needs for the whole region. In the follow-up, we will give priority to the key tasks that are urgently needed by the national strategy, with clear application orientation and clear end users, and release the list of the first batch of application projects unveiled for the digital transformation of the pudong new area economy, so as to match the supply and demand sides, so as to promote more enterprises to achieve high-quality development in digital transformation.

The Pudong New Area Science and Technology Commission is also planning to train a group of grassroots digital demand discoverers to discover the governance difficulties and urban pain points that need to be changed through digital means through the perspective of these ordinary citizens, so as to further create application scenarios for digital enterprises.

In addition, Pudong has also launched the first batch of "benchmarking" projects for economic digital transformation, including 30 enterprises such as SAIC-GM Motor Co., Ltd., Shanghai Qingmei Green Food (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Hema Network Technology Co., Ltd., BANK OFC Financial Technology Co., Ltd., and Baidu Feipao Artificial Intelligence Industry Empowerment Center. They have practiced digital transformation in different industries, and have formed a number of achievements that can be replicated and promoted, and will provide high-quality digital solutions for more enterprises in the future.

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