
Do you believe this 38-year-old? Li Jiaying played the child's face filter "fundamentally 0 difference" 8-year-old Lulu a little than a gas explosion

author:ETtoday Starlight Cloud

Reporter Huang Kuo-tsung/Comprehensive Report

Artist Li Jiaying has a childlike anti-aging appearance, can not see the real age of 38 years old, in recent years in the theater circle performance is eye-catching, usually also carefully run social networking sites, but also stepped into the YouTube circle to open the channel "Li Jiaying" to share daily life, recently with Lulu (Huang Lu Ziyin) integration, the use of childlike filters to shoot short films, did not expect to open the APP before and after the comparison stunned a large number of netizens, causing heated discussion.

Do you believe this 38-year-old? Li Jiaying played the child's face filter "fundamentally 0 difference" 8-year-old Lulu a little than a gas explosion

Li Jiaying's childlike image is deeply rooted in people's hearts, and it is impossible to see the actual age. (Photo/ Reproduced from Facebook/Li Jiaying)

Lulu usually likes to use a "childlike face filter APP" to shoot short films, through the effect of the face to become smaller, it is anti-aging, she also joked about her appearance after changing her face as "show off the rich girl", recently also with Li Jiaying to shoot a film, said to "show off classmates", the two use the child face filter into the mirror together, proudly said that the thing that friends want to show off is age, because the other party looks the same regardless of whether they use special filters, their faces are super childlike.

Do you believe this 38-year-old? Li Jiaying played the child's face filter "fundamentally 0 difference" 8-year-old Lulu a little than a gas explosion
Do you believe this 38-year-old? Li Jiaying played the child's face filter "fundamentally 0 difference" 8-year-old Lulu a little than a gas explosion

Li Jiaying fits Lulu to play with the childlike face filter. (Photo/Photo from Instagram/sunnygirl800424)

Subsequently, Li Jiaying asked to make a comparison with Lulu, so that the other party was instantly angry, and repeatedly shouted "I don't want, it is impossible, I don't have to show off my age", in fact, 38-year-old Li Jiaying and 30-year-old Lulu are 8 years apart, and the state of the two in front of the camera can hardly see the difference.

Do you believe this 38-year-old? Li Jiaying played the child's face filter "fundamentally 0 difference" 8-year-old Lulu a little than a gas explosion
Do you believe this 38-year-old? Li Jiaying played the child's face filter "fundamentally 0 difference" 8-year-old Lulu a little than a gas explosion

Li Jiaying used the child's face filter before and after almost no difference, making Lulu, who is 8 years old, dumbfounded. (Photo/Photo from Instagram/sunnygirl800424)

In this regard, after the video of Li Jiaying and Lulu using the child's face filter APP was exposed, it also attracted many netizens to discuss, and they left messages such as "really good, Jiaying has enough childlike face", "crazy and funny", "I can't see that there is a 38-year-old", "There is no filter is the same", even the artist Xi Xiaogua, this group of dong zai, eight three yao Adian have appeared in response to "good laugh", "good envy Oh", and Li Jiaying herself is proud to call "I show off the rich girl 8 years old, dazzling to the explosion", causing heated discussion.

Do you believe this 38-year-old? Li Jiaying played the child's face filter "fundamentally 0 difference" 8-year-old Lulu a little than a gas explosion

The degree of 38-year-old Li Jiaying's childlike appearance has once again aroused heated discussion among netizens. (Photo/ Reproduced from Facebook/Li Jiaying)

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