
Li Jiaying: The mobile phone password was changed, the negative gas embarked on the road of no return, the reason was exposed, and the parents ignored the details

Li Jiaying was also once the hope of the family.

Some people think that parents are too constrained and the pressure to study is too much.

Some people do not have the love of their parents and have been left-behind children since childhood.

Just when we compared our parents' love to each other, Mother Li was still in anxiety. The child has been away from home for several days and cannot be contacted. There may have been an accident. The child's last clue is in Yangyalong Bay and the child's bag is found by the river.

Finding the bag by the river, I am afraid that it is more fierce, but we should not think more, or we should seize the time to look for it, hoping that the child can return home earlier. Have a good talk with your parents. Parents and children do not have overnight feuds.

Li Jiaying: The mobile phone password was changed, the negative gas embarked on the road of no return, the reason was exposed, and the parents ignored the details

Li Jiaying is also the hope of the family

Parents want their children to have a career, and sensible children will work hard according to their parents' wishes. It's just that sometimes, children who are too sensible will have problems.

13-year-old Li Jiaying is the hope of the family, although her parents usually do not restrain her much, but they are very concerned about her achievements. Although I don't say it in my mouth, I also hope that my child can get better results in the exam.

I just don't know why, this exam, Li Jiaying has two grades that have declined, and her parents are panicked. They don't know how to improve the situation, and the only thing they can do is to suspect that maybe the phone is playing too much, resulting in unintentional learning. So I changed the password of my child's mobile phone.

The 13-year-old girl, who also happened to be in a rebellious period, found that her mobile phone could not be used normally, and quarreled with her parents. Parents feel that their children do not understand things, and children feel that their parents are too much.

Li Jiaying: The mobile phone password was changed, the negative gas embarked on the road of no return, the reason was exposed, and the parents ignored the details

Quarrel with parents, run away from home in a negative mood

Teenage children, who seem to be very well-behaved and sensible, actually don't understand anything. They have their own little secrets, they have their own little circles. I didn't want my parents involved at all.

Seeing that their mobile phone password has been changed by their parents, children in the rebellious period will definitely be furious. Children in this period are unreasonable. They all understand the truth, and the more you talk about it, the easier it is to stimulate contradictions.

It's just that parents don't understand, they think that the child understands things, as long as it is reasonable, the result is that the two sides quarrel, the child is angry, and runs away from home. The parents thought they were just going out to relax, and they didn't come back for two days, and the parents began to panic.

Li Jiaying: The mobile phone password was changed, the negative gas embarked on the road of no return, the reason was exposed, and the parents ignored the details

The last clue, the bag was found by the river

Through this incident, parents may realize that sometimes getting along with their children is like getting along with a lover. The reason is a lot of talk, the effect is not good, sometimes win the reason, you lose the feelings.

Li's mother was in a hurry and immediately found the rescue team to help. In such a cold weather, the child has no savings, and it is very dangerous to run away from home, but it is puzzling why it is two days after running away from home that I know to look for it.

So far, the child's last clue is in Yangyalong Bay, and the child's bag was found by the river. It may be more sinister than auspicious, but no one can give up hope until it is found. We all hope that the child will come home early, communicate with the parents, and there is no obstacle that cannot be crossed.

Li Jiaying: The mobile phone password was changed, the negative gas embarked on the road of no return, the reason was exposed, and the parents ignored the details

The reason was exposed, and parents ignored the details

Whether it is this incident or other events, you can feel the selfless love of parents, but this love, sometimes for children, is too heavy, they do not understand, and they can not bear it.

Parents hope that their children can get into a good university, but the pressure of their children, parents can rarely understand. A good education is a guide, not a spur. Stick education may produce good grades, but it will not cultivate good character.

Parents are only aware of the decline in their children's grades, but they do not pay attention to details, nor do they ask their children why their grades have declined, why they suddenly like to play with mobile phones, but with their so-called experience, they arbitrarily believe that mobile phones are caused. Changing the password privately leads to tragedy.

This is not a problem in one family, but the current situation of many families. Influenced by the inertia of thinking, parents jump to think about problems and ignore the essence of things. Never paying serious attention to why children's grades have declined, they are directly looking for external reasons that affect learning, and ignoring the inside.

Li Jiaying: The mobile phone password was changed, the negative gas embarked on the road of no return, the reason was exposed, and the parents ignored the details

Write at the end

No one wants such a thing to happen, but it happens, and what we can do is not blame ourselves, but continue to search, not to give up hope.

If parents communicate with their children earlier and find problems earlier, there will be no situation of running away from home, but there are not so many ifs in life.

Everyone collects firewood and the flame is high, hoping that those who have clues can provide it to the police or family members, so that Li Jiaying can go home as soon as possible. It also allows Li Jiaying's mother to be at ease early.

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