
Russia started the war in Ukraine, and public opinion supported Putin one-sidedly.

author:Mao Kaiyun

Recently, some netizens asked: Why does public opinion support Putin one-sidedly when Russia started the war in Ukraine? The first thing I must say is that Russia started the war in Ukraine, online and in real life, public opinion is not one-sided support for Putin.

Russia started the war in Ukraine, and public opinion supported Putin one-sidedly.

Russia started the war in Ukraine, and the Western countries led by the United States not only strongly condemned Russia, but also imposed economic sanctions on Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov have been sanctioned by the United States and the United Kingdom.

Even in Russia, there are opponents of Putin waging the war in Ukraine. According to media reports, since February 24, people in many parts of Russia have spontaneously taken to the streets, shouting slogans such as "oppose the war" to protest Russia's military operations against Ukraine. Police arrested large numbers of protesters in cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. According to Russian students, anti-war protests in St. Petersburg lasted until about 10 p.m., and more than 2,000 people were arrested across Russia in two days.

Russia started the war in Ukraine, and public opinion supported Putin one-sidedly.

With regard to the draft submitted to the Security Council by the United States and Albania, which was mainly "condemnation of Russian aggression against Ukraine", the UN Security Council did not adopt the draft resolution on the situation in Ukraine on May 25. The results of the Security Council vote showed that Russia voted no, 11 countries voted in favour, and China, India and the United Arab Emirates abstained. That is to say, for Russia to start the war in Ukraine, many countries oppose Putin, and some countries remain neutral - abstaining from voting, where is the public opinion that supports Putin one-sidedly?

Russia's war in Ukraine was caused by complex reasons, and different countries have different views. The United States and other Western countries stand on the stand of Ukraine and blindly advocate Russia's aggression against Ukraine; while Russia stands on its own point of view, russia cannot bear it any longer and does not have to endure it any longer.

Russia started the war in Ukraine, and public opinion supported Putin one-sidedly.

At present, at least 8 countries and entities have clearly expressed their support for Putin, previously Belarus, Nicaragua, Syria and Venezuela, and then the Central African Republic, Abkhazia, the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and the Houthi armed forces in Yemen.

With regard to the growing war in Ukraine, the general view of the international community is to stop the war and solve the problem through political and diplomatic means. It is gratifying that both Russia and Ukraine are interested in negotiations, hoping that the negotiations will achieve substantial results - the interests of all parties are valued and concerned, and the war in Ukraine will be brought to an early end.

Suddenly, I remembered a sentence: "Prosperity, the people suffer; death, the people suffer." Seeing the Ukrainian people in the war, there is only one sigh, hoping that they will be safe. (Mao Kaiyun)

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