
The Russo-Ukrainian War was a "double trap" for the West! The big country can see through the crack at a glance


Author: All the Way to the Stars Sharp Blade enthusiastic readers

Judging from the situation in Russia and Ukraine, we can see the wisdom of the big powers

At 11:00 a.m. Beijing time on February 24, Russia began to carry out "special military operations" in Ukraine, and in fact the Russo-Ukrainian War was launched in an all-round way, and we once again became the "melon-eating masses" who witnessed history.

So far, 48 hours of conflict between Russia and Ukraine have passed, and the war reports on the front line have been frequent, the ukrainian National Guard command has been destroyed, 211 military infrastructures have been paralyzed, and the capital Kiev has been exchanged on three sides.

At the beginning of the war, I believe that most people have the same view as me, this is a war without suspense, in the face of a world superpower like Russia, Ukraine's defeat is inevitable, the only thing that can attract everyone's attention is the process of the war and the time of its end.

Around the situation between Russia and Ukraine, various commentaries and articles on the Internet have also poured in, some tracing the historical origins of Russian-Ukrainian relations, some deeply interpreting the causes of the outbreak of the war, some analyzing the impact of the war on the international financial market, some arguing about Putin's decision to resort to force to solve the problem of "justice", some paying attention to the current situation of the Ukrainian people's lives in the war from a microscopic perspective, and many shouting "call" for putin's "emperor" dared to think and dare to do, which added a lot of attention to this war that occurred abroad.

The Russo-Ukrainian War was a "double trap" for the West! The big country can see through the crack at a glance
China, which is also a world power, as one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, plays an important role in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. From the phone calls between the two heads of state after the outbreak of the conflict, to the "net red" response of the foreign ministry spokesperson, to today's UN Security Council vetoing the sanctions resolution, every step shows our "great power wisdom".

I: "We are always on the side of peace and justice"

I don't know when it began, the gang creed of "not my own race must have different hearts" and the Cold War mentality of "not being friends or enemies" have become the norms and principles for doing things in the international community in the Western world led by the United States. In this Russian-Ukrainian conflict, American reporters once again jumped out to let China choose a side, engaged in a zero-sum game of "black and white", and urged China to hand over the "letter of surrender" for sanctions against Russia. In the view of the United States, if It does not sanction Russia, China will support the so-called "war of aggression", and sanctioning Russia will inevitably undermine Sino-Russian friendly relations, and China seems to be facing a dilemma.

The Russo-Ukrainian War was a "double trap" for the West! The big country can see through the crack at a glance

China's answer, full of great power wisdom, was: "We always stand on the side of peace and justice." Yes, we've never been right about things! Unlike the United States, the originator of blind talk, the world's well-known "double standard" spokesperson, the same illegal parade and assembly, in Hong Kong, China is a "beautiful landscape", in the United States and Britain is illegal riots, typical of "watching people off the dish". At any time, we always adhere to the consistent "peace and justice" attitude and stance, we will not support the war because of the closeness of Sino-Russian relations, but not supporting the war does not mean sanctions, let alone illegal unilateral sanctions, facts have proved that sanctions can not solve the problem, but also intensify the contradictions, we only do what can solve the problem.

Responsibly speaking, the fundamental reason for this war is that the "NATO" headed by the United States has expanded eastward without restriction and has continuously reduced Russia's security space, and Russia has been forced to launch a strategic "self-defense counterattack" only as a last resort. When war broke out, the United States jumped out to play the so-called "angel of peace", being a good person in front of people, handing a knife behind his back, where is the shame of being a man, and where is the face of a big country? On the other hand, China's firm stance, fairness and justice are the wisdom of a big country, the image of a big country, and the responsibility of a big country.

II: "China is the only permanent member of the Security Council that has not yet realized the complete reunification of the motherland"

Russia has the Ukraine problem, we have the Taiwan problem. In this Russo-Ukrainian war, the reason why Ukrainian comedy President Zelenskiy dared to be a hard steel superpower Russia before the war was largely due to the fact that the United States and the West were arching behind the fire. Putting ourselves in the shoes of Taiwan, our treasure island, is still hanging alone overseas, and the reason why the "Green Camp" Taiwan independence forces on the island headed by Tsai Ing-wen have become increasingly arrogant and arrogant in their behavior is also because they are supporting and cheering and waving the flag with the support of the United States, the "master" behind it.

The Russo-Ukrainian War was a "double trap" for the West! The big country can see through the crack at a glance

The Current Russo-Ukrainian War gave the Taiwan independence forces a resounding slap in the face. As soon as the war began, the United States stood up and shouted, "The United States does not have now and will not participate in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the future, and the US military is not going to Europe to fight for Ukraine." Flipping through the news of the past few days, Biden solemnly promised that "once the Russo-Ukrainian War breaks out, the United States will never abandon Ukraine", the rhetoric is still in the ear, and the kung fu of a meal has become "under any circumstances will not send troops to Ukraine"? Turning your face is faster than turning a book. Looking at the Western countries, britain said we always think about Ukraine, Germany said we supported Ukraine with 5,000 helmets, and France said we helped Zelenskiy call Putin, and he couldn't get through it himself. There is also the "light show" of well-known buildings in various countries, the Empire State Building in the United States, st. George's Hall in the United Kingdom, and the Eiffel Tower in France have all lit up the yellow and blue colors of the Ukrainian flag to show support, but that's all. Zelenskiy exclaimed: "Who is ready to fight with us, I don't see anyone", "The West has completely abandoned Ukraine".

The Russo-Ukrainian War was a "double trap" for the West! The big country can see through the crack at a glance

In my opinion, today's Ukraine is tomorrow's Taiwan. Whether it is the United States or other countries in the West, the pre-war attempt to shake Ukraine against Russia is to curb Russia's development momentum and seek its own interests. Once war breaks out, no one will go to war with the superpower Russia in order to "protect" such a pawn as Ukraine. To put it bluntly, Ukraine was called by the United States as a gun. The Russo-Ukrainian War was a tragedy starring the comedic President Zelenskiy.

To resolve the Taiwan issue, China has its own great power wisdom. Over the years, China has not been impatient, has not tossed and turned, and "insisted on doing its own thing well." In the face of the trade war launched by the United States and the "stuck neck" of high-end science and technology, we are not humble and self-reliant; in the face of the United States slandering our "Xinjiang cotton" and "Wuhan virus," we have been courteous and courteous, arguing on the basis of reason, and even in the face of the bloody and deep hatred of the United States bombing our embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, we still bear the burden of humiliation, lie down and try our guts, immerse ourselves in hard work to develop the economy, and strengthen our own strength in a down-to-earth manner. "Tianxingjian, a gentleman who keeps improving himself", this is China's solution to the problem. Today's China, the world's second largest economic aggregate, aircraft carrier formations, intercontinental missiles are all available, is a veritable world power. Looking at the world, no country dares to despise us, nor will any country obstruct the process of our national reunification and national rejuvenation.

The great trend of history is vast, and those who go along with it prosper, and those who oppose it perish. The liberation of Taiwan Island and the reunification of all of China are about to be realized.

All the way to the stars

February 26, 2022