
Wang Ling's column | Palace Wind and Rain (Palace Novel) --- Love Boundless (XIII)

author:Qilu one point
Wang Ling's column | Palace Wind and Rain (Palace Novel) --- Love Boundless (XIII)

Text/Wang Ling Editor| Swallow Image| Network

<b>XIII Love knows no bounds</b>

Three days later, outside the noon gate.

The Ninth King Li Chang was sitting upright on the court of the law court, facing the center of the law field, sitting on the left and right sides of the left donglian and The punishment department attendant Xu Liang, and a person was tied up on the middle of the law field, and the green silk was like ink that could not hide the dust on the face, and the plain clothes could not cover the sins, she was the former concubine of the Western Palace, and now the prisoner cao Xiyan.

Cao Xiyan's body was yellow, his eyes looked at the western sky, he was filled with sorrow and indignation, tears fell like rain, and he looked up at the sky and sighed:

"I Cao Xiyan sat in the West Palace, but I ended up in such a fate, yesterday's infant sudden death row, today's law field knife died, it is really 'brocade jade and jade, there is little true feeling, accompanied by the emperor like a companion tiger'!

"Cao Shi, as a palace concubine, you should keep your duty safely, and if you are tortured today, you deserve it!"

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the sound of the soul-sucking cannon resounded throughout the fa field, the supervisor Dong Lian threw the token to the ground, the sword axe hand raised and fell, and Cao Xiyan's blood stained the fa field, his body was incomplete, and his soul was scattered.

Inside the Jing'an Hall, Qin Ziyun looked calm, gently twisted the Buddha beads with his left hand, and wrote to Emperor Wu on the case——

"Concubines are willing to always guard the temple, eat and pray to the Buddha, pray for the blessings of Crown Prince Xuanren and the people of Great Wei, ask Emperor Wu to forgive the sin of not accompanying concubines, and set up another empress to assist Emperor Wu in ruling the harem, and may the Great Wei Society's Chang'an not fade!"

Emperor Wu, knowing that Qin Ziyun's pain had not subsided, had no intention of taking care of the harem, so he allowed her to settle down in the Jing'an Monastery and recuperate herself. Then rebuilt the Jing'an Temple, the decorations in the temple are with Qin Ziyun's wishes, the temple is wide and quiet, and there is a Ziyun Pavilion in the temple, which is built for Qin Ziyun to recuperate, copy the scriptures, and purify the heart, if Qin Ziyun does not return to the palace in the future, he can live in the Ziyun Pavilion to recuperate for a long time.

The warm sun shines, the spring and Jingming, the Great Wei court is peaceful, and there is no war on the border, which can be described as peace and security in the world. A month later, Emperor Wu drove to the Cold Palace, picked up Concubine Mei and Wen Jing back to the palace, and lived in the Zixun Palace.

In the late spring, the border land of Qi Liang was turbulent, Emperor Wu personally conscripted, quelled the foreign turmoil, and returned to the palace a month later to hear that Qin Ziyun had become angry and sick, and died in the Jing'an Monastery, at the age of Chinese New Year's Eve four. Emperor Wu couldn't help but sigh with tears:

"Straddle the horse and raise the gun, step on the enemy camp army, but can not soothe the pain in your heart, accompany the king, but lonely and dead in a clean place." O Queen, since you have gone, may there be no strife and no sorrow from now on. ”

Looking up at the sky, looking at the end of the world, not seeing where the deceased was, Wu Wudun felt like a god scattered, his heart was sad, as if a sharp blade pierced through the heart, the dark pain rose again, and the sweat fell like rain. When Chen Peng saw the situation, he rushed to help Emperor Wu in the palace, and sent a doctor to diagnose Emperor Wu's pulse, and sent someone to invite Dong Lian, Tao Ziqian, Xu Liang, and others into the palace to discuss the appointment of an empress and a prince.

Dong Lian and others understood Chen Peng's meaning, since ancient eunuchs did not participate in politics, but the harem can not be left unattended, the Eastern Palace can not be empty, as a court official, it is reasonable to advise Emperor Wu to establish a reserve as soon as possible, and who is to be established should be decided by Emperor Wu. So the three of them wrote a letter proposing that Emperor Wu think twice.

Three months later, Emperor Wu made his will known to the world that Concubine Mei would be crowned empress dowager, in charge of the concubines of the harem, and Thatu would make Wenjing the crown prince, that is, the crown prince. Empress Mei Yu lived in Zhengyang Palace, and the East Palace and the Purple Kaoru Palace were merged into the Tai Womb and living palace.

Empress Mei Yuyan re-administered the harem with etiquette, and the harem went up to the concubines and princesses, down to the palace women and eunuchs who knew etiquette and etiquette, and kept to themselves, and added Ziyi Garden, An He Yuan, Yi Xin Yuan, etc. to the princesses and princesses, such as Chen Concubines, Yi Concubines, and Yi Concubines, and the palace courtyards were orderly, and there was no more dispute in the harem.

Emperor Wu took care of the affairs of the dynasty every day, played the folds at night, and had no time to walk in the harem, but he was also busy and not chaotic, busy and full.

Cao Xiyan was imprisoned under the punishment department, although he gave birth to an heir, he died in prison, which made the Ninth King Li Chang feel lost, but thinking that this son's identity was not right, he could not be retained, and the premature death in prison was probably Providence, so he was slightly at ease.

Li Chang lived in the palace for several months, staying at home, some military generals in the province discovered that there were still troubles outside the border, and there were often Qi Liang invading and harassing soldiers in the Jinzhou area, and Emperor Wu was difficult to get out of the government, so he entered the palace and asked the town to guard the border. Listening to the words of the Nine Kings, Emperor Wu was shocked in his heart and asked:

"The emperor's righteousness and annihilation of relatives are admirable. Is there a grudge in your heart when you ask for it today? ”

The Ninth King, knowing that Emperor Wu's so-called "extermination of relatives" meant something, could not help but feel ashamed and embarrassed in his heart, and shook his head:

"The past has already been the fault of the courtiers, please ask Emperor Wumo to mention it again." Today's courtiers' request to guard the border is also for the sake of Great Wei. Now that the empress is in charge of the harem, the harem has passed the storm, the Cao clan has been eliminated, the imperial court can be described as peaceful, and the imperial brother can govern the government with peace of mind. However, there was harassment outside the border land, and the people were afraid of abuse, and the courtiers were willing to ask for the protection of Jinzhou, to do their modest work for Great Wei, and to worry about the imperial brother's branch. ”

Emperor Wu was moved, stroked the arm of the Ninth King, and sighed:

"Ninth brother, you and my brothers, the southern conquest of the northern war, three people died on the battlefield, the third brother of the king of Pingnan, the sixth brother of the king of Huai'an, the eighth brother of the king of the county all died young, the seventh brother of the Fu king was weak and sick and difficult to take on a heavy responsibility, the brother of the great emperor of the Zong King has always been alone and did not pay attention to the affairs of the dynasty, only the ninth brother shared the worries with me in the internal way, if the ninth brother is far away from the imperial court to guard the border, how can I be assured?"

"Brother Emperor..." Li Chang heard that his heart was floating in thousands of ways, and he wanted to stop talking, bowed his head and pondered for a long time, and gave a deep salute to Emperor Wu, saying:

"The imperial brother must not be worried, and now the chancellor Dong Lian, the attendant Xu Liang, and other courtiers are single-mindedly assisting Emperor Wu in governing the imperial government, the empress is in charge of the harem, and the crown prince Wenjing is young and has both virtue and wisdom. The disciples stayed in the palace all day long, and it was better to guard the border to share the worries of the imperial brother. In the future, the external troubles will be calmed down, and the brother will return to the interior. ”

Emperor Wu looked at the Ninth King for a long time and asked in a low voice, "Is the Emperor's brother really willing to go to the land of the border court?" You and I have a deep brotherly affection, and my brother is really reluctant to give up!"

The Ninth King looked at Emperor Wu and nodded deeply, "Brother Chen's intention to go has been decided, and I hope that Brother Emperor will agree!"

Emperor Wu saw that the Nine Kings had already made up their minds, and it was inconvenient to keep them, thinking that Cao Xiyan was pregnant with the blood of the Nine Kings, but he had died in prison, and the Nine Kings could gradually reduce their guilt when they left the imperial defense, so they had to promise the Nine Kings to lead eight thousand troops, and after five days, they set out to guard the border of Jinzhou, and together with the night, let Li Chang carry them with him, and when he was in danger, he could ask the reinforcements from within the court to help. The Ninth King then thanked Emperor Wu and returned to the palace.

The fifth day had arrived, and the Ninth King, Li Chang, with his family and soldiers, set off to Jinzhou to guard the border. Emperor Wu set up a banquet for li chang to go to the Ten Mile Pavilion, and the junchen brothers shed tears and waved goodbye.

Wang Ling's column | Palace Wind and Rain (Palace Novel) --- Love Boundless (XIII)

The Ninth King Lichang guarded the border for five years, sympathized with the people, calmed down foreign troubles, often sent envoys to Qi Liang to make peace and trade, and the people in Jinzhou lived and worked in peace and contentment.

Busy with the affairs of the dynasty day and night, Emperor Wu gradually felt that he was not able to do anything, and he felt that his chest was tight and short of breath, and he was afraid that Empress Mei Yuyan was worried, and he had not walked the palace for many days.

After the early dynasty was completed, the bell of the retreat went, the courtiers retreated, and Emperor Wu left the dynasty and returned to the palace. Chen Peng offered tea, but when he saw that Emperor Wu's face was pale and his look was solemn, he worried and comforted: "Emperor Wu's dynasty is heavy, and he should also put his body first!" You're losing weight, and it's heartbreaking..."

"Chen Peng must not worry too much." Looking at Chen Peng, Emperor Wu raised his hand and gently shook it, sat in front of the case and drank tea, and asked Chen Peng: "Emperor Huan has not walked the palace for many days, how are the prince and empress okay?" ”

Chen Peng hurriedly leaned forward and respectfully said, "Back to Emperor Wu, the harem is taken care of by the empress, the internal affairs are orderly, and the palace is safe and sound." Tomorrow Crown Prince Wenjing will turn two years old, can Emperor Wu go to the Eastern Palace and visit the Crown Prince..."

"Oh?" Emperor Wu raised an eyebrow in delight, then shook his head and sighed, "The crown prince is two years old?" Actually..."

Think about it, since the Ninth King left the dynasty and ran to the border, the harem was guarded by Empress Mei Yuyan, and she had been walking in the harem for several months. Crown Prince Wenjing was one year old, and presumably Yu Yan had already taught him to read and understand etiquette. Emperor Wu thought of Mei Yuyan and Wen Jing in his heart, and feared that she would worry about herself.

Chen Peng saw Emperor Wu's thoughts, and proposed recently: "Since Emperor Wu is thinking of the crown prince and is done with his official duties, he can go to the Eastern Palace to visit, or he can walk to the Zhengyang Palace and visit the empress." ”

Emperor Wu and Chen Peng looked at each other and nodded their heads.

After reading the recital, Emperor Wu took a short rest, and Chen Peng led the way straight to the Zhengyang Harem.

The maid Yan Zhen was quoting Wen Jing to the Royal Garden to see the flowers, and when she saw Emperor Wu coming, she was busy kneeling with Wen Jing to pick up the car.

Emperor Wu did not see Wenjing for many days, and when he saw it today, Emperor Wu's hundred senses rose again, he picked up Wenjing, looked at it from side to side, and saw that Wenjing was pale and pure, his eyes were divine, his body was as strong as a tiger, he seemed to have the courage of his own year, and his heart was overjoyed, so he ordered Chen Peng to send the jade Ruyi he brought to Wenjing and asked:

"Wen Jing likes Yu Ruyi?"

Wen Jing held Yu Ruyi in his hand, and his love could not be concealed, he raised Yu Ruyi above his head and nodded his head continuously: "Erchen likes this jade ruyi, and will regard ruyi as a treasure!"

Yan Zhen knew that Yu Ruyi was a valuable thing, and fearing that Wen Jing would not be able to break it, she took Yu Ruyi from Wen Jing's hand, carefully held it in her arms, and taught Wen Jing to kneel down to thank Emperor Wu: "Prince, thank You Emperor Wu quickly!"

Although Wen Jing was young, he knew the etiquette, and he was busy kneeling on the ground with Yan Zhen on both knees, and he buckled his head to thank him: "Sons and daughters thank the father and emperor for their gifts!" ”

Emperor Wu became more and more fond of Wenjing, took Wenjing in his arms, refused to let go, and asked:

"Is Wen Jing willing to visit your mother with his father's emperor Zhengyang Palace?"

Wen Jing understood Emperor Wu's intentions and nodded continuously: "Wen Jing has missed his father and emperor for many days, and his mother and queen also want to see his father." ”

A sentence touched Emperor Wu's heart, and Emperor Wu embraced Wenjing and ordered Chen Peng to lead the way, wanting to go to the inner courtyard of Zhengyang.

Yan Zhen hurriedly knelt down and prayed, "Emperor Yuwu, the empress dowager is not in the Zhengyang Palace!"

"Oh?" Emperor Wu suddenly wondered, "The empress is not in Zhengyang Palace?" She..."

Yan Zhen said, "Emperor Yuwu, Ziyiyuan Chengui was suffering from wind and cold the day before, and Empress Dowager Ziyiyuan visited Chengui. ”

"Concubine Tatsumi?" Emperor Wu bowed his head and pondered slightly, this Concubine Chen was the daughter of Shangshu Qiu Beiling, who had entered the palace the year before, was not in good health, and had become weaker since giving birth to a princess, so he asked Yan Zhen: "Can you pass on the Tai Doctor?" ”

Yan Zhen said, "Emperor Yuwu, Empress Dowager Niangniang has already passed on the Tai Doctor to diagnose Chen Gui's illness, and Chen Gui's body is weak and sick for more than a day..."

Emperor Wu nodded, and without giving it much thought, he summoned Yan Zhen and said, "Go with you to Ziyi Garden!"

Inside the Ziyi Garden, Concubine Chen had already eaten lunch, accompanied by a maid, and sat in the inner room with Empress Mei Yuyan to talk. Seeing Emperor Wu come in with Wen Jing in his arms, he hurriedly knelt down to take over the driver: "I didn't know that Emperor Wu and the crown prince were coming, and the concubines hesitated to take over..."

Emperor Wu put Wen Jing down and lifted up Concubine Chen and Concubine Mei. Seeing that Mei Yuyan's face was rosy, but slightly thin, and a little tiredness was revealed between her eyebrows, she couldn't help but feel pity in her heart and look deeply at Mei Yuyan. Whispered:

"The empress has been busy with the affairs of the palace for many days, and she should take care of her body!"

"Emperor Wu," Mei Yuyan saw that Emperor Wu was pale and thin. Think of Emperor Wu experiencing the early death of Crown Prince Xuanren at an early age, angrily beheading Cao Xiyan of the Western Palace, Empress Qin Ziyun leaving the Palace Jing'an Monastery and falling, and the Nine Kings leaving the dynasty to guard the border land... Piles and pieces were sad and sad, how could Emperor Wu not be worried and emaciated? Feeling pain suddenly arose, Mei Yuyan bowed her head and whispered: "Emperor Wu is worried about the government, don't take care of your body, don't worry about the affairs of the harem!"

Concubine Chen hurried forward and bowed slightly to give a salute: "Because the concubines are weak, the empress is worried, please Emperor Wu mo blame the empress!" ”

Emperor Wu turned his head, and Concubine Fuchen sat down, turned to Mei Yuyan and asked, "Have you ever passed on the Tai Doctor?" ”

Mei Yuyan said, "The Tai Doctor has already consulted the Imperial Sister and has also prescribed medication for conditioning." ”

Emperor Wu nodded reassuringly, and ordered the maid to take good care of Concubine Chen, and returned to the Zhengyang Palace with Mei Yuyan and everyone else.

Everyone retreated, and Emperor Wu and Mei Yuyan held hands and talked about the pain of lovesickness in their hearts.

"Emperor Wu did not arrive at the harem of Zhengyang for many days, and the concubines knew that Emperor Wu was busy with the government, but Wen Jing was young and ignorant, and he wanted to see his father every day, and the harem met concubine Chen again, and the concubines..."

Seeing Mei Yuyan's face was shy, like a peach blossom, Emperor Wu's eyebrows were happily displayed, and he whispered, "The empress has worked hard!" Wen Jing wanted to see her father, so why didn't the empress let Chen Peng pass it on to me? ”

Mei Yuyan said, "Emperor Wu governs the government day and night, and the official affairs are heavy, how dare Youyan disturb him?" ”

Emperor Wu was emotional, reached out and took Mei Yuyan into his arms, and smiled: "Only Qing Qing understands my heart!" Today, Qing Te came to disturb me, I don't know if Qing Qing is willing to accompany Him? ”

Mei Yuyan was moved, her face was slightly red, and she bowed her head and whispered: "The size of the harem is all the palace of Emperor Wu, do the concubines have any reason to be unwilling?" ”

Emperor Wu was overjoyed, hugged Mei Yuyan, and for a long time did not want to let go, and said sincerely: "Qing is in charge of the harem in an orderly manner, and may there be no rain and clouds in the harem again!"

Mei Yuyan's eyes were full of affection, and she looked at Emperor Wu for a long time, and a thousand words were all in silence.

It was nearly dusk, and the setting sun was blowing on the palace. Emperor Wu ordered Chen Peng: "Sleep in the Zhengyang Palace tonight, and order the envoys to guard outside the door." ”

Mei Yuyan heard the words, looked up and stared deeply, and remained silent for a long time.

Wang Ling's column | Palace Wind and Rain (Palace Novel) --- Love Boundless (XIII)

In the winter of the seventeenth year of Great Wei, Emperor Wu became ill after a long period of illness, so he proposed a will to appoint Crown Prince Wenjing as the Crown Prince of Great Wei, and the emperor could ascend the throne after his death.

Mei Yuyan and Crown Prince Wenjing guarded Emperor Wu's bedchamber day and night, and saw that Emperor Wu was becoming increasingly weak and seriously ill, and his heart was burning. Think of Emperor Wu's long-term battlefield but never discouraged, Lin Zhou's first encounter although he was cold but extraordinary, the loss of his son at an unisex year was painful and sad, and he became depressed for a long time, Mei Yuyan's heart was like a knife, and she couldn't help but cry with grief:

"Emperor Wu, concubines can't share the pain with Jun, I really feel guilty, the time is still long, please Jun as a concubine, cheer up for the young son Wenjing!"

Emperor Wu stared at Mei Yuyan with a weak smile and held hands to caress each other:

"When Lin zhou met today, I have been with Qing Qing for thirteen years, and I have been under the care of Heaven; Qing Qing's birth in Qu Leng Palace has been a gift from Heaven. The foreign parties in the DPRK have been eliminated, so please ask Qing to ascend the throne as the Great Emperor Xieyou and protect the Great Wei Jiangshan, which comforts my heart!"

"Emperor Wu," Mei Yuyan and Emperor Wu interlocked with ten fingers, tears fell like rain, and the voice wept, "Jun should do his best to protect his young son as an adult, how can he rest assured that he will give up his concubine and go alone?" Concubines can bear the turmoil in the harem, but they can't single-handedly undertake the great cause of helping the young emperor ascend to the throne! You are not around, but the concubine inherits the wind and rain of the world..."

Emperor Wu smiled and asked Mei Yuyan, "Emperor Wu... Can it be called Mingjun or not? ”

Mei Yuyan clasped her hands around Emperor Wu's ten fingers and nodded tearfully:

"Junping foreign enemies, soothing the people's hearts, An Chaogang, except for treachery and rebellion, stabilizing the society, and the country and mountains are like embroidery, how can you not be called a Ming Jun?"

Emperor Wu gently caressed Mei Yuyan's tearful eyes and said with relief:

"Don't be overly sad. Now there is no difference between the same heart and the government, Qing Ke regent, single-mindedly assisting Wen Jing to inherit the inheritance, and ensuring that the Great Wei Mountains and Rivers are unharmed..."

"Emperor Wu is the king, inheriting the heavy responsibility of Great Wei; for the father, for the young reserve to clear the future; for the husband, but not with the concubine wind and rain, you are willing to endure the concubine alone to support the child!" Emperor Wu..."

Mei Yuyan burst into tears, she couldn't tell her heart to pour out her heart, Emperor Wu was in a trance, and the gods scattered in the underworld...

Outside the Zhengyang Bedchamber, the sky was cloudy, and layers of ash rolled down the palace room. The sky is blurred, the earth whimpers and the long river mourns, as if whispering to the human world. The cold wind rolled up the fine snow, as if it did not want to give up the world's love!

In October of that year, Emperor Wu died at the age of forty-two.

The messenger held Emperor Wu's will in his hand and stood in the Zhengyang Grand Hall to announce to the world——

"Pass on Emperor Wu's will: Emperor Wu died, and Crown Prince Wenjing succeeded to the throne, with the title of Emperor Wen of Great Wei. When Emperor Wen was young, Empress Dowager Mei Yuyan assisted Emperor Wen in ruling the Great Wei Dynasty, and the military generals such as the Ministry of Rites, punishment, and officials should sincerely assist Emperor Wen and the Empress Dowager to stabilize the Great Wei Sheji! Admire this!"

In October, the wind was cold and the snow was dancing. The young emperor ascended the throne, the wind and snow were unimpeded, the ten miles long street was silver and white, and the courtiers followed and protected the wind and snow, and the empress dowager Mei Yuyan took the nine-year-old young emperor Wenjing step by step to the Zhengyang Grand Hall.

Looking at the mighty Hall, Mei Yuyan thought about the past, and her heart fluctuated like a long river:

"Emperor Wu, you are fighting horses on the battlefield, conquering the northern war in the south, conquering the Great Wei Mountains, suppressing foreign enemies, internal troubles, removing traitors and rebellions, eradicating different parties, and raising good generals, all for Emperor Wen and Yu Yan to open up a peaceful and peaceful government and opposition, such a great love, how can Yu Yan not know?" Emperor Wu, please rest assured under the Nine Springs, Yu Yanding will do your best to assist the young lord Emperor Wen and protect the splendid rivers and mountains of Great Wei for the King!"


The borders of the Great Dynasty are wide, and the harem is fighting for no reason.

Loyal subjects clearly distinguish between right and wrong, and treachery and darkness pick and choose between separation and union.

The palace is full of wind and rain, and the Ming Emperor loves to peel deeply.

The young emperor inherited the great cause of his reign, and the empress dowager devoted himself to embroidering mountains and rivers.

Wang Ling's column | Palace Wind and Rain (Palace Novel) --- Love Boundless (XIII)
Wang Ling's column | Palace Wind and Rain (Palace Novel) --- Love Boundless (XIII)

About the author: Happiness Station, formerly known as Wang Ling, female, a post-70s generation who loves words and loves to write poetry, now lives in Hanzhong, Shaanxi. Poetry: Embracing poetry and walking, every soul will shine with a noble light

One Point Heart Dream Literature

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Wang Ling's column | Palace Wind and Rain (Palace Novel) --- Love Boundless (XIII)

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