
Is cancer screening a CT or MRI good? Doctor: First understand the difference between the two, and then choose!

With the high incidence of cancer and the increasing mortality rate in recent years, more and more people have begun to pay attention to cancer prevention screening!

So far, the mainland clinical screening for cancer can be divided into two parts, the first is tumor marker screening, and the second is various imaging tests.

Is cancer screening a CT or MRI good? Doctor: First understand the difference between the two, and then choose!

For malignant tumors in different parts, the appropriate imaging test items are also different. For example, the imaging tests used in the anti-cancer screening of hollow organs are mainly various endoscopes (colonoscopes, gastroscopes, etc.).

If it is a solid organ tumor screening, such as lungs, ovaries, liver, etc., other tests are required. At present, there are two main categories commonly used in clinical practice, namely the well-known CT and RMI (magnetic resonance) examination.

So the question is, is the cancer examination good for CT or is IT good?

Is cancer screening a CT or MRI good? Doctor: First understand the difference between the two, and then choose!

First of all, we must understand what EXACT ITEMS MRI and CT are:

1. Nuclear magnetic

MRI is actually the use of the principle of MRI, the biggest advantage of this kind of examination project, that is, in the process of image reconstruction, it will not be affected by bone quality, while the way of imaging sequences is diversified, and COMPARED with CT examination technology, MRI can obtain a more targeted and accurate examination effect. Moreover, MRI does not produce radiation;

Is cancer screening a CT or MRI good? Doctor: First understand the difference between the two, and then choose!

2. CT examination

CT is actually a way of using X-ray imaging, which is one of the x-ray examinations. CT has good picture quality, high diagnostic value, and no trauma in the process, and the patient does not have any pain. Moreover, the speed of CT examination is very fast, especially suitable for trauma patients and patients in critical condition, and the test results can be obtained in a short period of time.

However, there is a certain difference from MRI that CT will produce trace amounts of radiation during the examination, which is the main reason why pregnant women cannot do CT.

Is cancer screening a CT or MRI good? Doctor: First understand the difference between the two, and then choose!

According to the current clinical data, the specific parts of the patient's examination are different, and the suitable examination items are different.

If the patient is to screen the central nervous system, facial features, head and neck, limb joint muscles and other areas, especially to screen for lesions in soft tissues, then MRI is the best choice, because it has higher tissue resolution than CT;

If you want to diagnose stroke, brain tumor, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, cervical spine lesions, pelvic disease or osteosarcoma, bone metastasis, etc., it is also more suitable for MRI.

Is cancer screening a CT or MRI good? Doctor: First understand the difference between the two, and then choose!

However, the point to be emphasized here is that CT has certain advantages, because its imaging speed is relatively fast and can be presented in a wide range in a short period of time.

Therefore, if the patient needs to diagnose organs with physiological motor functions, such as the heart and lungs, hepatobiliary pancreas and spleen, or diagnose a longer range of organ tissues, such as thoracic and abdominal aorta, upper and lower limb carotid artery lesions, including myocardial infarction, COPD, pulmonary embolism, lung cancer or liver cancer and other diseases, doctors will be more inclined to let patients perform CT examination.

Is cancer screening a CT or MRI good? Doctor: First understand the difference between the two, and then choose!

Of course, the point that needs to be emphasized here is that the test items chosen by different groups of people are also different, because MRI is not suitable for everyone, such as the body is equipped with metal brackets or devices, which may cause harm to the body due to the magnetic field.

In addition, people with claustrophobia, restlessness that cannot cooperate with doctors' examinations, pregnant women and other people also need to choose MRI carefully.

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