
74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

author:Sister Shangjin talks about the world
74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China
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74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

In the early summer of 2023, a video quietly circulated on the Internet. In the picture, a silver-haired old man is sitting intently on the set, her eyes still shining with wisdom, and her gestures are full of elegance and calmness.

This old man is the 74-year-old Siqin Gaowa, the former queen of the screen. The years have left marks on her face, but they have not been able to erase her love for acting.

On July 16 of the same year, the movie "Father's Prairie and Mother's River" starring Siqin Gaowa was officially released, which once again ignited the enthusiasm of the audience. Many people can't help but wonder, what is the force that drives this elderly actor to choose to return to the domestic film industry after losing her beloved Swiss husband? With this question, let's trace Siqin Gaowa's life trajectory and explore her deep dedication to performance.

Siqin Gaowa's life journey has not been smooth sailing, especially in terms of relationships, she has experienced two heartbreaking marriages.

74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

In 1968, Siqin Gaowa, who was only 18 years old, married her first love Sun Tianxiang with a longing for love. However, life after marriage is like a nightmare.

Sun Tianxiang has a short temperament and often punches and kicks Siqin Gaowa. Every time she was subjected to violence, Siqin Gaowa felt like a knife in her heart, but out of her dedication to marriage, she chose to endure.

However, 8 years of suffering eventually exhausted her patience and hope. In 1976, 26-year-old Siqin Gaowa plucked up the courage to end this painful marriage.

Soon after the divorce, Siqin Gaowa met Ao Xingchen, who was also an actor. Maybe it was to fill the emptiness in her heart, or maybe she still had hope for love, she and Ao Xingchen soon entered the palace of marriage.

74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

However, this flash marriage seems to lack a solid emotional foundation. As Siqin Gaowa gradually emerged in the entertainment industry, but Ao Xingchen's career development was not satisfactory, the rift between the two deepened day by day.

In 1982, Siqin Gaowa won the "Best Actress" award for the role of the tiger girl in the movie "Camel Xiangzi", and her career reached a new peak. However, what followed was the distance between her and Ao Xingchen.

The attention of the media and the public is focused on Siqin Gaowa, but Ao Xingchen's sense of existence is getting lower and lower, and he is often called "Siqin Gaowa's husband".

This imbalance eventually led to the breakdown of their marriage. In 1983, 33-year-old Siqin Gaowa experienced the failure of her marriage again.

74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

These two failed marriages left a deep scar on Siqin Gaowa. She began to question herself, wondering if she could still find true happiness. However, it was these painful experiences that made her stronger, and also allowed her to understand and interpret the inner world of the character more deeply in her later acting career.

Despite the failure of her marriage, Siqin Gaowa did not give up her pursuit of love. These experiences became a part of her life, shaped her unique character and temperament, and laid the foundation for her future acting career and love life.

Despite the ups and downs in her married life, Siqin Gaowa has ushered in a turning point in her acting career. In 1979, at the age of 29, she made her debut on the big screen and participated in the movie "Return to the Heart Like an Arrow".

Although it was only a small role, this experience ignited her inner passion for acting and strengthened her determination to follow her acting career.

74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

With her own hard work and talent, Siqin Gaowa soon made a name for herself in the film and television industry. She diligently honed her acting skills and challenged herself to inject her own understanding and emotion into each role.

This dedication and dedication was quickly recognized by the director and the audience.

In 1982, Siqin Gaowa ushered in a major breakthrough in her career. She played the role of a tiger girl in the movie "Camel Xiangzi" and showed amazing acting talent.

The character of Tiger Niu is domineering, stubborn and brave, in stark contrast to Siqin Gaowa's gentle personality. However, it is this contrast that makes her performance even more brilliant.

74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

She vividly interpreted the inner world of the tiger girl, allowing the audience to see a three-dimensional, flesh-and-blood character.

This outstanding performance won Siqin Gaowa the honor of "Best Actress", and also marked the official take-off of her acting career. Since then, she has begun to receive more and more job invitations, and has gradually become the object of invitations from directors.

In the following years, Siqin Gaowa created a series of impressive roles with her changeable acting skills and unique temperament. In "The Year of Flowing Water", she played the beautiful and stoic Ah Zhen, showing the soft and strong side of women.

In "Kangxi Dynasty", she perfectly interprets the far-sighted Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, showing the wisdom and decisiveness of a woman in the power field.

74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

Each role allows the audience to see the different faces of Siqin Gaowa, and also makes her position in the entertainment industry more and more stable. Her performance has not only won the love of the audience, but also been highly recognized by industry insiders.

Siqingova's success is not accidental. She integrates the ups and downs of life into her performance, and enriches the connotation of each role with her own life experience.

Her success proves that as long as you have enough love and persistence, you can create your own brilliance in your acting career.

Just when Siqin Gaowa's career was thriving, fate brought her an unexpected gift. In 1986, 36-year-old Siqin Gaowa met 53-year-old Chen Liangsheng, a well-known Chinese musician in Switzerland, through the recommendation of a director friend.

74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

When they first met, Chen Liangsheng was attracted by Siqin Gaowa's unique temperament. Her combination of strength and softness was different from the women he had met before. Siqin Gaowa's slightly impatient personality has become a unique charm in Chen Liangsheng's eyes.

And Siqin Gaowa was also impressed by Chen Liangsheng's talent and gentlemanly demeanor. More importantly, Chen Liangsheng showed great understanding and tolerance for her past experiences, which made Siqin Gaowa feel an unprecedented sense of security.

However, the 17-year-old age gap has become a barrier between them. In the social environment at that time, such an age gap would inevitably cause criticism.

Siqin Gaowa hesitated, fearing that the relationship would repeat the mistakes of the past. But Chen Liangsheng dispelled her concerns with actions. He often visits with flowers and uses music to soothe Siqin Gaowa's wounded heart.

74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

Chen Liangsheng's outstanding achievements in music also made Siqin Gaowa begin to rethink the true meaning of love.

In the end, love prevails over all. In 1986, Siqin Gaowa and Chen Liangsheng held their wedding in a small church in Switzerland. This transnational marriage brought Siqin Gaowa unprecedented happiness.

Despite coming from different countries and having very different cultural backgrounds, they are able to understand and respect each other.

Chen Liangsheng not only fully supports Siqin Gaowa's career, but also often accompanies her to return to China for filming. Even when she is overseas, Siqin Gaowa still finds time to return to her home country every year to shoot films.

74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

And on days when there is no work, Siqin Gaowa will not hesitate to fly back to Switzerland to accompany her husband.

This kind of happy and contented life is the envy of many peers. They were amazed at how Siqingova was able to handle work and family relationships with such ease.

However, they didn't know that behind this was the result of Siqin Gaowa and Chen Liangsheng's mutual understanding and support.

This marriage allowed Siqin Gaowa to regain her confidence in love, and also allowed her to find a balance between career and family. Her happiness infected the people around her and injected new vitality into her acting career.

74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

With the support of Chen Liangsheng, Siqin Gaowa not only continued her acting career in China, but also had the opportunity to show her talent on the international stage.

The love story of Siqin Gaowa and Chen Liangsheng proves that sincere feelings can transcend the barriers of age, nationality and culture. Their marriage is not only the union of two people, but also the blending of two cultures, adding more color and depth to Siqin Gaowa's life.

In 2022, a blow that Siqin Gaowa did not expect came. The death of her beloved husband Chen Liangsheng was like a thunderbolt from the blue, instantly enveloping her world in a haze.

The pain of losing her loved one made her fall into a trough for a while, and life seemed to lose its direction and meaning.

74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

Siqin Gaowa went through a period of indescribable sadness. She felt lonely, lost, and even lost hope in life. However, it was in such dark moments that she remembered her love for acting, the stage that had allowed her to rediscover her direction in the trough of her life.

After some deliberation, Siqin Gaowa made a surprising decision: to rededicate herself to acting. This decision stems not only from her love for acting, but also from the sadness of losing her lover and rediscovering the meaning of life.

Despite being 74 years old, Siqin Gaowa still maintains her passion and professionalism for acting. On set, she is often the first actor to arrive, carefully studying the script and figuring out the role.

Even when she sometimes needs to be in a wheelchair for physical reasons, she never complains and always maintains a positive attitude.

74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

In May 2023, the video on the set circulated on the Internet showed Siqin Gaowa's still strong mental state. Her eyes are still bright, and her gestures still reveal an elegant temperament.

This video allows people to see that even after the ups and downs of life, Siqin Gaowa still maintains her love and dedication to her acting career.

Siqin Gaowa's return to the film industry is not only a cure for herself, but also a gift to the audience. She proved with her actions that even in the most difficult moments of her life, as long as there is love in her heart, she will never be defeated by fate.

Siqin Gaowa's life story is like a movie with ups and downs, full of ups and downs and brilliance. From tasting the bitter fruits of marriage for the first time at the age of 18, to experiencing emotional setbacks again at the age of 33, to meeting true love at the age of 36, and finally returning to the film industry at the age of 74, her experience has brought us a profound enlightenment: age is never an obstacle to pursuing dreams.

74-year-old Siqin Gaowa's situation: Her Swiss husband has died, she is dying, and she is still filming in China

Her life trajectory tells us that no matter what kind of difficulties we encounter, as long as we still have love in our hearts, it will never be too late. Siqin Gaowa has experienced too many ups and downs, but it is these experiences that have shaped her tenacious character and allowed her to interpret the inner world of different characters more deeply in her performances.

Siqin Gaowa's story has inspired countless people. She proved with her actions that as long as there is love and pursuit in her heart, she will never be defeated by the years. Her experience teaches us that the meaning of life is not about age, but about how we spend each day and how we treat what we love.

At every stage of her life, Siqin Gaowa has shown a passion for life and dedication to her career. Her story reminds us not to be limited by the numbers of our age, but to be brave enough to follow our inner voice and pursue our dreams.

Because only in this way can we live a wonderful life that truly belongs to us.

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