
A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

author:Zhuxiao Institute
A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

In 2017, there have been some big changes in the entertainment industry, and many former teenage idols have begun to look for new directions. At this turning point of fate, the three members of TFBOYS - Wang Yuan, Wang Junkai and Yi Yang Qianxi also coincidentally embarked on their own star journeys.

Wang Yuan attended the recording of the "Ace vs. Ace" program. This popular variety show gave him the opportunity to gather with a group of veteran artists to showcase their talents and skills.

In front of the camera, he had a smile on his face, but there was a trace of confusion about the unknown in his eyes. He clearly knows that on this new stage, without the company of his teammates, everything has to be explored on his own.

In the two programs "High Energy Youth League" and "Chinese Restaurant", Wang Junkai frequently travels back and forth between the two places, whether the challenge is physical training or overseas restaurant management, he wants to try and prove that he is not only an idol singer, but also has multi-faceted talent and potential.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

In the midst of his busy schedule, his eyes were determined, as if to announce to the world: I can do better.

And in this year, Yi Yang Qianxi made a choice that many people didn't expect, and he quietly participated in "This! It's the recording of "Street Dance". On this stage full of young people's enthusiasm and dreams, we no longer see the slightly young man, but a dancer with bright eyes.

His focus on finding a new purpose is etched in people's minds.

Once, the three of them were good friends with a common soul and tacit understanding, and the closed screen was also full of warm friendship, which made many viewers feel envious. Now, when the spotlight is on the three of them, they can only be seen standing on three different stages.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

They didn't hold a grand farewell event, nor did they make a special choice, but just went in different directions according to their own interests and opportunities. On this year's program list, the three of them can no longer be found in the same frame, and the tacit cooperation has been left in the past.

TFBOYS's journey in 2017 is undoubtedly a colorful stroke, so the question is, is it time is ruthless, or fate makes people, or is it the pain of youth that we must experience? No one can give a definite answer, but there is no doubt that this year will surely leave a deep mark on the course of TFBOYS' life.

It's not the end, it's a new beginning, but for three teenagers with dreams, no one knows where this beginning will take them.

Now, all we can do is quietly wait for the arrival of this youthful transformation and watch silently.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

To understand the saga of TFBOYS, we need to rewind the clock to 2009. That year, after graduating from the Central University of Finance and Economics, Huang Rui resolutely founded Times Fengjun Company with the dream of building China's top idol group.

At that time, he may not have foreseen that he was about to embark on a talent scouting journey that would change the Chinese entertainment industry.

Fate always favors those who are prepared. Wang Junkai's star journey is legendary, and a random opportunity allowed this young and ignorant teenager to meet a talent scout by chance.

It was an ordinary outdoor activity, and the young Wang Junkai may have just been standing in the right place.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

By such a coincidence, the scout's eyes fell on him. Since then, he has left ordinary campus life and embarked on a long and arduous path as a trainee.

However, Wang Yuan's addition is more formal. In the second interview, he showed talent and affability to impress the company's top management. Recalling the days when he first arrived at the company, Wang Yuan once revealed in an interview that although he had the opportunity to sing on stage every week, most of the time was still occupied by boring training.

However, it is these seemingly mundane daily routines that lay a solid foundation for their future success.

The two groups of trainees of "Times Fengjun" made their debut as a group, but in the end they stood out from the "TFBOYS" composed of Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan and Yi Yang Qianxi, who joined later.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

Their youthful name is "The Fighting Boys", which represents their indomitable and unremitting spirit.

However, at that time, Yi Yang Qianxi did not get people's attention and favor because of his green and dark skin color and appearance, and was even often ignored.

In 2013, this boy group with dreams ushered in an opportunity. They were invited to participate in the recording of "Happy Camp", and this ace variety show became an important turning point in their skyrocketing popularity.

After the show was broadcast, the word "TFBOYS" quickly became a hot search topic on major social platforms. A large number of female fans are attracted by their sunny and innocent image, affectionately calling themselves "mother fans", pouring their love into these three immature teenagers.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

With the rise in popularity, they were invited to appear on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala, which is a dream place for many artists. In addition, they have participated in programs of great social significance, such as "The First Lesson of School".

Since then, they have become role models for a new generation of teenagers, not just idols in the hearts of star-chasing girls.

During this time, they did not yet have the ability to compose their own musical compositions, so they chose to cover classic songs. Despite this, their unique voices, tacit cooperation and youthful interpretation still won the love of many music fans.

Fans affectionately refer to themselves as "Four Leaf Clovers" as a symbol of their unfading loyalty and support.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

At the moment of the first appearance of the stars, we see three young and energetic teenagers, who are full of spirit and go hand in hand. Their faces are filled with infinite longing for the future, and their eyes are shining with the pursuit of their dreams.

At that time, they may not have thought about how magnificent their future life journey would be. However, this is only the beginning of their saga.

With the rapid growth of TFBOYS' popularity, each of their appearances will cause a huge stir online. Behind this hilarious scene, however, there are some discordant sounds.

Among the many activities, a common phenomenon can be found: Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan's performance area is always surrounded by fans, and screams come and go, while the area where Yi Yang Qianxi is located rarely responds to the shouts of support, which seems deserted.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

This difference not only exists in the hearts of fans, but also begins to frequently cause heated discussions on the Internet.

Keyboard warriors frequently make sharp remarks on major social platforms. They questioned whether Yi Yang Qianxi's place in the group was based on strength or relationship.

Some have pointed out that his skin color and appearance are significantly different from the other two members, while others have expressed doubts about his acting prowess. Some even said bluntly: "With your current sluggish popularity, why don't you take the initiative to withdraw from the group?" These remarks are undoubtedly stones that pressed on Yi Yang Qianxi's heart.

Although they performed well in film and television works such as "Qingyunzhi" and "Jue Ji", attentive viewers will still perceive the subtle change in atmosphere between them.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

In front of the camera, they maintain a high degree of tacit understanding and complete every shot perfectly; But once they are out of the performance state, they will always unconsciously reveal a little embarrassment and rustiness in the conversation.

This kind of immediacy and separation makes their combination seem a little hazy.

In the face of the media's many guns and short guns, they have to respond carefully to those sensitive issues. Whenever asked about the current situation of the other members, they are always vague and only prevaricate on the grounds that they are busy with work and their own development.

Their deliberate evasive attitude has made the outside world even more convinced that their relationship has become flat.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

Once upon a time, they set up a vow of "debuting together and growing together" with high aspirations. But now, all that remains is the tacit echo of "Come on!" Come on! Come on! "。

In the dazzling spotlight, they are radiant idols; However, in the corner of the lamplight, they are just three ordinary teenagers, and they often face times of confusion, confusion and powerlessness.

They struggle to navigate the pains of growing up and deal with the troubles of fame, after all, in this vanity fair, the price of youth is not always smooth sailing.

In the story of TFBOYS, Yi Yang Qianxi's growth process is like a novel, and he uses practical actions to prove that God rewards hard work. From obscurity to brilliance, his life story is full of inspirational legends.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

If we want to trace Yi Yang Qianxi's childhood, we will find that this once controversial teenager is actually a seedling with extraordinary artistic talent. Before everyone was familiar with him, he was already on the path of artistic enlightenment at the age of two.

Five-year-old Yi Yang Qianxi, relying on his love for art, he began to receive dance training, and his outstanding performance has pushed him to the big stage in this field, such as "Wisdom Tree".

However, due to his mediocre appearance as a child, his talent was not fully appreciated.

Others may mistake the swarthy and honest little boy for a bland supporting character, but his talents are rich and colorful, and he is full of unique skills: face changing, magic, gourd silk, and everything.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

At that time, he had not yet reached the moment when the light bloomed.

In an interview with the media, Yi Yang Qianxi's mother shared many secrets of her growing up with Yi Yang Qianxi, telling about the bitterness and sweat he experienced, as well as his perseverance and tempering every day.

These journeys finally ushered in an important turning point in 2018 - he was admitted to the China Theatre Academy with excellent results.

In the past year, Yi Yang Qianxi has proved with his actions that he is not a simple vase, nor is he a little transparent who relies on relationships to work hard in the entertainment industry. He is a dreamer who dreams and fights bravely.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

The study experience of the School of Drama has equipped him with excellent acting skills, which has also allowed him to perform better in film and television works.

He took a turning point when he was 19 years old. With his delicate and sincere acting skills in the movie "Send You a Little Red Flower", Yi Yang Qianxi won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor, becoming the youngest winner in the history of the award.

This trophy is undoubtedly very heavy, it not only fully affirms Yi Yang Qianxi's acting skills, but also reflects the best return achieved by his tireless efforts.

And that's just the beginning. In the movie "Young You", he portrayed a rebellious and soft Xiaobei; In the movie "Chinese Doctor", he interpreted the glorious image of the benevolence of doctors in the new era.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

Yi Yang Qianxi can let the audience see a new self in every superb performance. He is no longer the controversial member of the boy group, but a powerful actor who is recognized by the industry and loved by the audience.

Through the growth process from an obscure 'ugly duckling' to a radiant 'swan', Yi Yang Qianxi has shown a truth to the world: every hard-working person will not be treated badly by fate.

Only real strength can make doubts and ridicule gradually dissipate in the long river of time.

Today, he has not only won the respect and recognition of others in the professional field, but also showed a high talent for entertainment in variety shows. Once upon a time, he performed alone in a corner of the stage, without any support; Today, his performance area is crowded, thunderous applause, and cheers one after another.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

Standing in the spotlight, Yi Yang Qianxi is so firm and calm, he knows that all the achievements he has made now are not accidental, but more the result of decades of unremitting efforts and dedication.

Along the way, he experienced doubts and setbacks, but he never gave up and persevered

Time flies, and the teenagers of the year now have their own places in the entertainment industry. The names Wang Yuan, Wang Junkai and Yi Yang Qianxi used to appear together, but now they all have shining achievements in different fields and write their own legends.

Wang Yuan's musical path is lackluster, firm and persistent. With a passion for music, he chose to study at Berklee College of Music across the ocean.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

In this world-class music school, he is like a cheetah absorbing water and stimulating his creative ability. He has left the boy group that could only sing other people's songs and returned as a professional musician, and now, he can write his own story.

Every time he stood on the stage, his fingers jumping on the keys, and his deep and magnetic voice came slowly, the fans in the audience were all captivated by him. The songs he composed contain thoughts on life and interpretation of emotions, allowing people to see a more three-dimensional and more connotative Wang Yuan.

His music works have frequently appeared in major charts and received unanimous praise from industry insiders. Today, his stage charm is becoming more and more dazzling, and he has become a rising star in the Chinese music scene.

At the same time, Wang Junkai has made great efforts in his acting career. The transition from idol singer to actor has never been easy, but he proved in his own way that he is more than just a vase.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

This young man, who has been working silently, finally ushered in a good opportunity after experiencing some dull works - he was selected by the famous director Zhang Yimou and became one of the leading actors in his film works.

Although the box office of the film was not satisfactory, Wang Junkai's acting ability was recognized by the director. Under the guidance of Zhang Yimou, his acting skills are also becoming more and more mature.

Today's Wang Junkai has changed from youth to maturity, and the characters he created are deeply loved by the audience. From idol dramas to dramas, from urban emotional dramas to historical biographies, he constantly challenges different roles and carves each character with heart.

In terms of film and television variety shows, Yi Yang Qianxi blossomed at both ends and gained a large number of loyal fans. His fans are all over the world, from controversial group members to today's radiant A-list actors, he has used his strength to make a name for himself.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

The doubts of the past have disappeared without a trace, and only the cheers and applause of the people have come and gone.

Although the trio gradually drifted away, their persistence and persistence in their dreams never changed. They work the Avenue of Stars with hard work and hard work, and interpret the most moving appearance of youth with outstanding talent and full enthusiasm.

In the eyes of outsiders, they may already be glamorous and have a bright future. How much they paid behind it, only they know.

Nowadays, when people mention TFBOYS, they will always praise: Look, how powerful the three of them are, which one is not the best in the entertainment industry? But how many people understand how much unknown bitterness is hidden under their seemingly dazzling aura?

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

After all, in this vanity fair, every achievement has a price, and this price is often spent too many different days in your youth.

In 2021, the release of the movie "Changjin Lake" triggered a warm response from the domestic film market, with a box office of more than 4 billion. In this movie, we once again saw the three familiar faces of Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan, and Yi Yang Qianxi.

The past seven years have passed in a hurry, and the high-spirited teenagers of that year are once again in the same frame on the big screen. Their tacit understanding is still the same, but it is a little more mature and steady.

They played three soldiers with different personalities in the movie, and interpreted the heroism and fearlessness of the volunteer soldiers with delicate and sincere performances. This cooperation has not only won wide acclaim from the audience, but also received unanimous praise from the industry.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

At the moment when they jointly lifted the trophy of the Hundred Flowers Award, the glory of the past seemed to reappear, but the light in everyone's eyes was more profound and meaningful.

The three people standing in the spotlight have now transformed into young people with a mission. They are no longer a men's group that can only hum sweet love songs, but role models who can convey positive energy and carry forward the main theme.

On the road of their lives, they may have experienced confusion and struggle, but in the end, they can still harvest growth and transformation on their own paths.

Fate does not give away for no reason, and every cent of glory it bestows is marked with a price. Today's glory is all what they have exchanged for their youth, sweat and even tears.

A few years later, looking at the "current situation" of the three of them, it turns out that the price of fate has already been given

Those late-night hard training, the hard work on the stage, and the persistence in front of the camera are all repaying the gift of fate.

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