
March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

Qianjiang Evening News Hour news trainee reporter Liu Yuhan

On March 1, Hangzhou officially entered the spring. Spring is a good time, don't stay at home, follow our exhibition news, go out together to visit museums and art galleries.

【New Exhibition】

Pen end creation - Mr. Lu Kunfeng flower and bird album exhibition

Date: 2022.3.1 - 2022.3.10

Venue: Zhejiang Province China Flower and Bird Painters Association Headquarters

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

Wumu Wu Dao - Zheng Songqiang Wood Carving Art Exhibition

Date: 2022.3.4 - 2022.4.10

Venue: Zhejiang Provincial Museum Wulin Hall, 2nd floor

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

Boxwood carving is a small circular carving made of boxwood, which originated from the wood carved small Buddha statue on the popular "Dragon Stall (Bench Dragon)" popular folk Lantern Festival. In 2006, Yueqing boxwood carvings were approved by the State Council and included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.

Zheng Songqiang is a wood carving master with great artistic personality and creativity, born in a family of boxwood carving, four generations of hereditary inheritance, engaged in boxwood carving art creation for 50 years. His works are widely used in a variety of forms, skilled in knife techniques, exquisite in skill, and ingenious in conception.

The exhibition exhibits nearly 40 works by Zheng Songqiang, hoping that the viewer will be able to get a glimpse of the new look of boxwood carving, and at the same time, through the dialogue between inheritance and innovation, it will trigger new thinking.

Sting - Exhibition of Liu Zheng's works

Date: 2022.3.5 - 2022.3.27

Venue: 4/5th Floor, Sai Li Art Museum, Zhejiang

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

Heaven and earth have laws, so they become natural time sequences, and people move according to time. When the time comes, the spring thunder moves, the light rain is new, and everything is full of life.

The exhibition will exhibit more than 50 works by Liu Zheng, including ceramic painting, line drawing, and writing.

"The Green Mountains Are Endless" - The 2nd Tang Poetry Road Art Exhibition

Date: 2022.3.6 - 2022.3.18

Venue: Hall 1-2-3-11, Zhejiang Exhibition Center

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

The Shengshi Cultivation Ceremony - "Chinese Painting Series of Dynasties" Special Exhibition of Pre-Qin, Han, Tang, Song and Yuan Paintings

Date: 2022.3.10

Venue: Zhejiang Art Museum

On March 1, the Zhejiang Art Museum reopened, and some exhibition halls were opened to the public.

The exhibition will officially open on March 10.

China and the United Kingdom on the Maritime Silk Road: From Hangzhou to London

Date: 2022.3.18 - 2022.5.22

Venue: Hangzhou Museum South Hall, 2nd Floor, Adjacent Exhibition Hall

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

"Made in China", which is full of oriental charm and exudes Western atmosphere, crosses the ocean and is sold overseas through the Maritime Silk Road, setting off a strong "Chinese wind" in the West. They are not only the physical witnesses of the grand situation of maritime trade, but also the carrier of the convergence and integration of Eastern and Western cultures.

The exhibition is based on the framework of time, through 162 pieces/groups of exhibits, divided into three units: "Oriental Eden", "Brilliant Made in China" and "Customs of East and West", reproducing the social life of China and Britain in the 18th and 19th centuries, and exploring the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western cultures in this period.

【Closing soon】

Song Yun Liufang - Jin Guorong Southern Song Dynasty Official Kiln Works Exhibition

Date: 2022.1.25 - 2022.3.6

Venue: Zhejiang Provincial Museum Gushan Pavilion District Boutique Museum

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

The Southern Song Dynasty official kiln is one of the five famous kilns in ancient mainland China. The Southern Song Dynasty official kiln represents the highest level of the Song Dynasty porcelain industry, winning with a dignified and regular shape and a symmetrical glaze color. Cheng mud is a model, purple mouth iron foot, thin tire thick glaze, glaze color is lustrous, treasure light connotation, warm as jade, for future generations to cherish.

Jin Guorong, the representative inheritor of the provincial intangible cultural heritage Hangzhou Southern Song Dynasty official kiln porcelain firing technique, the master of arts and crafts in Zhejiang Province, engaged in the research and production of southern Song Dynasty official kiln celadon for nearly 40 years, the teacher is ancient and not muddy, integrated into his own thinking, innovation without losing ancient charm, has gradually formed his own unique style.

The shape of the work is simple and elegant, the color and light are introverted, thick and clear, pure and calm, the opening is natural, and it is full of changes.

The Art of Time: When Embroidery Travels Through Fashion

Date: 2021.12.24 - 2022.3.6

Venue: China Silk Museum Fashion Hall, Yinhan Hall

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

Since the beginning of Yao Shun, Chinese embroidery has been based on the five colors of red, yellow, blue, black and white, which have reconciled with each other, fixed the order and fashion standards of the ancestral world, and the stars have shifted, and the sun, moon, clouds, real grass, flowers, fruits, trees, animals, insects, fish, and landscape figures can be reproduced between the longitude and latitude. After thousands of years of inheritance and development, embroidery art has long been deeply integrated into the aesthetic life of the public, carrying people's state of mind of pursuing virtue, pursuing the road and pursuing beauty.

Chinese embroidery participates in all aspects of artistic life with the oriental beauty of quaintness, prosperity, fashion, brilliance and innovation - from physical space to spiritual space, from creation to aesthetics, from memory to skill... Its super-temporal, cross-media characteristics coincide with the essence of fashion.

Jointly curated by the China Silk Museum and the Oriental Design Research Institute of the China Academy of Art, the exhibition takes "fashion" as the main axis and embroidery works as the carrier, explaining the embroidery way in the current fashion context from five aspects, such as "sexual spirit silkworm realm", "living color and incense", "cool tide", "local color" and "diversified future".

Green code, green horse - cute three-dimensional symbol

Time: 2022.1.17 - 2022.3.7

Venue: Hangzhou Cang Art Museum

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

In this exhibition, the digital art work "Green Horse" will enter the real world for the first time in the form of sculpture, intervene in daily life with public art, and intervene in the moving line of the museum with artistic design, in the exhibition, the audience can get different viewing experiences and conceptual feelings from different perspectives.

Based on the fact that the "green code" carries people's desire for daily ordinary life under the epidemic life in the past two years, Pan Yi Digital Art Studio came up with the creative idea of commemorating this special symbol with an artistic design work, and the work "Green Horse" came into being.

"Tiger Girl's Tango" Sunyard Culture and Art New Year Special Exhibition

Date: 2022.2.15 - 2022.3.10

Location: Sunyard International Building A, 2nd Floor

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

The exhibition is divided into three chapters: "Habanera", "One Step Away", and "Masquerade Ball", which are prefaced by the spirit of Fury, bringing together a variety of innovative artistic languages, integrating rich and extensive oriental aesthetic ideas, and showing the unique image of the tiger in the natural world, history and culture, and folk life, sometimes fierce and fierce, sometimes well-behaved and cute.

More than 20 artists from China's eight major academies of fine arts have looked at the tiger with their hearts and painted tigers with their pens, depicting nearly 100 tigers that are either majestic, or cute, or have both form and god.

Yu see - Hongshan Liangzhu Cultural Exhibition

Date: 2021.12.10 - 2022.3.13

Venue: Temporary exhibition hall on the first basement floor of the Wulin Pavilion Area of Zhejiang Provincial Museum

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

The beginnings of Chinese civilization are both multi-sourced and central. Judging from the current archaeological findings, many cultural zones with their own development sequences and characteristics have been formed in various places, and these cultural zones often have one or more central areas; at the same time, the cultural zones are integrated into a cultural community.

Hongshan culture and Liangzhu culture, with their exquisite jade, clear hierarchy and perfect agricultural handicraft system, show us the height that human culture can reach in that era, and also give us a glimpse of the origin pattern of Chinese civilization's pluralism and integration. As a representative culture of the formation period of Chinese civilization, Hongshan culture and Liangzhu culture provide first-hand materials for us to better study the history of Chinese civilization and shape the historical cognition of the whole nation, which has very important political, cultural, social and historical significance.

This exhibition selects more than 260 cultural relics of Hongshan Culture and Liangzhu Culture, and shows the commonalities and characteristics of two different cultures in the origin stage of civilization in a certain historical period through comparative display. The two cultures, through thousands of years of time and space, finally met here, witnessing the origin pattern of the pluralism and integration of Chinese civilization.

National Higher Art Colleges Affiliated To the Middle School Collection Sketch Touring Exhibition

Date: 2022.2.25 - 2022.3.20

Venue: Jeonsan Stone Art Center Exhibition Hall (New Building)

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

This exhibition is sponsored by the China National Art Fund and the Central Academy of Fine Arts, organized by the Attached Middle School of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Attached Middle School of the China Academy of Art, and the Quanshanshi Art Center, led by the Affiliated Middle School of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and jointly participated in the Attached Middle School of the China Academy of Art, the Attached Middle School of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, the Attached Middle School of the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, the Attached Middle School of the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, and the Attached Middle School of the Xinjiang Academy of Arts, which constitutes a representative exhibition of the education and teaching achievements of the Attached Middle School of higher art colleges, and Hangzhou is the first stop of the touring exhibition.

This exhibition selects the works collected by the six institutions since the establishment (restoration) of the school, including the works of well-known artists when they were studying in those years and the outstanding works of young students today. From the 1950s to today, the time spans more than 60 years; from Guangzhou to Beijing, from Xinjiang to Zhejiang, the space spans the east, west, south and north: visiting the exhibition is also reading the history of China's development in sketch painting.

Top Modern: Western fashion hats from the 19th to the 20th century

Date: 2021.12.15 - 2022.3.24

Venue: Second floor of the Textile Relics Restoration Exhibition Hall of China Silk Museum

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

As an accessory part of the clothing, in addition to the practical functions of cold, shade, rain protection, etc., the role of the decorative language is more important.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the development of Western fashion hats ushered in the heyday of the era, this historical period of fashion hats is more of a fashion trend and status symbol, especially women's hats, whether it is exquisite and dignified style or absurd and exaggerated style are endless. At that time, various artistic genres alternated, neoclassicism, romanticism, arts and crafts movements, etc., which all influenced the aesthetic orientation of fashion hats. At the same time, the continuous penetration of the industrial revolution and the emergence of new materials have given women hat designers more room to play.

This exhibition sorts out the hats in the collection of Western fashion, and recreates the modern style of Western fashion hats from the 19th to the 20th century by excavating the historical background, artistic characteristics, category functions, brand stories, etc. of fashion hats.

Stone Appreciation - Exhibition of Calligraphy and Paintings on the Theme of Stone Appreciation

Date: 2021.9.30 - 2022.3.27

Venue: Calligraphy and Painting Hall on the second floor of the North Hall of Hangzhou Museum

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

Stone appreciation, as the name suggests, is based on natural rocks as aesthetic objects, which is a cultural phenomenon unique to China, and there are many people who hide stones, paint with stones, and sing stones. Literati appreciate stones and play with stones, not only appreciate the strange and beautiful stones, but also collect strange and ugly stones, and in the evaluation, they will also use stones to lyrically and metaphorically with stones.

This exhibition selects 38 pieces of calligraphy and paintings on the theme of stone appreciation by literati from the Ming and Qing dynasties in the Hangzhou Museum, of which 22 are exhibited for the first time, all of which are precious cultural relics, divided into three parts: "Stone of Patching Edges", "Creation based on Stone", "Stacked Mountain Stone and Desk Qing Play", including Chen Hongshou, Gao Yang, Mi Wanzhong of the Ming Dynasty and important painters such as Chen Hongshou, Zhao Zhiqian, Pu Hua and Wu Changshuo in the Qing Dynasty. Among them, Ming mi Wan zhong 'Odd Stone Chart Axis', Qing Li Shan's "Hard Stone Figure Axis" and so on are all debuts.

【Strong Exhibition】

Seeing more mountains by pleasure - Huang Binhongji Landscape Exhibition (Part 1)

Date: 2022.1.1 - 2022.5.29

Location: The second floor of the Huang Binhong Memorial Hall in the Gushan District of Zhejiang Bo

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

Ji You Landscape is one of the important painting themes of Huang Binhong's paintings. Huang Binhong (1865-1955) traveled from north to south throughout his life, admiring the famous Chuan Lingyue, and often composing poems and paintings with the titles of Huangshan, Yandang, Shushan, Jialing and West Lake.

The Lecture Collection records Huang Binhong's lectures at the Institute of Chinese Painting at the Beiping Antiquities Exhibition Institute from 1937 to 1940, in which the "Painting Theory" divides China's natural landscapes into four categories: Zhejiang Eastern Landscape, Shujiang Landscape, Xin'an Landscape, Guilin (Western Guangdong) Landscape, Yan zhejiang east with waterfalls, Guilin with caves, Shujiang with houses and forests, and Xin'an with Huangshan Baiyue.

Thanks to the generous donations of Mr. Huang Binhong and his family, a considerable number of Huang Binhong's works and paintings have been preserved in the Gushan Pavilion area of Zhejiang Bo. The exhibits in this exhibition are selected from these works and paintings. In the first issue of the exhibition, the four types of landscape models of Binlao were taken as clues, starting with Binlao's hometown of Xin'an, following the eyes of the painter, and touring Xin'an, eastern Zhejiang, Shujiang, and western Guangdong.

The Silhouette of Fashion: An Exhibition of Selected Western Collections from the China Silk Museum

Date: 2022.2.26 - 2022.5.22

Location: Hangzhou Tower, New Block B, 5th Floor

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

Clothing is often referred to as the second layer of skin of the human body. The silhouette of the clothing reflects the style of the times, and the profound changes in politics, science and technology, economy and people's thinking in the development of the times are reflected in a tailored garment.

In the 30th anniversary of the China Silk Museum, the museum has selected about 80 pieces/sets of fine works from the collection of nearly 40,000 Pieces of Western fashion and displayed them in the "National Silk Fashion Museum", which is also the museum's first exhibition in Hangzhou Tower.

The interior exhibits are mainly Western clothing from the 18th to the 20th century, such as 18th century corsets and 19th century Romantic style dresses. In the mid-19th century, designers emerged as independent professions, and the exhibition also featured works by famous designers such as Jeanne Lanvin, Pierre Balmain, and Yves Saint Laurent, accompanied by exquisite shoes, hats, handbags, etc., reflecting the development of fashion design in the 20th century.

Re-engineering: The Exhibition of Cultural and Creative Achievements of the 30th Anniversary of the China Silk Museum

Date: 2022.2.25 - 2022.6.10

Venue: International Silk Art Exhibition Hall, B1 floor, Fashion Hall, China Silk Museum

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

In the critical period of transformation from "Made in China" to "Created in China", the importance of cultural creativity has become increasingly prominent, silk is an indispensable part of it, and extracting patterns from silk cultural relics has become an important design resource for silk and other art categories today.

As one of the first batch of pilot units for the development of cultural and creative products in national museums, the China Silk Museum has developed cultural and creative products with complete categories, exquisite design and practical functions on the basis of the results of the National Cultural Science and Technology Innovation Project "Research and Application of Key Technologies for the Analysis and Design Material Reconstruction of Chinese Silk Cultural Relics", through independent development, museum-enterprise cooperation, IP authorization and other means.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the China Silk Museum, the past cultural and creative achievements are sorted out and formed into this exhibition, showing the exploration and practice of the China Silk Museum using silk patterns to carry out innovative transformation and innovative development, which is to "recreate the pattern".

Tiger In the Year of the Tiger - The Year of the Tiger Zodiac Celebration Exhibition

Date: 2022.1.18 - 2022.4.8

Venue: Zhejiang Museum of Natural History Hangzhou Pavilion 1A Temporary Exhibition Hall C

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

This exhibition is one of the series of zodiac exhibitions launched by the Zhejiang Museum of Natural History. The exhibition mainly exhibits 16 specimens of felines such as Siberian tiger, South China tiger, Southeast Asian tiger, clouded leopard, snow leopard, rabbit and so on, as well as 3 fossils of paleontological organisms such as saber-toothed tiger and giant chin tiger, and systematically introduces the feline family.

In the tiger culture section, the exhibition also exhibits a variety of interesting folk daily necessities, such as tiger pillows, tiger hats, tiger head shoes, etc., behind these daily life artifacts, but also contains people's good wishes for tiger happiness and childlike fun.

I come from the Han Dynasty– the Han Dynasty World in the Han Portrait Stone and the Han Dynasty

Time: 2022.1.16 - 2022.4.6

Venue: Liangzhu Museum

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

This is the opening exhibition of Liangzhu Museum in 2022, jointly organized by Liangzhu Museum and Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum, Nanyang Han Painting Museum, Xuzhou Han Portrait Stone Art Museum, selecting nearly 100 cultural relics from Sichuan, Nanyang, Xuzhou and other places with the highest concentration of Han Dynasty portrait bricks and portrait stones, which complement the Han Fu classics and more fully and more vividly show the Chinese story and the spiritual force behind it.

College Sketch - A selection of sketches and sketches from foreign academies of fine arts

Time: 2022.2.25 - 2022.5.20

Venue: Jeonsan Stone Art Center Art Museum (Old Building)

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

The exhibition exhibits the sketches of some foreign academies of fine arts since the 19th century, most of which are classroom works by foreign artists in the teaching of the academy, and there are also assignments completed by Chinese students studying at foreign academies of fine arts for the audience to study and reference.

The purpose of the academy determined the limitations of the reform, so the concept of the academy or school of thought in the West was pejorative. However, the college's art education system has been tested by history and has formed a scientific and mature training tradition. Among them, drawing is one of the most basic teaching courses of the Academy of Fine Arts, and it plays a pivotal role in the art teaching of the whole college.

The last exhibition hall of the exhibition shows quanshanshi's sketching assignments in grades 1-5 when he studied at the Repin Academy of Fine Arts in Russia in the 1950s, including dissection and perspective training in the lower grades, to plaster head and real human head training, to single and double body sketches in the upper grades, as well as some sketches.

Ten Views of the West Lake Oil Painting Exhibition

Date: 2022.2.22 - 2022.4.22

Venue: Guangda Art Museum

March Exhibition News| the Tang Poetry Road Exhibition that amazed us is here again, and these exhibitions are also worth looking forward to

The oil painting "Ten Views of the West Lake" undertakes the traditional meaning of the rhyme, and now opens the perception of the times. The whole series consists of 10 pieces, one scene and one painting, all of which are huge oil paintings of 1.8x4 meters, which were created in 2014 by Mr. Situ Li, a French-Chinese painter.

Historically, "Ten Views of the West Lake" is mostly seen in Chinese painting works, and it is almost fixed. This series takes the oil painting as the body, returns to the real reality scene itself, and intuitively and directly seeks, that is, the eye is the thing. The works not only have the grand subtlety of Western painting, but also embody the realm of traditional Chinese art of "viewing things with objects" and "integrating things with me".

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