
The reason behind the "cruel mother" letting her 6-year-old blind daughter walk alone is warm and sad

There is a kind of love, called letting go; there is a kind of fierceness, called to make you grow; there is a way, calling you to go alone...

For a weak and blind child, every step taken alone is like walking on thin ice; for a young mother, watching her blind daughter struggle from the darkness is even more heartbroken... But she must also be cruel to let her daughter go on her own!

The reason behind the "cruel mother" letting her 6-year-old blind daughter walk alone is warm and sad

On March 3, a video attracted the attention of netizens. On the bustling streets of Chengdu, Sichuan Province, a little girl with a ponytail appeared, holding a blind cane, tapping and tapping all the way to explore the way, slowly following the blind road. There was a woman's voice in the back, reminding her from time to time to pay attention to something on the road.

The reason behind the "cruel mother" letting her 6-year-old blind daughter walk alone is warm and sad

In fact, this daughter is the mother of the little girl, according to this mother, the daughter is 6 years old this year, blind, ready to let her go to primary school, so this time is with the practice of walking, exercise her self-care ability, hope to go to ordinary primary school to study. In addition to practicing walking outside with her, he also taught her Braille and housework at home.

The reason behind the "cruel mother" letting her 6-year-old blind daughter walk alone is warm and sad

After the relevant video was exposed on the Internet, it attracted the attention of netizens, and soon a large number of comments were generated in the comment area. Some people cheered for the brave little girl; some people expressed empathy for the mother's good intentions; and many people focused on the video where the blind lane is occupied by electric vehicles, calling for strengthening the management of the blind lane, please do not occupy the blind lane.

The reason behind the "cruel mother" letting her 6-year-old blind daughter walk alone is warm and sad

For the daughter to accept such a difficult situation early, I believe that her mother and father are extremely reluctant to see, they prefer that their children are like other children, can see this glorious world, can jump happily and happily, but fate is not fair to everyone, since born is an angel with folded wings, then it is necessary to let the daughter forge a pair of wings earlier!

Parents can not accompany their children for a lifetime, children will eventually have to face the world, face the future life, let the daughter practice walking, explore the tricks of how to move forward, not only to open her way to school, but also to lay a solid foundation for her life path. The mother's fierce heart actually contains the mother's deep love for the child. Since you can't accompany you and protect you at all times, under the premise of ensuring safety, push you out to experience the wind and rain, so that you have the courage and ability to survive.

The reason behind the "cruel mother" letting her 6-year-old blind daughter walk alone is warm and sad

Have to admit that on the deaf, mute, blind people above, there are some discordant sounds and phenomena in life, take the video of the 6-year-old blind little girl practicing walking, we can see that there have been many blind alleys occupied by electric vehicles, and there are also people in the comment area who make a harsh sound such as "all defective products are not as good as humane destruction" and "it should be euthanized after discovery", which is really very undesirable.

The author believes that they are only some of the functions of the body that have been lost or inferior to us ordinary people, other aspects may not be inferior to normal people, and even have different strengths and talents from ordinary people, which can also shine and shine, and should not be regarded as a burden on society. Since they have been born in this world, they should enjoy their right to live. Besides, the space for their usual activities is already small, so why should we cruelly deprive and eat away at what little they have left everywhere?

Here, we call on everyone to treat these winged angels equally, and respect their right to live, and not to occupy their space.

The reason behind the "cruel mother" letting her 6-year-old blind daughter walk alone is warm and sad

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